
List of Astronomical Catalogues - Nomenclature, Acronyms & Abbreviations


Name o number Name catalogue and of the author Type of objects, date, collocations and references
2dFGRS 2dFGRS Team, surveys, 245.591 galaxies - (1998-2003) - VII/250
2MASS Hurt, et al., Two possible Galactic clusters discovered in the Infrared Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS)
2SLAQ 2df - SDSS Luminous Red Galaxies and QSO survey - MNRAS 372, 425 - 2006 -
8ZW Eight Zwicky List Of Compact Galaxies - AJ 80, 545 - 1975 -
A A. Antalovà, - Astronomical Institute, Slovak - Skalnaté Pleso 2 open clusters (1970) - X
AAVSO The International Variable Star Index Search VSX 179.221 Variable Star Index - VSX
Abell or ACO Abell, Geogre O. (1958) - Revised by Abell; Corwin & Olowin rich clusters of Galaxies (Abell+ 1989) - Revised northern & southern “Abell Catalog” - VII/110A
Abell or ACO Abell, Geogre O. and Zwicky Abell and Zwicky Clusters of Galaxies (Abell+ 1974) - VII/4A
Abell Abell, George O. Abell’s planetary nebulae - (1966) - X -
Abt Abt, et al., 1980 A single Galactic open cluster - Numbered 1. Mrk 6 = Abt 1
Downes, Webbink & Shara 2006 The Catalog and Atlas of Cataclysmic Variables Archivial Edition
ACH Aurière, et al., 1992 15 globular clusters in M31 the Great Galaxy in Andromeda
ADS Aitken, Robert Grant - Aitken Double Stars 17.180 double star - (1932) - original Catalogue from University of Michigan
AGB Acronym for “asymptotic giant branch” a feature of globular clusters color-magnitude diagrams
AH03 10 possible clusters or asterisms that were other-wise unnamed before now
Alessi Alessi, Bruno - Brazilian amateur astronomer 41 asterisms or open clusters (Dias,+ 2002)
AM Arp - Madore - Barry F. Madore and Halton C. Arp. 119 globular clusters catalog (Arp 1965) - VII/13
AM Arp-Madore - Halton C. Arp, Barry F. Madore - Cambridge Univ. a catalogue of Southern Peculiar Galaxies and Associations: Positions and Descriptions
Ap Apriamasvili planetary nebulae
ARO Algonquin Radio Observatory planetary nebulae
Arp Halton A. Arp - Univ. of Chicago Press globular clusters in the Galaxy - (1965) -
Arp Halton A. Arp - Arp’s Peculiar Galaxies peculiar Galaxies (Webb 1996) - VII/192
ASK Sanchez Almeida, J.; Aguerri, J. A. L.; Munoz-Tunon, C.; Huertas Automatic Spectroscopic K means based classification in Local Galaxies
Av-Hunter Av-Hunter - Aveni-Hunter one open clusters
B Barnard E. E. 349 dark object in the sky (1927) - VII/220A - Data collected Lamperti
Bar Barkhatova K. E. open clusters in the region of the North America Nebula Sov. Astron., 2, 410.
Bas Basel - Astronomical Institute galactic star clusters observed in three colours - A&A Suppl. 4, 241-252. Originally 12 open clusters.
BD Bonner Durchmusterung stars
Be Bernes, C. bright nebulosities in opaque dust clouds - A&A Supplem. Series, 29 65 1977
Ber Berkeley - Lynga 1979 open clusters gives 90 clusters numbered between 1 and 104
Beta, BDS Burnham, S. W. - Washington, DC, double Stars within 121 deg of the North Pole - (1906) -
Bi Biurakan - Biurakan Observatory 13 open clusters
Blanco Blanco open clusters
Bo Bochum open clusters
Bok Bok, Bart. J., & C. S. Cordwell globule Bok - A Study of Dark Nebulae (1971) - Steward Observatory. University of Arizona
CAIRNS Rines K. , Geller M.J., Kurtz M.J., Diaferio A. the cluster and infall region nearby survey (2003) - J/AJ/126/2152
Cdn Dutra C.M., Bica E. dust clouds in the Galaxy - (2002) - J/A+A/383/631
Ced Cederblad S - Lunds Observatorium bright diffuse galactic nebulae - (1946) - VII/231
CEDAG A., Mathez G., Nottale L. - Observatoire de Strasbourg clusters of Galaxies - (Fernandez+ 1984) - VII/88
CGCG galaxies and clusters of galaxies
CGMW1 & 2 Saito M., Ohtani H., Asonuma A., Kashikawa 7.000 galaxies behind the Milky Way (Saito+ 1990-91; Roman+ 1996-98) - VII/209A
Chandar Chandar R., Bianchi L., Ford H. C. 60 star clusters in M33 - (Chandar+, 1999) J/ApJS/122/431
CPirss IRAS catalogue of Point Sources MSX Infrared Astrometric Catalog (Egan+ 1996)
Cr Collinder, Per 471 open clusters, identified on the Franklin-Adams charts
Chupina Chupina open clusters
Cz Czernik open clusters
Dcld Hartley M., Manchester R.N., Smith R.M., Tritton S.B., Goss W. southern dark clouds (Hartley+ 1986) - 1101 dark clouds
DDO David Dunlap Observatory - Sidney van den Bergh catalogue of low surface brightness galaxies (1966) - Dwarf Galaxies
de Mello (?) de Mello D.F., Infante L., Menanteau F. faint Interacting Galaxies (de Mello+ 1997) - VII/205
Djorg S. Djorgovski discovery of three obscured globular clusters - (1987)
Do Dolidze open clusters
Dobashi Dobashi K., Uehara H., Kandori R., Sakurai T., Kaiden M., atlas and Catalog of 5046 Dark Clouds - (2005) - VII/244A
DoDz Dolidze-Dzimselejsvili open clusters
Dun Dunlop globular clusters
DWB H. R. Dickel, H. Wendker and J. H. Bieritz catalog of optically visible H II regions in the Cygnus X Region - (1969) -
E A. Lauberts three distant stellar clusters found on ESO blue survey plates
ESO European Southern Observatory southern objects
Fein Feinstein open clusters
Feitzinger Feitzinger J.V., Stuewe J.A 489 dark nebulae and globules for l=240-360deg (Feitzinger+ 1984) - VII/68A
Fr Frolov open clusters
G Galactic Supernova Remnant galactic supernova remnant - (2000) -
Gcm31 Galleti S., Federici L., Bellazzini M., Fusi Pecci F., Macrina S. revised Bologna catalog of M31 globular clusters - (Galleti+, 2004)
Glise Glise W., Jahreiss H. preliminary version of the third catalogue of nearby stars - Rechen-Institut, Heidelberg - (1991)
GMP Godwin J.G., Metcalfe N., Peach J.V 6724 galaxies in the Coma cluster (Godwin+ 1983) - VII/42A
GN T. Neckel and H. Vehrenberg galactic Nebula - Anonymous Galactic Nebula from the “Atlas of Galactic Nebulae”
Graff Graff open clusters - Graff 1 = IC 4756 (Graff’s Cluster)
Grasdalen Grasdalen open clusters
Gum Gum, C. S. bright nebulae - A Survey of Southern H II Regions - (1955) -
H William Herschel 2500 deep sky objects collected scientific works of William Herschel (1912)
H Harvard open clusters
Haf Hafner open clusters
Hav-Moffat Havermeyer and Moffat open clusters
Hbc Herbig G.H., Bell K.R. emission-Line Stars of the Orion Population - (Herbig+ 1988) - lists 735 pre-main sequence stars
Hcg Hickson P. Hickson’s compact groups of galaxies (Hickson+ 1982-1994) - Astrophys. J. 380, 30 (1991) - VII/213
He2 Henize, Karl G observations of Southern Planetary Nebulae - (1967) -
HH Reipurth, B. general Catalogue of Herbig-Haro Objects (Reipurth+, 1999) - V/104
Hk83 Hodge P.W., Kennicutt R.C. atlas of H II Regions in 125 galaxies - A. J.1983 vol. 88 p. 296-328 1983A.J
Hogg Hogg open clusters
Holm Holmberg 9 galaxies
HP Haute Provence Observatory 5 globular clusters found at the Haute Provence Observatory
Hu Humason planetary nebulae
HyperLeda I Paturel, G., Petit, C., Prugniel, Ph., Theureau, G., Rousseau, Identification and designation of galaxies - VII/237
HyperLeda II Paturel, G., Theureau, G., Bottinelli, L., Gouguenheim the homogenized HI data - VII/238
IC 1st and 2nd Index Catalogs to the NGC all types of objects except dark nebulae (Dreyer J.L.E. 1895 - 1908)
Isk Iskudarian open clusters
Ivanov Ivanov 2 open clusters
J Jonckheere planetary nebulae
K Kohoutek planetary nebulae
Khavtassi Atlas of Galactic Dark Nebulae - J. Khavtassi Tiblisi, Abastumani galatctic dark nebulae - 1960
King King, Ivan R. 27 open clusters - PASP, Vol. 78, No. 460, p. 81-82 (February 1966).
Kr Krasnogorskaja planetary nebulae
Lac Lacaille globular clusters
Latysev Latysev I. N. 2 open clusters
LBN Lynds B.T. bright diffuse galactic nebulae - Contains both emission and reflection nebulae - VII/9
Leda Extension of PGC catalogue in the Lyon-Meudon Extragalactic the richest catalogue of homogeneous parameters of galaxies for the largest available sample
Loden open clusters
LDN Lynds B.T. Catalogue of Dark Nebulae - (Lynds 1962) - Astrophys. J. Suppl. Ser. 7, 1 (updated version) - VII/7A
Lund Lynga, G. - Lund Observatory - Sweden open clusters - (1987) -
Lynga Lynga, G. 14 open clusters - (1964) -
Lynga Lynga, G., Westerlund B. E., 483 open clusters in the outer parts of the Large Magellanic Cloud - Catalogue
M Messier - Messier Charles 110 all types of objects except dark nebulae
MaxBCG Koester B.P., McKay T.A., Annis J., Wechsler R.H., + 13.823 galaxy clusters from SDSS (Koester+, 2007) - J/ApJ/660/239
Mayer open clusters
MBM Magnani L., Blitz L., Mundy L. molecular gas at high Galactic latitudes (1985) - Cat
MCG Vorontsov-Velyaminov+, - Moscow State University morphological Catalog of 29.000 Galaxies (1962 - 1974) - VII/62A
Mcm Magakian T.Yu merged catalogue of reflection nebulae - J/A+A/399/141 (2003)
Me Merrill plantary nebulae
MGC Millennium Galaxy Catalogue - Liske+ 69594 galaxies - (2003) - VII/240
Mrk Markarian, B. E., open clusters (1951) and galaxies
Mrk B.E. Markarian, V.A Lipovetskii, J.A. Stepanian, L.K. Erastova + 1515 Galaxies (Markarian+, 1989) - VII/172
Mel Melotte - Philibert Jacques Melotte open clusters shown on the Franklin-Adams chart plates
Mi, M1 Minkowski, Rudolph, new Emission Nebulae - (1946) -
M1 to M4 Minkowski planetary nebulae
NBG Tully R.B - Cambridge University Press nearby galaxies catalogue - (Tully 1988) - VII/145
New Shapley - Ames “new” galaxies in the Revised Shapley-Ames Catalog
NGC New General Catalogue of Nebulae & Clusters of Stars all types of objects except dark nebulae (Dreyer J.L.E. 1888)
NGC 2000.0 Sinnott, R.W. - Sky Publishing, ed. Sinnott the complete New General Catalogue & Index Catalogue by J.L.E. Dreyer - (1988) - VII/118
NPM1G northern proper motion, 1st part, Galaxies
Pal Palomar 15 very faint globular clusters discovered within the POSS (Palomar Observatory Sky Survey).
PB Peimbert and Batiz planetary nebulae
PC Peimbert and Costero planetary nebulae
PGC Principal Galaxies Catalogue - G. Paturel, P. Fouque + an extragalactic database of 983.261 galaxies - (Paturel+, 2003) - VII/237
Pi Pismis - Paris 24 open clusters
PK Perek-Kohoutek - Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague Galactic Planetary Nebulae (Kohoutek, 2001) - IV/24
Png Acker A., Ochsenbein F., Stenholm B., Tylenda R., Marcout J. strasbourg-ESO Catalogue of Galactic Planetary Nebulae (Acker+, 1992) - V/84
Prugniel Prugniel P., Heraudeau P. general Photometry of Galaxies - (Prugniel+ 1998) - VII/206
PTB93 Pasztor, et al., possible Galactic open clusters (1994)
Qso Veron-Cetty M.P., Veron P. quasars and Active Galactic Nuclei BL Lac Objects (11th Ed.) (Veron+, 2003) - VII/235
Raab Raab, S. - Lund Medd. Astron. Obs open clusters - (1922) -
RC3 G. de Vaucoulears, A. de Vaucouleurs, Corwin, Buta and Paturel third Reference Catalogue of Bright Galaxies - VII/155
RCG Abell, Corwin, Olowin - Strasbourg, France catalogue of Rich Clusters of Galaxies - (1989) -
RCW Rodgers A.W., Campbell C.T., Whiteoak J.B. H-alpha emission regions in Southern Milky Way (Rodgers+ 1960) - VII/216
RFCG Revised Flat Galaxy Catalogue - Karachentsev+ the revised flat galaxy catalogue (FGC) - (1999) - - VII/219
RNGC Sulentic J.W., Tifft W.G. - Univ. of Arizona Press revised New General Catalogue of NonStellar Astronomical Objects (1973) - VII/1B
Ro Roslund, Curt - Astronomical Society of the Pacific open clusters
Ru Ruprecht, J. 1966 - Astronomical Institute of Czechoslovakia open clusters - supplement up to 1973 with 1112 open clusters - VII/101A
Sa Sandqvist dark nebulae
Sher open clusters
Sh-2 Sharpless S. - 1959 - (Revised 1991) HII Regions (Sharpless 1959) - Astrophys. J. Suppl. Ser. 4, 257 (1959) = 1959ApJS….4..257S - VII/20
Sigma F.G.W. Struve double & multiple stars
O Sigma Otto Struve double & multiple stars
SL Sandqvist & Lindroos dark nebulae
SL Shapley & Lindsay clusters in LMC
SN IAU Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams - CBAT List of recent Supernove
Snrs Green D. A. - Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge, UK galactic supernova remnants - (2009) - - VII/253
Ste Stephenson open clusters
St Stock - Jürgen Stock open clusters
Ter Terzan - Agop Terzan (France) 11 globulars discovered by Agop Terzan (France) in the infrared
TGU K. Dobashi; H. Uehara; R. Kandori; T. Sakurai; M. Kaiden atlas & catalog of 2448 dark clouds & 2841 clumps based on DSS I (Dobashi+ 2005) - Atlas+Catalog
Tom Tombaugh, Clyde open clusters - Small List of Open Clusters
Ton Tonantzintla 2 globulars found at the Tonantzintla observatory
Tr Trumpler R. J. - Lick Obs open clusters - (1930) -
UA catalog of selected Non-UGC galaxies
UGC Uppsala General Catalog - (Nilson 1973) 12.921 galaxies - (1973) - - VII/26D
UGCA Uppsala General Catalog, Addendum galaxies
UKS United Kingdom Schmidt 3 globular clusters were cataloged under UKS designations
Up Upgren open clusters
VV Vorontsov-Velyaminov interacting galaxies = MCG
vdB van den Bergh - reflection nebulae (Van den Bergh, 1966) - VII/21 - Photo T. V. Davis
vdBH Van den Bergh S. & Herbst W. southern stars embedded in nebulosity (1975) - VII/218
VdB-Ha van den Bergh-Hagen - Van den Bergh, S. and Hagen, G. L., open clusters - Uniform survey of clusters in the Southern Milky Way
Vy Vyssotsky planetary nebulae
Waterloo van den Bergh - Waterloo open clusters
WDS U. S. Naval Observatory the Washington Double Star Catalog - X
Westr Westerlund 2 open clusters
Winnecke Astronomische Nachrichten No. 1738, vol 73, Feb 8, 1869 seven double Star, Important only as it contains M40
Zwicky Fritz Zwicky - (Zwicky+ 1968) - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences 27.837 galaxies and 29418 entries in CGCG - VII/190