








我的15 x 70双筒望远镜做得很好,尽管我遮住了炽热的落地灯。地平线上忽隐忽现的雷暴雨使我无法观察或勾勒出Carina的任何事物,因此我前往半人马座并在制作Omega Centauri草图之前对Alpha和Beta Centauri进行了长视。可悲的是,我可以从弗拉格斯塔夫观察到这一点,但它在这里要高得多,并且它在云层中的安全时间足够让我抓起它作为安慰观察。浸在星光下并用铅笔在纸上触摸感觉很好。这里不需要红灯!而且我可以轻松地使球状体上的阴影变细并令我满意。双筒望远镜也是在移动船舶上使用的不错的工具。船上微妙的晃动几乎没有引起注意,也没有妨碍观察。

半人马座欧米茄(Omega Centauri)是一大片柔软而明显的光,散落在明亮的恒星中。它具有轻微的伸长率和柔和的发光度轮廓。几个人路过,问我在看什么。不幸的是,球状球的柔和光线对于那些没有经验的盲人来说是一个艰难的目标,因此我在回到我的草图之前,先将双筒望远镜转向木星,以炫耀其惊人的线性卫星排列。完成草图后,我希望再抓一张,但是云层正在迅速关闭。在剩下的几分钟里,在一切消失之前,我能够欣赏到天蝎座假彗星的壮丽景色。



ID Type AL Rating Date Time Description
M1 SNR Challenge 16-Sep-07 02:55 AM Small, soft patch, to NW of Zeta TAU. Actually midway between Mars and Zeta TAU on this night. Great sight!
M2 GC Easy 17-Sep-07 10:05 PM Bright, moderately condensed. Lies just north of an arcing group of stars.
M3 GC Easy 17-Sep-07 08:20 PM Large, strongly condensed. Forms one corner of a downward pointing long isosceles triangle with 2 other stars.
M4 GC Easy 17-Sep-07 08:10 PM First quarter moon was 2 degrees from M4, fun challenge. M4 was a large, soft glow, barely discernible over the background sky/moonglow
M5 GC Easy 17-Sep-07 08:50 PM Large, strong condensation. Bright star and a tweaked ‘X’ shaped asterism were just southwest of it.
M6 OC Easy 16-Sep-07 09:25 PM Bright, fully resolved. Parallelogram formed by bright stars, looks much like a small Lyra, including handle. Orange star at east corner.
M7 OC Easy 16-Sep-07 09:25 PM Large, fully resolved, fairly condensed. About 20 bright members over about 3 dozen fainter members. Orange star marks sw side of core.
M8 DN+OC Challenge 16-Sep-07 09:35 PM Majestic, bright nebula surrounding fully resolved star cluster. Nebula has 2 bright southern patches and a fainter north patch.
M9 GC Easy 17-Sep-07 09:10 PM Small, faint, strongly condensed.
M10 GC Easy 16-Sep-07 09:55 PM Soft, moderately condensed.
M11 OC Easy 16-Sep-07 09:30 PM Looks just like a globular cluster. Strongly condensed and round. Bright.
M12 GC Easy 16-Sep-07 09:15 PM Soft, not well condensed.
M13 GC Easy 16-Sep-07 09:35 PM Bright, large, broadly condensed core. Forms apex of isosceles triangle with 2 other bright stars.
M14 GC Tougher 16-Sep-07 10:05 PM Small, soft, moderately condensed. Forms right angle with a line of three stars to its north.
M15 GC Easy 16-Sep-07 03:40 AM Strongly condensed, circular. Sits along side of triangular asterism.
M16 OC+EN Easy 16-Sep-07 10:30 PM Grainy star cluster with several brighter members resting over soft, nebulous backdrop. Elongated east to west. 2 bright stars to the south make it look larger.
M17 OC+EN Easy 16-Sep-07 10:20 PM Elongated checkmark shaped nebula with east to west alignment and swoosh pointing south on the west end.
M18 OC Easy 16-Sep-07 10:25 PM Small circular, partially resolved with some distinct stars lying over soft haze behind.
M19 GC Tougher 17-Sep-07 09:00 PM Soft, moderately condensed. Sits beneath a trio of wide doubles that seem to point toward it. Neat context.
M20 N+OC - 16-Sep-07 09:40 PM Two-lobed nebulosity. Southern lobe is brightest. Both are centered on bright stars.
M21 OC - 16-Sep-07 09:45 PM Grainy cluster, enmeshed in Milky Way field. Strongly condensed core.
M22 GC Easy 16-Sep-07 09:00 PM Bright, soft, circular with broad bright core. Sits just east of a triangular asterism with an orange apex star.
M23 OC Easy 16-Sep-07 09:50 PM Beautiful, large, finely grained cluster. Bright star rests outside the northwest edge. Not concentrated.
M24 SC+OC Easy 16-Sep-07 10:00 PM Huge, sparkling cloud of stars. Oblong with many bright stars over a fine grained backdrop.
M25 OC Easy 16-Sep-07 10:15 PM Bright, irregular, nicely resolved with grainy background. Fairly condensed core.
M26 OC Challenge 16-Sep-07 10:35 PM Small , circular, not resolved except for 1 star on southwest portion of core. Appears moderately condensed. Forms east apex of right-triangle with 2 bright stars.
M27 PN Easy 17-Sep-07 09:20 PM Bright, circular. Two-lobed structure just barely visible.
M28 GC Tougher 16-Sep-07 09:05 PM Small, soft with strongly condensed core.
M29 OC Easy 16-Sep-07 02:40 AM Small, grainy and condensed. Same field as Sadr.
M30 GC Tougher 17-Sep-07 10:00 PM Small, moderately condensed. Paired with a star of similar magnitude just to its west side. Much brighter star lies a bit further to its east.
M31 Gal Easy 16-Sep-07 01:40 AM Beautiful, elongated. Northwest edge sharper. Super condensed core.
M32 Gal Challenge 16-Sep-07 01:40 AM Soft, small disc outside south edge of visible portion of M31.
M33 Gal Tougher 16-Sep-07 02:05 AM Soft, oval, with broad central condensation. Sits within diamond asterism.
M34 OC Easy 16-Sep-07 02:50 AM Sparse, fairly resolved. Lies at the heart of a rhombus asterism like a heart in a chest.
M35 OC Easy 16-Sep-07 02:50 AM Large, soft and grainy with about 10 brighter stars involved. Nice curving string of stars peels away to the south.
M36 OC Easy 16-Sep-07 01:55 AM Grainy, concentrated, shaped like an “A”.
M37 OC Easy 16-Sep-07 01:55 AM Soft, lumpy, concentrated.
M38 OC Easy 16-Sep-07 01:55 AM Grainy, irregular, loose. Sits just north of Cheshire Cat Asterism.
M39 OC Easy 16-Sep-07 02:45 AM Large, fully resolved, loose, about 2 dozen stars apparent. Crooked peace symbol shape.
M40 Dbl Tougher 17-Sep-07 08:40 PM Needed to memorize the star field carefully. It showed up northeast of 70 Umaj. Couldn’t resolve into 2 stars though.
M41 OC Easy 26-Jan-08 09:40 PM Large (3 to 4 degrees) with bright well-resolved stars over a foam of fainter stars. X-shaped. Right central star appears yellow-orange.
M42 OC+EN Easy 16-Sep-07 03:05 AM Beautiful, bow/fan shape with loads of bright stars all around in linear sweep.
M43 EN - 16-Sep-07 03:05 AM Tough to distinguish from M42. Centered on bright star north of the trapezium.
M44 OC Easy 26-Jan-08 10:20 PM Huge with bright stars. About a dozen bright members with a couple dozen more faint members. Has an almost rectangular appearance.
M45 OC Easy 16-Sep-07 01:50 AM Brilliant, loose collection of bright blue stars. Wonderful streamer of stars hanging off.
M46 OC Easy 26-Jan-08 09:55 PM Very soft, round haze with a grain of about 8 stars emerging above the background. Beautiful pair with M47. About .5 degree in size.
M47 OC Easy 26-Jan-08 09:55 PM Appears fully resolved with a couple dozen stars. Elongated northeast to southwest and about .75 degree wide in that direction.
M48 OC Easy 26-Jan-08 10:10 PM Large, grainy with more than a couple dozen stars resolving. Elongated northwest to southeast. Great binocular OC.
M49 Gal Tougher 30-Mar-08 11:00 PM Soft, non-descript patch, nearly midway between 2 bright stars in the “back” of a lawn chair shaped asterism.
M50 OC Easy 26-Jan-08 10:00 PM Full range of resolution, soft, round haze with overlying grain and about 8 or so more distinct stars. Two brighter stars north and south give an oval appearance.
M51 Gal Challenge 17-Sep-07 08:25 PM Soft, moderately condensed, appears to be elongated…indicating detection of NGC 5195 in the combined light.
M52 OC Easy 16-Sep-07 02:40 AM Soft, round, mostly unresolved. One bright star superimposed.
M53 GC Tougher 30-Mar-08 10:50 PM Bright, round, with a broad, robust core. Situated between diadem and a rough streamer of stars.
M54 GC Challenge 16-Sep-07 09:10 PM Small, but strongly condensed core.
M55 GC Easy 17-Sep-07 09:35 PM Huge, bright, only slightly condensed. Circular.
M56 GC Challenge 16-Sep-07 10:40 PM Soft, moderately condensed. Possibly overlapping star makes it look like a double-core aligned northwest to southeast.
M57 PN - 16-Sep-07 10:35 PM Actually nicely visible. Almost stellar. Forms apex of a flat isosceles triangle of stars that is also connected to another triangle.
M58 Gal - 02-Apr-08 09:35 PM A bit difficult, just below a bright star. Somewhat condensed.
M59 Gal - 02-Apr-08 09:20 PM Difficult. Near M60. Just a soft patch of haze.
M60 Gal - 02-Apr-08 09:20 PM Rather easy. Soft patch. Good concentration at center.
M61 Gal - 30-Mar-08 11:10 PM Soft patch in a bright, starry field.
M62 GC Tougher 17-Sep-07 08:55 PM Tough sighting with moon in this part of the sky. Strongly condensed.
M63 Gal Tougher 17-Sep-07 08:35 PM Tough sighting in this part of the sky. Very subtle. Elongated 2:1.
M64 Gal Tougher 30-Mar-08 10:50 PM Slightly oval, soft with gradual brightness profile. Sits below the base of a wide isosceles triangle of stars.
M65 Gal Challenge 30-Mar-08 10:35 PM Relatively easy to spot. Round. Forms a right triangle with M66 and a bright star.
M66 Gal Challenge 30-Mar-08 10:35 PM Large and easy to see. Highly elongated with a bright core, situated between two bright stars and elongated in their direction.
M67 OC Easy 26-Jan-08 10:20 PM Soft ellipse aligned southwest to northeast. A hint of granularity, with 1 bright star on the northeast edge.
M68 GC Challenge 02-Apr-08 09:05 PM Soft, unresolved spot. Only slight condensation with averted vision. Easy to confuse with nearby group of stars.
M69 GC - 16-Sep-07 09:15 PM Small, faint, soft patch with a notable star just north of it. Mildly condensed.
M70 GC - 16-Sep-07 09:20 PM Soft, faint patch, mildly condensed. Rests north of two angled star groups.
M71 GC Challenge 16-Sep-07 10:45 PM Faint, soft, barely condensed. Wants to hide in the lumpy Milky Way.
M72 GC - 17-Sep-07 09:50 PM Very faint and small. Located next to a star in the lower left corner of a rhomboid asterism.
M73 Ast - 17-Sep-07 09:55 PM Faint, and nearly stellar. Part of a line of 3 other stars.
M74 Gal - 16-Sep-07 03:25 AM Extremely difficult. Midway from Eta PSC to star pair with a mag 10.5 star .25 degree to the east. Appears as a small, faint glow.
M75 GC Challenge 17-Sep-07 09:45 PM Small, faint, moderately condensed.
M76 PN - 16-Sep-07 02:15 AM Very difficult. Small, faint, soft patch .25 degree north of 6.6 mag star in Perseus.
M77 Gal - 16-Sep-07 03:15 AM Nearly 1 degree east-southeast of Delta CET. Small, soft, faint spot at end of star chain.
M78 RN Tougher 16-Sep-07 03:00 AM Small, soft patch at right angle with Orion belt stars.
M79 GC Tougher 21-Sep-07 03:00 AM Small, faint, fairly condensed. Notable companion star just to its south.
M80 GC Tougher 17-Sep-07 08:15 PM Small, moderately condensed. Sports a close neighbor star on its northeast side. First quarter moon 4 degrees away. Still showed up nicely.
M81 Gal Tougher 16-Sep-07 03:30 AM Soft, oval with condensed core, just south of M82 for great pair. Sits at north apex of triangle formed with 2 stars.
M82 Gal Tougher 16-Sep-07 03:30 AM Soft, highly elongated. Bright axis running along its core, but fainter than M81 to the south.
M83 Gal Tougher 02-Apr-08 11:15 PM Large! Softly circular, with mildly condensed core.
M84 Gal - 02-Apr-08 10:45 PM Fairly easy, right next to M86. Round and condensed. (NGC 4435 and 4438 combo also visible on other side of M86.)
M85 Gal - 02-Apr-08 11:10 PM Situated right next to a star of similar magnitude. The well-condensed core forms a “double” with that star. Circular.
M86 Gal - 02-Apr-08 10:45 PM An easy catch, fairly condensed and slightly elongated. Right next to M84 and NGC 4435/4438 on either side.
M87 Gal - 02-Apr-08 10:40 PM Fairly easy, large, well-condensed.
M88 Gal - 02-Apr-08 10:30 PM Not too difficult. Soft, relatively large.
M89 Gal - 02-Apr-08 10:20 PM Difficult. Almost stellar, but still soft with a well-condensed core.
M90 Gal - 02-Apr-08 10:20 PM Difficult, larger than M89, couldn’t detect condensation.
M91 Gal - 02-Apr-08 10:35 PM Very difficult. I think only the core was showing. Looks like a faint star on the left corner of a triangle of other stars.
M92 GC Easy 16-Sep-07 09:35 PM Bright, soft, strongly condensed core.
M93 OC Easy 26-Jan-08 09:45 PM Soft elongated (east-west) glow with 4 or 5 stars starting to resolve out of the mist.
M94 Gal Tougher 02-Feb-08 11:25 PM Bright. Round and sharply condensed.
M95 Gal - 30-Mar-08 10:25 PM Very difficult. Forms shorter edge of right triangle with M96 and a brighter star. It also sits just east of another faint star.
M96 Gal - 02-Feb-08 11:35 PM Soft, formless patch.
M97 PN Challenge 02-Feb-08 10:55 PM Not easy, but much easier than nearby M108. A faint soft star-like object.
M98 Gal - 02-Apr-08 11:00 PM Pretty difficult. Elongated and no condensation that I could see.
M99 Gal - 02-Apr-08 10:55 PM Fairly easy, round, moderately condensed.
M100 Gal - 02-Apr-08 10:55 PM Fairly easy, round, larger than M99 and moderately condensed.
M101 Gal Challenge 17-Sep-07 08:45 PM Large! Very softly defined. Slightest hint of condensation and elongated northeast-southwest slightly.
M102 Gal - 17-Sep-07 09:30 PM Required lots of effort. Very small. Moderately condensed. Needed to compare closely to star field.
M103 OC Easy 16-Sep-07 02:35 AM Linear shape, grainy, three prominent linear stars. North star brightest.
M104 Gal Challenge 02-Apr-08 09:10 PM Fairly straightforward to see near a couple nice binocular doubles. Is easy to see elongation pointing toward brighter double.
M105 Gal - 30-Mar-08 10:10 PM Almost stellar, with slight diffuseness. Forms right triangle with 2 nearby stars. Ended up spotting NGC 3384 right next to it!
M106 Gal Challenge 02-Feb-08 11:20 PM Relatively easy. Elongated and brighter towards the middle. Rests along one edge of right triangle of stars.
M107 GC - 17-Sep-07 09:10 PM Extremely difficult with light pollution and low altitude. Appeared as slightest sky brightening with no detail to see at all.
M108 Gal - 02-Feb-08 11:00 PM Very difficult and intermittent. But at right position at end of an arc of stars. Very soft, but elongated.
M109 Gal - 02-Feb-08 11:15 PM Very difficult. Right next to a 9th magnitude star. Appears as a soft glow hanging off this star.
M110 Gal - 16-Sep-07 01:40 AM Very faint patch brightening sky northwest of M31 and perpendicular to M31’s axis.