



  • Messier : Charles Messier.Pub 1774-1784. 第一个更可靠,更全面的深空天体目录,对于业余爱好者来说是必看的。
  • NGC : J.L.E. Dreyer.Pub 1888. New General Catalogue of Nebulae and Clusters of Stars. 当时已知的所有深空天体的综合列表,包括赫歇尔和罗塞勋爵的目录
  • IC : J.L.E. Dreyer. Pub 1895 (Index I), 1907 (Index II). 许多摄影对象为摄影发现。
  • Caldwell : 有争议的星表,包含的最大的目视暗星云, 煤袋星云 (C99, Coalsack)未被其他表索引.


  • Bode:
    Johann Elert Bode’s “Complete Catalog of Nebulous Stars and Star Clusters”, Astronomisches Jahrbuch for 1779, Berlin (1977).

  • Dun, Delta: Dunlop
    James Dunlop’s (1795-1848) historic catalog of southern deep sky objects. James Dunlop, 1828. A catalogue of nebulae and clusters of stars in the southern hemisphere, observed at Paramatta in New South Wales, by James Dunlop, Esq. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, Vol. 118, pp. 113-151. Catalog of 629 positions of nebulous objects. Many of them were only badly determined, though.

  • GC: General Catalogue

    John Herschel’s famous General Catalogue of nonstellar objects: Catalogue of Nebulae and Clusters of Stars.

  • H: (William) Herschel

    William Herschel’s catalog of 2500 deep sky objects, published in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society: First catalog of 1,000 nebulous objects (1786), second catalog of a second 1,000 nebulous objects (1789), and third catalog of 500 nebulous objects. Classified in 8 subclasses, and numbered in the order of discovery for each subclass (e.g., H I.215 or H 1.215, H II.909 or H 2.909, H VIII.88 or H 8.88; older notations were like H 215-I or H 215^I or I H 215).

  • h: (John) Herschel
    John Herschel’s catalog, 2 parts 1833 (northern objects) and 1847 (southern): 1. Observations of Nebulae and Clusters of Stars, made at Slough, with a Twenty-feet Reflector, between the years 1825 and 1833. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, Vol. 123, p. 359–505, 1833. 2307 objects. 2. Results of Astronomical Observations made during the years 1834, 5, 6, 7, 8 at the Cape of Good Hope, being a completion of a telescopic survey of the whole surface of the visible heavens commenced in 1825. Smith, Elder & Co., London. The 1713 entries in this catalog were numbered in continuation of John Herschel’s 1833 catalog, and are normally referred as h 2308 – h 4021.

  • Lac: Lacaille
    Nicholas Louis de la Caille (1713-62). Sur les etoiles nebuleuses du ciel Austral (On the Nebulous Stars of the Southern Sky). Memoirs of the Royal Academy of Sciences in Paris, 1755. The reprint version appended to Messier’s catalog is available online.


G: Galactic Supernova Remnants.A Catalogue of Galactic Supernova Remnants (2000 August version). 又名SNR G,数据来源于射电天文台.


  • PK: Perek-KohoutekPerek and Kohoutek. Catalog of Galactic Planetary Nebulae. 汇编了1964年在银河系中已知的所有行星状星云. PK是目录PK 1967的名称,格式为lll+bb.b,其中lll是银经,bb.b是银纬.

  • PN G : the “Strasbourg-ESO Catalog of Galactic Planetary Nebulae”. 比PK更大的行星状星云表,区别在于其行星状星云的名称系统遵循IAU委员会5(天文学命名法)的建议,其结构为:“ PN GlIl.l + bb.b”,其中PN表示“行星状星云”,G表示“星系坐标”,并且lll.l+bb.b分别是银河经度和纬度,被截断到小数点后一位。

  • Abell

    George O. Abell, 1966. Globular Clusters and Planetary Nebulae Discovered on the National Geographic Society-Palomar Observatory Sky Survey. 这个表的编号经常使用A66作为索引.

  • ARO: Algonquin Radio Observatory. L.A. Higgs, 1971.

  • He2:

    Karl G. Henize, 1967. Observations of Southern Planetary Nebulae.

  • A large number of more Planetary Nebulae catalogs is listed in the Appendix A of S.J. Hynes, Planetary Nebulae (1991), page 251-256.


  • Ced: Cederblad

S. Cederblad, 1946. Catalog of Bright Diffuse Galactic Nebulae.

  • DWB:

H.R. Dickel, H.J. Wendker, J.H. Bieritz, 1969. 这个表列出了天鹅座X区域的光学可见电离氢区(HII regions).

  • GN: Galactic Nebula

Anonymous Galactic Nebula from the “Atlas of Galactic Nebulae” by T. Neckel and H. Vehrenberg

  • Gum

C.S. Gum. A Survey of Southern H II Regions.

  • LBN: Lynds, Catalogue of Bright Nebulae

B.T. Lynds, 1965. Catalogue of Bright Nebulae. 包含发射和反射星云。通常仅在缺少Sh2或vdB编号时才引用。

  • Mi, M1: Minkowski

Rudolph Minkowski, 1946. New Emission Nebulae.

  • RCW: Rodgers, Campbell, Whiteoak.

Rodgers, Campbell, Whiteoak, 1960. A Catalogue of H Alpha-Emission Regions in the Southern Milky Way.

  • Sh2: Sharpless

S. Sharpless, 1959. A Catalogue of H II Regions. 银河系发射星云的完整目录。

  • vdB: van den Bergh

S. van den Bergh, 1966. A Study of Reflection Nebulae. 银河系反射星云的完整目录。


  • B: Barnard

E.E. Barnard, 1927. Catalogue of 349 Dark Objects in the Sky.

E.E. Barnard, 1919. On the dark markings of the sky, with a catalogue of 182 such objects.

  • LDN: Lynds, Catalogue of Dark Nebulae

B.T. Lynds. Catalogue of Dark Nebulae. 银河系暗星云的完整目录.


  • A: Antalova

  • Av-Hunter: Aveni-Hunter

  • Aveni-Hunter, one open cluster

  • Bar, Bark: Barkhatova
    Barkhatova, K.A., 1958. Clusters in the region of the North America Nebula.

  • Bas: Basel
    Basel astronomical institute. Basel 1-20. 以三种颜色观察到的银河星团的目录

  • Be: Berkeley
    Lynga 1979, see C, gives 90 clusters numbered between 1 and 104.

  • Bi, Biur: Biurkan

    Biurakan observatory. 13 clusters.

  • Blanco

  • Bo: Bochum

  • Cr: Collinder
    Per Collinder (1890 - Dec 6, 1974), On structured properties of open galactic clusters and their spatial distribution. Catalogue of 471 open clusters, identified on the Franklin-Adams charts, the NGC catalog, and the catalogs of Bailey, Melotte, Raab, Shapley, Trumpler, and others.

  • Cz: Czernik

  • Do: Dolidze

  • DoDz: Dolidze/Dzimselejsvili

  • Fr: Frolov

  • Graff
    Graff 1 = IC 4756 (Graff’s Cluster).

  • Grasdalen

  • Haf: Hafner

  • H: Harvard

  • Iskudarian

  • K: King
    Ivan R. King. 27 open clusters. King 1-27.

  • Latysev
    I.N. Latysev. 2 open clusters.

  • Lund
    G. Lynga, 1987. Catalogue of Open Cluster Data.

  • Lynga
    G. Lynga, 1964.

  • Mrk: Markarian
    B.E. Markarian, 1951.

  • Mayer

  • Mel: Melotte
    Philibert Jacques Melotte (Jan 29, 1880 - Mar 30, 1961), 1915. 在Franklin-Adams图表板上显示的星团目录.

  • Pi: Pismis
    Paris Pismis , Nuevos cumulos estelares en regiones del sur, Bol.

  • Raab
    S. Raab, 1922. A reasearch on open clusters.

  • Ro: Roslund
    Curt Roslund, Remarks on Some New and Some Known Galactic Clusters.

  • Ru: Ruprecht
    J. Ruprecht, 1966. Classification of open star clusters.

  • Ste: Stephenson

  • St: Stock
    Jürgen Stock

  • Tom: Tombaugh
    Clyde Tombaugh’s Small List of Open Clusters.

  • Tr: Trümpler
    R.J. Trumpler, 1930. Preliminary results on the distances, dimensions and space distribution of open star clusters.

  • Up: Upgren

  • vdB: van den Bergh-Waterloo

  • vdB-Ha: van den Bergh-Hagen, sometimes BH
    Van den Bergh, S. and Hagen, G. L., 1975. Uniform survey of clusters in the Southern Milky Way.


  • Arp

Halton A. Arp. Globular Clusters in the Galaxy. In: Galactic Structure, ed.

  • AM: Arp-Madore

Barry F. Madore and Halton C. Arp. 4 faint clusters, 1 open, 2 Milky Way globulars and 1 SMC cluster.

  • BH: van den Bergh-Hagen

See open clusters, vdB-Ha. Two of these clusters actually are globular clusters: BH 176 and BH 229 (= HP 1).

  • Djorg:

S. Djorgovski. Discovery of three obscured globular clusters.

  • E:

A. Lauberts. Three distant stellar clusters found on ESO blue survey plates.

  • ESO:

A. Lauberts. ESO/Uppsala survey of the ESO(B) atlas. Among the more than 18,000 objects are 85 globular clusters.

  • HP: Haute Provence

5 globular clusters found at the Haute Provence Observatory. HP 1 is also BH 229 (vdB-Ha 229), HP 2,3,4,5 are also Terzan 1,2,4,6.

  • Pal: Palomar (from Adventures in Deep Space)

15 very faint globular clusters discovered within the POSS (Palomar Observatory Sky Survey).

  • Ter: Terzan (from Adventures in Deep Space)

11 globulars discovered by Agop Terzan (France) in the infrared; mostly heavily obscured and situated near the Galactic Center.

  • Ton: Tonantzintla

Two globulars found at the Tonantzintla observatory. Ton 1 is NGC 6380, Ton 2 is also Pismis 26.

  • UKS: UK Schmidt

Three globular clusters were cataloged under UKS designations.


  • Arp

    Halton Arp, Atlas of Peculiar Galaxies. 特殊星系目录.

  • AM: Arp-Madore

    Halton C. Arp, Barry F. Madore. A Catalogue of Southern Peculiar Galaxies and Associations: Positions and Descriptions (Vol 1), Selected Photographs (Vol 2).

  • DDO: David Dunlop Observatory

    Sidney van den Bergh. Luminosity Classifications of Dwarf Galaxies.

  • GR: Gibson Reaves

    Gibson Reaves. Dwarf Galaxies in the Virgo Cluster.

  • Holm: Holmberg

    Nine galaxies, Holmberg I-IX. Holmberg I, II, III and IX are in M 81 region. Holmberg IV, V are in M 101 region.

  • Mrk: Markarian

    B.E. Markarian, V.A Lipovetskii, J.A. Stepanian, L.K. Erastova, A.I. Shapovalova, Soobscheniya Spetsialnoi Astrofizicheskoi Observatorii 62, 5 (1989). Catalog of some 1515 Galaxies.

  • MCG: Morphological Catalogue of Galaxies

    Vorontsov-Velyaminov and Arhipova. Contains 29,000 objects. Also referred to as VV.

  • PGC: Principal Galaxies Catalogue

    G. Paturel, P. Fouque, L. Botinelli and L. Gougenheim of the Observatoire de Lyon, France, 1989 and 1995. An extragalactic database. I - The Catalogue of Principal Galaxies. Also: Catalogue of Principal Galaxies (PGC).

  • UGC: Uppsala General Catalogue of Galaxies

    P.N. Nilson, Uppsala, 1973. Contains 12921 objects.

  • UGC-A, UA: Catalogue of Selected Non-UGC Galaxies

    P.N. Nilson, Uppsala, 1974.

  • VV: Vorontsov-Velyaminov

    = MCG

  • 1Z to 7Z: Zwicky

    Fritz Zwicky’s compact systems

Other important catalogs of galaxies, which are however not normally quoted, include

  • RC3: Third Reference Catalogue of Bright Galaxies


  • Abell

G.O. Abell. The Distribution of Rich Clusters of Galaxies. 这个富星系团目录编号经常写作ACO.

  • RCG: Catalogue of Rich Clusters of Galaxies
  • HCG : Hickson’s Compact groups of Galaxies. 致密星系群目录.


  • ADS: Aitken, New General Catalog of Double Stars

    R.G. Aitken. New General Catalogue of Double Stars Within 120 deg of the North Pole. Washington, DC, 1932; Carnegie Inst.

  • Beta, BDS: Burnham

    S.W. Burnham. A General Catalogue of Double Stars Within 121 deg of the North Pole. Washington, DC, 1906; Carnegie Inst.

  • Sigma: F.G.W. Struve

  • O Sigma: Otto Struve

  • Win, WNC, Winnecke.

    The Winnecke Catalog of seven double stars, included in a paper of A. Winnecke (Winnecke 1869). Important only as it contains M40. Available online.


basic: http://www.messier.seds.org/xtra/supp/cats.html


PN G: https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/W3Browse/nebula-catalog/plnebulae.html


Nebulae: <https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/W3Browse/nebula-catalog

Gal: https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/W3Browse/galaxy-catalog









PK : http://www.astrosurf.com/bsalque/NPselect.htm