




  • I.中心压缩的球状星团,可以考虑以下例子:NGC 5139,Messier 13,Messier 10。

  • II.具有规则,定义明确的轮廓的松散的星团,例如NGC 1245,Messier 14。

  • III.松散的星团,通常只有几颗星,轮廓不规则。大多数这些都存在于银河系的较丰富部分,有时很难决定是否将其归为II类。或III。

  • IV.粗星团。这些数量很少,包括昴星团,毕星团,以及上面三个类别中未包括的一些较小的组。


作为初步步骤,属于前两类的星团被标记在地球仪上。研究发现,当第二类星团分布在银河系的平面上,那些属于一类的几乎都包含在一个半球中,其极点大约为R. A. 16h30m, Dec. - 58° (galactic longitude 296°, latitude - 8°)。这一分布与Hinks发现的一致。然而,有人注意到,有一个明显的球状星团集中在银河系中一个经度325°的点上,很明显,任何关于星团分布的讨论最好是通过将它们指代到银河系平面来进行。因此,所记录的所有星团都被绘制在两张图表上,以星系坐标表示。在球状星团的情况下,使用了赤平投影,因为有必要描绘超过一个完整的半球。实际上,第二类、第三类和第四类中的所有星团都位于银河系平面的30°范围内,它们都被绘制在同一张方纸上。





目录中的星团列表与哈佛年鉴第十卷第八期(BAILEY明亮星团和星云目录)中的星团列表进行了比较。在N.G.C.编目并由贝利指出的66个星团不包括在本目录中。其中大多数,53个,在麦哲伦云中。这些都已经过检查,并没有出现在富兰克林亚当斯板块星团。N. G.C.371是唯一落在两个麦哲伦云中的星团(被归类为球状星团)。它离N.G.C.104和362也不远,也是球状星团,它可能与云本身没有联系,只是在同一方向上被看到。


N.G.C. No. R.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. Description.
1291 3h 13.7m -41° 28’ Appears as a diffuse star, or bright nebula, with some surrounding faint nebula.
1380 3 32.6 -35 19 Resembles 1291 but a little larger.
1399 3 34.6 -35 47 Nebula.
1981 5 3°.6 -4 25 A few stars north of Great Nebula in Orion. Not considered a cluster.
2451 7 41.8 -37 44 Falls in a rich region. Not considered a cluster.
2546 8 7.9 -37 6 Falls in a rich region. Not considered a cluster.
8 37.5 -52 34 Coarse clustering. Not considered a separate cluster.
8 40.0 -47 48 Coarse clustering. Not considered a separate cluster.
2671 8 42.6 -41 31 Coarse clustering. Not considered a separate cluster.
9 24.6 -56 32 Does not appear as a cluster.
3572 11 6.2 -59 42 Hardly a separate cluster. The stars may form part of 3532.
4609 12 36.5 -62 25 A few stars only. Not considered a cluster.
6229 16 44.2 +47 42 Appears as a bright nebulous star.


136 M36 2004 2164 6316
330 1512 2031 2537 6412
376 1697 2090 3041 6522
628 1711 2098 3603 6528
843 1782 2100 4027 6629
1291 1818 2118 4147 6638
1310 1850 2134 6221 6884
1379 1854 2136 6229 6891
1387 1902 2157 6256 7214

其中Nos. 628, 1387, 6221, and 6412是星云;编号376(在小麦哲伦云中)、1512和2090在第二个索引目录末尾的更正列表中被指出不是球状星团。


N.G.C. No. R.A. 1900. R.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. Dec. 1900. L. λ. Description.
4147 12h 5.0m +19° 6’ 223° +78.2° Appears as a nebulous star writh traces of faint sur­rounding nebula. Diameter 1’. Appearance not in­consistent with description in L.O.B. but impossible to tell on this scale photograph whether it is a globular cluster or not.
6229 16 44.2 47 42 41 +39.3 Appears as a bright nebulous star.
6517 17 56.4 -8 57 347 +5.8 Appears as a nebulous star.
7006 20 56.8 +15 48 32 -20.5 Resembles 4147.
7044 21 9.2 +42 5 53 -5.0 Does not appear as a cluster.
7142 21 43.5 +65 21 73 +8.8 Clustering of faint stars in a rich region, not well defined. Diameter 15’. Might possibly be included in Class III.

在继R.A.和Dec.之后的目录中,星团是从DREYER的新总目录等(回忆录,R.A.S.,vol.xlix.,part 1)中获取的,来自同一作者的索引目录和第二索引目录(回忆录,R.A.S.,vols)。以及贝利的明亮星团和星云目录(哈佛年鉴,第10卷,第8期)。这些目录的参考资料将在星团的注释中找到。对于上述目录中未确定的星团,它们的位置是从板块上获得的。第5列和第6列给出了银河系的经度和纬度,银河系的极点采用的位置是R.A.12h41m Dec.+27°21’(Uran. Arg.第371页)。第7列给出星团的直径,第8列给出每个星团被分配到的类。第9栏的说明尽可能简短。


Mel NGCIC Alternative(s) Class Type Const. R.A. Dec. Mag. Size Melotte’s comments
1 NGC104 NGC 104 1 Globular Tucana 00h24m04s -72°05’ 4 50’ A typical globular cluster. Bright. Well condensed at centre.
2 NGC188 NGC 188, Collinder 6 2 Open Cepheus 00h47m28s +85°15’ 9.3 17’ “A somewhat ill-defined cluster mostly 14th to 16th magnitude stars.
3 NGC288 NGC 288 1 Globular Sculptor 00h52m45s -26°35’ 8.1 13’ Globular cluster, rather loose at centre.
4 NGC362 NGC 362 1 Globular Tucana 01h03m14s -70°50’ 6.8 14’ Globular cluster. Similar to N.G.C. 104 but smaller. Bright.
5 NGC371 NGC 371 1 Diffuse Nebula Tucana 01h03m30s -72°03’ 13.8 7.5’ Globular cluster. Falls in smaller Magellanic cloud, and has every appearance of being a globular cluster.
6 NGC436 NGC 436, Collinder 11 3 Open Cassiopeia 01h15m58s +58°48’ 9.3 5.0’ A few stars clustering together. Resembles N.G.C. 582, 645, 659. Difficult to decide whether these should not be classed II. All the clusters here resemble one another though differing in extent.
7 NGC457 NGC 457, Collinder 12 2 Open Cassiopeia 01h19m35s +58°17’ 5.1 20’ A small cluster in a rich region.
8 M103 M103, NGC 581, Collinder 14 3 Open Cassiopeia 01h33m23s +60°39’ 6.9 5’ M. 103. A few stars forming a loose cluster.
9 NGC654 NGC 654, Collinder 18 3 Open Cassiopeia 01h44m00s +61°53’ 8.2 5’ A few stars clustered together in a rich region.
10 NGC659 NGC 659, Collinder 19 3 Open Cassiopeia 01h44m24s +60°40’ 7.2 5’ A few stars clustered together.
11 NGC663 NGC 663, Collinder 20 2 Open Cassiopeia 01h46m09s +61°14’ 6.4 14’ Fairly well-defined, loose cluster.
12 NGC752 NGC 752, Collinder 23 2 Open Andromeda 01h57m41s +37°47’ 6.6 75’ A very open cluster, but quite distinct from the surrounding stars.
13 NGC869 NGC 869, Collinder 24 2 Open Perseus 02h19m00s +57°07’ 4.3 18’ Double cluster in Perseus. The other clusters about this region resemble these but are smaller.
14 NGC884 NGC 884, Collinder 25 2 Open Perseus 02h22m18s +57°08’ 4.4 18’
15 IC1805 IC 1805, Collinder 26 3 Open Cassiopeia 02h32m42s +61°27’ 4.8 20’ A very loose cluster. Somewhat similar to N.G.C. 1027, but stars not so numerous and generally brighter.
16 NGC1027 NGC 1027, Collinder 30 3 Open Cassiopeia 02h42m40s +61°35’ 7.4 20’ A loose cluster, not very well defined.
17 M34 M34,NGC 1039, Collinder 31 2 Open Perseus 02h42m05s +42°45’ 5.8 35’ M. 34. A small, well-defined cluster near the large double cluster in Perseus.
18 NGC1245 NGC 1245, Collinder 38 2 Open Perseus 03h14m42s +47°14’ 7.7 40’ A fine open cluster.
19 NGC1261 NGC 1261 1 Globular Horologium 03h12m16s -55°13’ 8.3 6.8’ Globular cluster, well condensed at centre, faint stars.
20 Cr39 Collinder 39 4 Open Perseus 03h24m19s +49°51’ 2.3 The large extended cluster in Perseus, covering an area 5° square.
21 NGC1342 NGC 1342, Collinder 40 3 Open Perseus 03h31m38s +37°22’ 7.2 15’ A loose cluster. Not well defined.
22 M45 M45, Collinder 42, Pleiades 4 Open Taurus 03h47m00s +24°07’ 1.5 120’ Pleiades.
23 NGC1528 NGC 1528, Collinder 47 2 Open Perseus 04h15m23s +51°12’ 6.4 16’ An open cluster, includes some fairly bright stars.
24 IC361 IC 361, Collinder 48 2 Open Camelopardus 04h19m00s +58°18’ 10 6’ A cluster of very faint stars. Difficult to class; possibly a globular cluster, but it is so faint on the plate that it is impossible to tell. Described in I.C. as ? neb. cluster. Its galactic position makes this uncertainty particularly striking.
25 Hyades Hyades, Collinder 50 4 Open Taurus 04h26m54s +15°52’ 0.8 5.5° Hyades-Taurus cluster
26 NGC1647 NGC 1647, Collinder 54 2 Open Taurus 04h45m55s +19°06’ 6.2 40’ Well-defined, loose cluster of bright stars.
27 NGC1664 NGC 1664, Collinder 56 2 Open Auriga 04h51m06s +43°40’ 7.2 9’ A distinct cluster of stars in rich region.
28 NGC1746 NGC 1746, Collinder 57 ( NGC1750 ) 2 Open Taurus 05h03m55s +23°39’ 6.1 42’ A loose cluster covering a large area. Not well defined.
29 NGC1807 NGC 1807, Collinder 59 2 Open Taurus 05h10m43s +16°31’ 8.3 15’ A distinct cluster in a dense region. The two brightest stars may probably belong to the Taurus cluster.
30 NGC1851 NGC 1851 1 Globular Columba 05h14m06s -40°02’ 7.1 12’ Globular cluster. Shows little condensation towards centre.
31 4 Open Auriga 05h18m10s +33°22’ A few bright stars forming an extended cluster scattering over an area 1° square. 14, 16, 19 Aurigae are included. The place given is that of 16 Aurigae, which is about centre of group.
32 NGC1857 NGC 1857, Collinder 61 3 Open Auriga 05h20m06s +39°20’ 8.4 10’ A loose clustering in a dense region.
33 NGC1893 NGC 1893, Collinder 63 3 Open Auriga 05h22m44s +33°24’ 7.8 25’ A loose, irregular cluster.
34 M79 M79, NGC 1904 1 Globular Lepus 05h24m11s -24°31’ 7.7 9.6’ M. 79. Globular cluster. Fairly bright. Shows little condensation towards centre.
35 NGC1907 NGC 1907, Collinder 66 2 Open Auriga 05h28m05s +35°19’ 10.2 7’ A small, but well-defined, loose cluster. Forms a pair with N.G.C. 1912.
36 M38 M38, NGC 1912, Collinder 67 2 Open Auriga 05h28m40s +35°50’ 6.8 20’ M. 38. A large cluster, condensing well towards the centre.
37 M36 M36, NGC 1960, Collinder 71 2 Open Auriga 05h36m18s +34°08’ 6.5 10’ M. 36. Well-defined cluster of rather bright stars.
38 M37 M37, NGC 2099, Collinder 75 2 Open Auriga 05h52m18s +32°33’ 6.2 14’ M. 37. A fine example of Class II. Condenses well towards centre.
39 NGC2126 NGC 2126, Collinder 78 3 Open Auriga 06h02m32s +49°52’ 10.2 5’ Small open cluster. Falls alongside B.D. + 48°·1333. Might possibly be classed II.
40 NGC2158 NGC 2158, Collinder 81 2 Open Gemini 06h07m25s +24°05’ 12.1 5’ A very small Class II or globular cluster. Somewhat similar to N.G.C. 2266.
41 M35 M35, NGC 2168, Collinder 82 2 Open Gemini 06h09m00s +24°21’ 5.6 25’ M. 35. Large open cluster, well defined and condensed towards centre.
42 NGC2192 NGC 2192, Collinder 86 2 Open Auriga 06h15m17s +39°51’ 10.9 5’ A small open cluster of faint stars. Not well shown on plate.
43 NGC2194 NGC 2194, Collinder 87 2 Open Orion 06h13m45s +12°48’ 10 9’ A small cluster of faint stars.
44 NGC2204 NGC 2204, Collinder 88 2 Open Canis Major 06h15m33s -18°39’ 9.3 10’ A loose clustering in a dense region.
45 NGC2215 NGC 2215, Collinder 90 3 Open Monoceros 06h20m49s -07°17’ 8.6 7’ A small, loose cluster.
46 NGC2243 NGC 2243, Collinder 98 2 Open Canis Major 06h29m34s -31°17’ 10.5 5’ A very faint, small cluster. Not well shown on plate. Possibly a globular cluster.
47 NGC2244 NGC 2244, Collinder 99 4 Open Monoceros 06h31m55s +04°56’ 5.2 29’ A open cluster of bright stars, with surrounding nebula extending over a field 1° square.
48 NGC2259 NGC 2259, Colllinder 108 3 Open Monoceros 06h38m21s +10°53’ 10.8 3’ A small, loose cluster of faint stars. Not well shown on plate.
49 NGC2264 NGC 2264, Collinder 112 4 Open Monoceros 06h40m58s +09°53’ 4.1 39’ A few stars forming a cluster, with some nebula. S Monocerotis is one of the group. Doubtful whether it should be included.
50 NGC2266 NGC 2266, Collinder 113 2 Open Gemini 06h43m19s +26°58’ 9.5 5’ A small, well-defined cluster.
51 NGC2281 NGC 2281, Collinder 116 2 Open Auriga 06h48m17s +41°04’ 7.2 25’ An open cluster of fairly bright stars.
52 M41 M41, NGC 2287, Collinder 118 2 Open Canis Major 06h46m01s -20°45’ 5 39’ M. 14. Large open cluster. Fine example of Class II.
53 NGC2298 NGC 2298 1 Globular Puppis 06h48m59s -36°00’ 9.3 5’ Globular cluster, small, well condensed.
54 NGC2301 NGC 2301, Collinder 119 3 Open Monoceros 06h51m45s +00°27’ 6.3 14’ Loose clustering of bright stars.
55 NGC2304 NGC 2304, Collinder 120 3 Open Gemini 06h55m11s +17°59’ 10 3’ A small loose cluster, in rich region.
56 NGC2309 NGC 2309, Collinder 122 3 Open Monoceros 06h56m03s -07°10’ 10.5 5’ A few stars clustered together, in a very rich region.
57 NGC2314 NGC 2314 2 Galaxy Camelopardus 07h10m33s +75°19’ 13.1 1.5’ A loose cluster in a dense region. Not very well defined.
58 M50 M50, NGC 2323, Collinder 124 2 Open Monoceros 07h02m42s -08°23’ 7.2 14’ M. 50. A large, open cluster of fairly bright stars. Similar to N.G.C. 2287.
59 NGC2324 NGC 2324, Collinder 125 2 Open Monoceros 07h04m07s +01°02’ 7.9 10.6’ A cluster in a dense region.
60 NGC2335 NGC 2335, Collinder 127 3 Open Monoceros 07h06m49s -10°01’ 9.3 6’ A loose cluster in a dense region.
61 NGC2345 NGC 2345, Collinder 129 3 Open Canis Major 07h08m18s -13°11’ 8.1 12’ A loose clustering, not very distinct.
62 NGC2353 NGC 2353, Collinder 130 3 Open Monoceros 07h14m30s -10°16’ 5.2 18’ A loose cluster of bright stars.
63 NGC2355 NGC 2355, Collinder 133 2 Open Gemini 07h16m59s +13°45’ 9.7 7’ A small open cluster.
64 NGC2360 NGC 2360, Collinder 134 2 Open Canis Major 07h17m43s -15°38’ 9.1 13’ A cluster in a very rich region.
65 NGC2362 NGC 2362, Collinder 136 3 Open Canis Major 07h18m41s -24°57’ 3.8 5’ A curious cluster. Falls on Tau Canis Majoris.
66 Cr147 Collinder 147 2 Open Puppis 07h26m23s -47°40’ 10.7 14’ A distinct cluster of faint stars. Not in N.G.C. or Bailey.
67 NGC2421 NGC 2421, Collinder 151 2 Open Puppis 07h36m13s -20°36’ 9 6’ Small, loose cluster in a dense region.
68 M47 M47, NGC 2422, Collinder 152 2 Open Puppis 07h36m35s -14°29’ 4.3 25’ A loose cluster, includes some bright stars.
69 NGC2420 NGC 2420, Collinder 154 2 Open Gemini 07h38m23s +21°34’ 10 5’ Small, well-defined cluster. Condenses gradually towards centre. Almost globular in appearance.
70 NGC2423 NGC 2423, Collinder 153 3 Open Puppis 07h37m06s -13°52’ 7 12’ A loose cluster, not well defined.
71 Cr155 Collinder 155 2 Open Puppis 07h37m30s -12°04’ 9 7’ A small, well-defined cluster of faint stars. Condensed towards centre.
72 Cr156 Collinder 156 3 Open Monoceros 07h38m24s -10°41’ 10.1 5’ A small, loose clustering of faint stars. Not well defined.
73 NGC2432 NGC 2432, Collinder 157 3 Open Puppis 07h40m53s -19°04’ 10.2 6’ Small clustering in a rich region.
74 NGC2439 NGC 2439, Collinder 158 2 Open Puppis 07h40m45s -31°41’ 7.1 9’ A distinct cluster; includes some bright stars.
75 M46 M46, NGC 2437, Collinder 159 2 Open Puppis 07h41m46s -14°48’ 6.6 20’ M. 46. Fine open cluster; well defined.
76 M93 M93, NGC 2447, Collinder 160 2 Open Puppis 07h44m30s -23°51’ 6.5 10’ M. 93. Well-defined cluster in a very rich region.
77 NGC2455 NGC 2455, Collinder 163 3 Open Puppis 07h49m01s -21°18’ 10.2 5’ Small clustering of stars in a rich region. Not well defined.
78 NGC2477 NGC 2477, Collinder 165 2 Open Puppis 07h52m10s -38°31’ 5.7 15’ Very fine example of Class II. On a smaller-scale photograph it would appear as a globular cluster condensed at centre.
79 NGC2489 NGC 2489, Collinder 169 2 Open Puppis 07h56m15s -30°03’ 9.3 6’ Well-defined cluster in a dense region.
80 NGC2506 NGC 2506, Collinder 170 2 Open Monoceros 08h00m01s -10°46’ 8.9 12’ Cluster of faint stars, condensing well towards centre. Almost Class I.
81 NGC2509 NGC 2509, Collinder 171 2 Open Puppis 08h00m48s -19°03’ 9.3 6’ A small clustering in a rich region. Not well defined.
82 NGC2516 NGC 2516, Collinder 172 2 Open Carina 07h58m04s -60°45’ 3.3 30’ Fine open cluster of bright stars, extending over a field quite 1° square.
83 NGC2539 NGC 2539, Collinder 176 2 Open Puppis 08h10m37s -12°49’ 8 9’ An open cluster.
84 NGC2547 NGC 2547, Collinder 177 3 Open Vela 08h10m09s -49°12’ 5 25’ An irregular cluster of stars; many bright.
85 M48 M48, NGC 2548, Collinder 179 2 Open Hydra 08h13m43s -05°45’ 5.5 30’ A very open cluster of irregular outline.
86 NGC2567 NGC 2567, Collinder 180 2 Open Puppis 08h18m32s -30°38’ 8.4 7’ Distinct cluster in a rich region. Resembles N.G.C. 2489 and 2627.
87 NGC2627 NGC 2627, Collinder 188 2 Open Pyxis 08h37m15s -29°57’ 8.4 8’ Well-defined cluster in a dense region.
88 M44 M44, NGC 2632, Collinder 189 2 Open Cancer 08h40m24s +19°40’ 3.9 70’ M. 44. Praesepe. Extends over a field quit 2° square.
89 NGC2635 NGC 2635, Collinder 190 3 Open Pyxis 08h38m26s -34°46’ 10.2 1’ A small cluster, not very well defined.
90 NGC2658 NGC 2658, Collinder 195 2 Open Pyxis 08h43m27s -32°39’ 9.2 6’ A cluster in a dense region.
91 NGC2659 NGC 2659, Collinder 194 3 Open Vela 08h42m37s -44°59’ 9.8 5’ A loose cluster in a rich region.
92 NGC2660 NGC 2660, Collinder 193 1 Open Vela 08h42m38s -47°12’ 10.8 3.5’ Appears to be a very small globular cluster.
93 NGC2670 NGC 2670, Collinder 200 3 Open Vela 08h45m30s -48°48’ 9.2 7’ A loose clustering of fairly bright stars in a rich region.
94 M67 M67,NGC 2682, Collinder 204 2 Open Cancer 08h51m18s +11°48’ 7.4 25’ M. 67. Fine open cluster, typical of Class II.
95 NGC2808 NGC 2808 1 Globular Carina 09h12m03s -64°51’ 6.2 14’ Globular cluster. Very bright centre. Not much falling off towards edge.
96 NGC2818 NGC 2818, Collinder 206 2 Open Pyxis 09h16m01s -36°37’ 9.9 9’ Open cluster in a dense region. Classed as “globular” in N.G.C.
97 IC2488 IC 2488, Collinder 208 3 Open Vela 09h27m38s -57°00’ 7.4 18’ A loose clustering of fairly bright stars.
98 NGC3114 NGC 3114, Collinder 215 2 Open Carina 10h02m36s -60°07’ 4.5 35’ Well-defined, loose cluster in a rich region.
99 NGC3201 NGC 3201 1 Globular Vela 10h17m37s -46°24’ 6.9 20’ Globular cluster. Stars faint. Centre not very condensed.
100 NGC3293 NGC 3293, Collinder 224 3 Open Carina 10h35m51s -58°13’ 6.2 6’ A few bright stars forming a small cluster.
101 Cr227 Collinder 227 2 Open Carina 10h42m12s -65°06’ 8.4 15’ A distinct cluster of somewhat faint stars. Not in N.G.C. or Bailey. Falls south of loose cluster around Theta Carinae. Resembles N.G.C. 4349.
102 IC2602 IC 2602, Collinder 229 4 Open Carina 10h42m58s -64°24’ 1.6 100’ A group of bright stars around Theta Carinae. Noted by Bailey.
103 NGC3532 NGC 3532, Collinder 238 2 Open Carina 11h05m39s -58°45’ 3.4 50’ A fine, loose cluster extending over a field at least 1° square.
104 IC2714 IC 2714, Collinder 245 2 Open Carina 11h17m27s -62°44’ 8.2 14’ A well-defined cluster, condensing towards centre. Noted by Bailey.
105 Cr246 Collinder 246 2 Open Carina 11h19m42s -63°29’ 9.4 5’ A well-defined small cluster. Stars fairly bright. Not in N.G.C. or Bailey.
106 NGC3680 NGC 3680, Collinder 247 3 Open Centaurus 11h25m38s -43°14’ 8.6 5’ A very loose clustering of stars in a dense region.
107 NGC3766 NGC 3766, Collinder 248 2 Open Centaurus 11h36m14s -61°36’ 4.6 9.3’ Fairly dense cluster of bright stars.
108 NGC3960 NGC 3960, Collinder 250 2 Open Centaurus 11h50m33s -55°40’ 8.8 5’ A distinct cluster of faint stars.
109 NGC4103 NGC 4103, Collinder 252 3 Open Crux 12h06m40s -61°15’ 7.4 6’ Cluster of bright stars. Might possibly be included in Class II.
110 NGC4349 NGC 4349, Collinder 255 2 Open Crux 12h24m08s -61°52’ 8 5’ A cluster of stars in a dense region.
111 Cr256 Collinder 256 4 Open Coma Berenices 12h25m06s +26°06’ 2.9 120’ The large extended cluster in Coma Berenices. Appears to extend over an area 6° square.
112 NGC4372 NGC 4372 1 Globular Musca 12h25m45s -72°39’ 7.2 5’ Globular cluster. Rather faint at centre. Falls alongside a dark lane.
113 M68 M68, NGC 4590 1 Globular Hydra 12h39m28s -26°44’ 7.3 11’ M. 68. Globular cluster, somewhat loose at centre.
114 NGC4755 NGC 4755, Collinder 264 2 Open Crux 12h53m39s -60°21’ 5.2 10’ Kappa Crucis.
115 NGC4833 NGC 4833 1 Globular Musca 12h59m34s -70°52’ 8.4 12.7’ Globular cluster. Rather more condensed at centre than N.G.C.4372.
116 NGC4852 NGC 4852, Colllinder 266 3 Open Centaurus 13h00m09s -59°36’ 8.9 7’ A loose cluster in a rich region.
117 M53 M53, NGC 5024 1 Globular Coma Berenices 13h12m55s +18°10’ 7.7 13’ M. 53. Globular cluster. Well condensed at centre. Outlying stars few in number and faint.
118 NGC5139 NGC 5139 1 Globular Centaurus 13h26m46s -47°28’ 3.9 55’ Omega Centauri.
119 M3 M3, NGC 5272 1 Globular Canes Venatici 13h42m11s +28°22’ 6.3 18’ M. 3. Globular cluster. Outlying stars faint and few in number; bright centre.
120 NGC5281 NGC 5281 3 Open Centaurus 13h46m35s -62°55’ 8.2 7’ A few stars forming a small cluster.
121 NGC5286 NGC 5286 1 Globular Centaurus 13h46m27s -51°22’ 7.4 11’ Globular cluster, well condensed.
122 NGC5316 NGC 5316, Collinder 279 2 Open Centaurus 13h53m57s -61°52’ 8.8 14’ Very loose cluster in a dense region. Not well defined.
123 NGC5460 NGC 5460, Collinder 280 3 Open Centaurus 14h07m27s -48°20’ 6.1 35’ A very loose cluster extending over a field 30’ square.
124 NGC5466 NGC 5466 1 Globular Bootes 14h05m27s +28°32’ 9.2 9’ Globular cluster of faint stars.
125 NGC5617 NGC 5617, Collinder 282 2 Open Centaurus 14h29m44s -60°42’ 8.5 10’ Loose cluster in a dense region. Some bright stars at centre.
126 NGC5634 NGC 5634 1 Globular Virgo 14h29m37s -05°58’ 9.5 5.5’ Globular cluster, very small, condensed.
127 NGC5662 NGC 5662, Collinder 284 3 Open Centaurus 14h35m37s -56°37’ 7.7 29’ A somewhat irregular, loose cluster in a dense region.
128 NGC5715 NGC 5715, Collinder 286 2 Open Circinus 14h43m29s -57°34’ 9.8 8’ A few stars forming a loose cluster.
129 IC4499 IC 4499 1 Globular Apus 15h00m19s -82°12’ 10.1 8’ Globular cluster of very faint stars. Falls near a dark lane.
130 NGC5822 NGC 5822, Collinder 289 3 Open Lupus 15h04m21s -54°23’ 6.5 35’ A very loose cluster of stars not very well defined.
131 NGC5823 NGC 5823 2 Open Circinus 15h05m30s -55°36’ 8.6 12’ Loose cluster; resembles N.G.C. 5316.
132 NGC5897 NGC 5897 1 Globular Libra 15h17m24s -21°00’ 8.4 11’ Globular cluster of rather faint stars.
133 M5 M5, NGC 5904 1 Globular Serpens Caput 15h18m34s +02°05’ 5.7 23’ M. 5. Globular cluster. Bright centre, very gradually condensed.
134 NGC5927 NGC 5927 1 Globular Lupus 15h28m01s -50°40’ 8 6’ Globular cluster. Well condensed, bright centre.
135 NGC5946 NGC 5946 1 Globular Norma 15h35m29s -50°39’ 8.4 3’ Very small. Difficult to decide, but consider a globular cluster. Very condensed and has nebulous appearance. Becomes much brighter towards centre.
136 NGC5986 NGC 5986 1 Globular Lupus 15h46m03s -37°47’ 7.6 9.6’ Globular cluster, bright, not much falling off towards edge.
137 NGC5999 NGC 5999, Collinder 293 2 Open Norma 15h52m08s -56°28’ 9 3’ A few stars forming a small cluster. Similar to other clusters about this region. Falls in a very rich region.
138 NGC6005 NGC 6005, Collinder 294 2 Open Norma 15h55m48s -57°26’ 11.4 5’ A small, but distinct, cluster of faint stars.
139 NGC6025 NGC 6025, Collinder 296 3 Open Triangulum Austral 16h03m17s -60°25’ 6 14’ A few bright stars forming an irregular cluster.
140 NGC6067 NGC 6067, Collinder 298 2 Open Norma 16h13m11s -54°13’ 6.5 14’ Well-defined cluster in a rich region.
141 NGC6087 NGC 6087, Coliinder 300 3 Open Norma 16h18m50s -57°56’ 6 14’ A few bright stars forming an irregular cluster.
142 M80 M80, NGC 6093 1 Globular Scorpius 16h17m02s -22°58’ 7.3 10’ M. 80. Globular cluster, bright, not much falling off towards edge.
143 NGC6101 NGC 6101 1 Globular Apus 16h25m49s -72°12’ 9.2 5’ Globular cluster, faint, condensed, not very marked.
144 M4 M4, NGC 6121 1 Globular Scorpius 16h23m36s -26°31’ 5.4 36’ M. 4. Globular cluster, loose, gradually brighter at centre.
145 NGC6124 NGC 6124, Collinder 301 2 Open Scorpius 16h25m20s -40°39’ 6.3 39’ Fine open cluster, gradually condensing towards centre.
146 NGC6134 NGC 6134, Collinder 303 2 Open Norma 16h27m46s -49°09’ 8.8 6’ An open cluster in a dense region.
147 NGC6144 NGC 6144 1 Globular Scorpius 16h27m14s -26°01’ 9 7.4’ Loose globular cluster, faint. Falls alongside vacant space.
148 M107 M107, NGC 6171 1 Globular Ophiuchus 16h32m32s -13°03’ 7.8 13’ Globular cluster, somewhat open, condensed towards centre.
149 NGC6192 NGC 6192, Collinder 309 2 Open Scorpius 16h40m23s -43°22’ 8.5 9’ An open cluster in a dense region. Resembles N.G.C. 6134.
150 M13 M13, NGC 6205 1 Globular Hercules 16h41m41s +36°27’ 5.8 20’ M. 13. Globular cluster in Hercules; well condensed. Very fine example.
151 M12 M12, NGC 6218 1 Globular Ophiuchus 16h47m14s -01°56’ 6.1 16’ M. 12. Globular cluster, bright. Becomes very gradually brighter towards centre. This and N.G.C. 6254 form a remarkable pair.
152 NGC6216 NGC 6216, Collinder 314 (NGC 6222) 3 Open Scorpius 16h49m24s -44°43’ 10.1 4’ A small, loose cluster of faint stars in a rich region.
153 NGC6231 NGC 6231, Collinder 315 4 Open Scorpius 16h54m10s -41°49’ 3.4 14’ Cluster of bright stars forming part of a larger irregular cluster extending over a field 2° square. There is also some extended nebula.
154 NGC6235 NGC 6235 1 Globular Ophiuchus 16h53m25s -22°10’ 8.9 5’ Globular cluster, resembles N.G.C. 6171 but is much smaller.
155 NGC6242 NGC 6242, Collinder 317 2 Open Scorpius 16h55m33s -39°27’ 8.2 9’ Somewhat irregular cluster of fairly bright stars.
156 NGC6253 NGC 6253, Collinder 321 2 Open Ara 16h59m05s -52°42’ 10.2 4’ Small, well-defined cluster of faint stars. Possibly larger than indicated by diameter given. Resembles N.G.C. 6397, 6584, and 6362, but is not condensed towards centre.
157 M10 M10, NGC 6254 1 Globular Ophiuchus 16h57m09s -04°06’ 6.6 20’ M. 10. Very fine, bright, globular cluster. Becomes gradually brighter towards centre. Slightly brighter than N.G.C. 6218.
158 NGC6259 NGC 6259, Collinder 322 2 Open Scorpius 17h00m45s -44°39’ 8.6 14’ A distinct cluster of faint stars in a rich region.
159 M62 M62, NGC 6266 1 Globular Ophiuchus 17h01m13s -30°06’ 6.4 15’ M. 62. Globular cluster, well condensed.
160 M19 M19, NGC 6273 1 Globular Ophiuchus 17h02m38s -26°16’ 6.8 17’ M. 19. Globular cluster. Not much falling off towards edge. Does not appear circular. 5-1/2’ X 4’.
161 NGC6281 NGC 6281, Collinder 324 3 Open Scorpius 17h04m41s -37°59’ 8.4 8’ An irregular clustering of bright stars.
162 NGC6284 NGC 6284 1 Globular Ophiuchus 17h04m29s -24°45’ 8.9 6.2’ Globular cluster, well condensed. Has a nebulous appearance.
163 NGC6287 NGC 6287 1 Globular Ophiuchus 17h05m09s -22°42’ 9.3 4.8’ Globular cluster, very small, well condensed. Compare with N.G.C. 6235.
164 NGC6293 NGC 6293 1 Globular Ophiuchus 17h10m10s -26°34’ 8.3 8.2’ Globular cluster, small, well condensed.
165 NGC6304 NGC 6304 1 Globular Ophiuchus 17h14m32s -29°27’ 8.3 8’ Globular cluster, small, well condensed, bright centre.
166 NGC6318 NGC 6318, Collinder 325 2 Open Scorpius 17h16m11s -39°25’ 11.8 4’ Small clustering in a rich region.
167 M9 M9, NGC 6333 1 Globular Ophiuchus 17h19m12s -18°31’ 7.8 12’ M. 9. Globular cluster, well condensed, nebulous appearance, not much falling off towards edge. Typical of clusters about here.
168 M92 M92, NGC 6341 1 Globular Hercules 17h17m07s +43°08’ 6.5 14’ M. 92. Very fine example of a globular cluster. Very gradually condensed to a bright centre.
169 IC4651 IC 4651, Collinder 327 2 Open Ara 17h24m49s -49°56’ 8 10’ Loose cluster in a rich region. Resembles N.G.C. 6259.
170 NGC6352 NGC 6352 1 Globular Ara 17h25m29s -48°25’ 7.8 9’ Globular cluster of very faint stars.
171 NGC6356 NGC 6356 1 Globular Ophiuchus 17h23m35s -17°48’ 8.2 10’ Globular cluster, very condensed. Similar to N.G.C. 6333 but smaller.
172 NGC6362 NGC 6362 1 Globular Ara 17h31m55s -67°02’ 8.1 15’ Globular cluster of faint stars.
173 NGC6366 NGC 6366 1 Open Ophiuchus 17h27m44s -05°04’ 9.5 13’ Apparently a globular cluster of very faint stars, rather loosely clustered. Curious.
174 NGC6388 NGC 6388 1 Globular Scorpius 17h36m17s -44°44’ 6.8 10.4’ Globular cluster, very bright and condensed. Looks like a star image. Compare with N.G.C. 6441.
175 M14 M14, NGC 6402 1 Globular Ophiuchus 17h37m36s -03°14’ 7.6 11’ M. 14. Globular cluster, gradually condensing to a diffused nebulous centre.
176 NGC6397 NGC 6397 1 Globular Ara 17h40m42s -53°40’ 5.3 31’ Globular cluster, stars rather scattered, bright centre 3’ diameter.
177 NGC6400 NGC 6400, Collinder 342 3 Open Scorpius 17h40m12s -36°56’ 8.8 12’ A small open cluster. Not very well defined.
178 M6 M6, NGC 6405, Collinder 341 2 Open Scorpius 17h40m20s -32°15’ 4.6 20’ M. 6. Open cluster of bright stars.
179 IC4665 IC 4665, Collinder 349 4 Open Ophiuchus 17h46m18s +05°43’ 5.3 70’ A few bright stars forming a very open cluster. Not in N.G.C., but noted by Bailey.
180 NGC6441 NGC 6441 1 Globular Scorpius 17h50m13s -37°03’ 7.2 9.6’ Globular cluster, bright and strongly condensed. Looks almost like a star image. Compare with N.G.C. 6388.
181 NGC6451 NGC 6451, Collinder 352 2 Open Scorpius 17h50m41s -30°12’ 8.2 7’ A distinct clustering of faint stars in the Sagittarius cloud.
182 NGC6469 NGC 6469, Collinder 353 2 Open Sagittarius 17h53m12s -22°16’ 8.2 7’ Loose clustering of stars in a dense region.
183 M7 M7, NGC 6475, Collinder 354 2 Open Scorpius 17h53m51s -34°47’ 3.3 80’ M. 7. Large open cluster of bright stars extending over a field at least 1° square.
184 M23 M23, NGC 6494, Collinder 356 2 Open Sagittarius 17h57m04s -18°59’ 5.9 29’ M. 23. Open cluster, resembles No. 204, but stars more numerous and somewhat fainter.
185 NGC6496 NGC 6496 1 Globular Scorpius 17h59m03s -44°15’ 8.6 5.6’ Globular cluster, very faint stars. Has a nebulous appearance.
186 Cr359 Collinder 359 4 Open Ophiuchus 18h01m06s +02°54’ 3 4.0° A large scattered group of bright stars around 67 Ophiuchi, covering an area about 6° square.
187 NGC6520 NGC 6520, Collinder 361 2 Open Sagittarius 18h03m24s -27°53’ 7.6 5’ A small cluster of bright stars in the brightest part of Sagittarius cloud. Quite distinct, and might be considered as centre of a group of bright stars scattered over a large area.
188 M21 M21, NGC 6531, Collinder 363 3 Open Sagittarius 18h04m13s -22°29’ 7.2 14’ M. 21. A few bright stars forming a cluster in a rich region.
189 NGC6535 NGC 6535 1 Globular Serpens Cauda 18h03m51s -00°17’ 9.3 3.4’ A small cluster of a few faint stars. Has the appearance of being a very small globular cluster.
190 NGC6539 NGC 6539 1 Globular Serpens Cauda 18h04m50s -07°35’ 8.9 7.9’ Appears on same plate as N.G.C. 6535 and may also be a globular cluster. It is too faint to tell with certainty and has not been included in the diagram showing distribution of clusters.
191 NGC6541 NGC 6541 1 Globular Corona Australis 18h08m02s -43°42’ 6.3 15’ Globular cluster, well condensed, bright centre. Typical of clusters about here. Centre very dense, almost like a bright nebula.
192 NGC6544 NGC 6544 1 Globular Sagittarius 18h07m20s -24°59’ 7.5 9.2’ A bright nebulous knot in the great star cloud in Sagittarius. Probably a globular cluster, but doubtful on this scale photograph, as there is a clustering of small stars here. Called as a nebula in N.G.C.
193 NGC6553 NGC 6553 1 Globular Sagittarius 18h09m17s -25°54’ 8.3 9.2’ Probably a globular cluster, but doubtful. Somewhat like N.G.C. 6544, but not so bright and condensed. Classed as a globular cluster in N.G.C.
194 NGC6558 NGC 6558 1 Globular Sagittarius 18h10m18s -31°45’ 8.6 —– Very small. In richest part of Sagittarius star cloud, and hardly looks like a globular cluster. Difficult to decide on this scale photgraph. Classed as a globular cluster in N.G.C.
195 NGC6569 NGC 6569 1 Globular Sagittarius 18h13m38s -31°49’ 8.4 6.4’ Certainly a globular cluster, well condensed, small. N.G.C. 6544, 6553, and 6558 are similar in appearance, but smaller.
196 NGC6584 NGC 6584 1 Globular Telescopium 18h18m38s -52°12’ 7.9 6.6’ A small globular cluster.
197 M24 M24, NGC 6603, Collinder 374 2 Open Sagittarius 18h18m26s -18°24’ 11.1 6’ M. 24. A distinct cluster, almost globular, in the star cloud. Curious.
198 M16 M16, NGC 6611, Collinder 375 4 Open Serpens Cauda 18h18m48s -13°48’ 6.5 6’ M. 16. A few stars surrounded by nebula. Doubtful if it should be included.
199 NGC6624 NGC 6624 1 Globular Sagittarius 18h23m40s -30°21’ 7.6 8.8’ Globular cluster, well condensed, bright centre. Similar to N.G.C. 6569, but a little larger.
200 M28 M28, NGC 6626 1 Globular Sagittarius 18h24m33s -24°52’ 6.9 13.8’ M. 28. Globular cluster, well condensed.
201 NGC6633 NGC 6633, Collinder 380 3 Open Ophiuchus 18h27m15s +06°30’ 5.6 20’ An irregular clustering.
202 M69 M69, NGC 6637 1 Globular Sagittarius 18h31m23s -32°20’ 7.7 9.8’ M. 69. Globular cluster, bright, not much falling off towards edge.
203 NGC6642 NGC 6642 1 Globular Sagittarius 18h31m54s -23°28’ 8.9 5.8’ Appears to be a globular cluster, but difficult to decide. Strongly condensed. Resembles other small globular clusters in star cloud in Sagittarius and surrounding region. Classed as a globular cluster in N.G.C.
204 M25 M25, IC 4725, Collinder 382 2 Open Sagittarius 18h31m47s -19°07’ 6.2 29’ An open cluster of fairly bright stars. Resembles N.G.C. 6494. Not in N.G.C.; noted by Bailey. Possibly this is 6647.
205 NGC6645 NGC 6645, Collinder 383 2 Open Sagittarius 18h32m37s -16°53’ 8.5 14’ Cluster in a very dense region.
206 NGC6649 NGC 6649 2 Open Scutum 18h33m27s -10°24’ 10 5’ Very curious cluster falling in a vacant region. The diameter given is the minimum. A number of faint stars near would, if included, make the diameter 15’.
207 NGC6652 NGC 6652 1 Globular Sagittarius 18h35m46s -32°59’ 8.5 6’ Apparently a globular cluster, but difficult to decide. Strongly condensed and very bright. Similar to other small globular clusters about here. Doubtful.
208 M22 M22, NGC 6656 1 Globular Sagittarius 18h36m24s -23°54’ 5.2 32’ M. 22. Globular cluster, bright, gradually condensed. One of the most remarkable of the globular clusters.
209 NGC6664 NGC 6664 3 Open Scutum 18h36m37s -07°48’ 8.5 12’ Open cluster in a rich region; not very well defined.
210 IC4756 IC 4756, Collinder 386 3 Open Serpens Cauda 18h39m00s +05°27’ 5.4 39’ An open cluster in a rich region. Not very well defined. Not in N.G.C., but noted by Bailey.
211 M70 M70, NGC 6681 1 Globular Sagittarius 18h43m13s -32°17’ 7.8 8’ M. 70. Globular cluster, bright, very little falling off towards edge.
212 M26 M26, NGC 6694, Collinder 389 2 Open Scutum 18h45m18s -09°23’ 9 7’ M. 26. Loose cluster; not very well defined.
213 M11 M11, NGC 6705, Collinder 391 1 Open Scutum 18h51m05s -06°16’ 6.1 32’ M. 11. Globular cluster, rather loose, fairly bright stars.
214 NGC6709 NGC 6709, Collinder 392 3 Open Aquila 18h51m18s +10°19’ 7.4 14’ A distinct, loose cluster. Somewhat irregular outline.
215 NGC6712 NGC 6712 1 Globular Scutum 18h53m04s -08°42’ 8.1 9.8’ Probably a globular cluster, though difficult to decide on plates; has a nebulous appearance with central condensation. Classed as a globular cluster in N.G.C.; marked ? by Bailey.
216 M54 M54, NGC 6715 1 Globular Sagittarius 18h55m03s -30°28’ 7.7 12’ M. 54. Globular cluster, bright, very condensed, little falling off towards edge.
217 NGC6723 NGC 6723 1 Globular Sagittarius 18h59m33s -36°37’ 6.8 13’ Globular cluster, bright, fine example though small.
218 NGC6752 NGC 6752 1 Globular Pavo 19h10m52s -59°58’ 5.3 29’ Very fine globular cluster, gradually brighter towards centre.
219 NGC6760 NGC 6760 1 Globular Aquila 19h11m12s +01°01’ 9 9.6’ Would appear to be a very small globular cluster, but is on so small a scale that it it difficult to decide. Has a nebulous appearance with central condensation. There is a great resemblance between this, N.G.C. 6535, and 6539 (shown on plate 110). N.G.C. 6712, on the same plate as 6760, is similar in appearance but larger.
220 M56 M56, NGC 6779 1 Globular Lyra 19h16m36s +30°11’ 8.4 8.8’ M. 56. Possibly a globular cluster, but doubtful. Very faint and diffuse. Classed as a globular cluster in N.G.C.; marked ? by Bailey
221 M55 M55, NGC 6809 1 Globular Sagittarius 19h40m00s -30°57’ 6.3 19’ M. 55. Very fine globular cluster, gradually brighter towards centre. Large, bright.
222 NGC6811 NGC 6811, Collinder 402 3 Open Cygnus 19h37m17s +46°23’ 9 14’ An open cluster.
223 NGC6819 NGC 6819, Collinder 403 3 Open Cygnus 19h41m18s +40°11’ 9.5 5’ A clustering of faint stars in a rich region.
224 NGC6830 NGC 6830, Collinder 406 3 Open Vulpecula 19h50m59s +23°06’ 8.9 5’ An open cluster in a rich region.
225 NGC6834 NGC 6834, Collinder 407 2 Open Cygnus 19h52m12s +29°24’ 9.7 5’ Small cluster in a rich region.
226 M71 M71, NGC 6838 1 Globular Sagitta 19h53m46s +18°46’ 8.4 4’ M. 71. Appears to be a globular cluster, stars faint, not very condensed at centre, nebulous. Falls in a very rich region.
227 Cr411 Collinder 411 4 Open Octans 20h17m19s -79°02’ 5.3 70’ A few bright stars forming a coarse cluster scattered over an area 1° square.
228 M75 M75, NGC 6864 1 Globular Sagittarius 20h06m05s -21°55’ 8.6 6.8’ M. 75. Globular cluster, very bright, strongly condensed centre, with rapid falling off towards edge.
229 NGC6866 NGC 6866, Collinder 412 3 Globular Cygnus 20h03m55s +44°09’ 9.1 14’ A clustering of stars in rich region.
230 NGC6934 NGC 6934 1 Globular Delphinus 20h34m11s +07°24’ 8.9 7.1’ Appears to be a globular cluster, but difficult to decide. Very bright, condensed.
231 NGC6939 NGC 6939, Collinder 423 2 Open Cepheus 20h31m30s +60°39’ 10.1 10’ A cluster of faint stars. Not well shown on plate.
232 NGC6940 NGC 6940, Collinder 424 2 Open Vulpecula 20h34m26s +28°17’ 7.2 25’ Somewhat irregular cluster, loose, but distinct.
233 M72 M72, NGC 6981 1 Globular Aquarius 20h53m28s -12°32’ 9.2 6.6’ M. 72. Globular cluster, small, fairly bright.
234 M15 M15, NGC 7078 1 Globular Pegasus 21h29m58s +12°10’ 6.3 18’ M. 15. Globular cluster. Well condensed at centre, outlying stars few and faint.
235 M2 M2, NGC 7089 1 Globular Aquarius 21h33m27s -00°49’ 6.6 16’ M. 2. Globular cluster, very bright, not much falling off towards edge.
236 M39 M39, NGC 7092, Collinder 438 4 Open Cygnus 21h31m48s +48°26’ 5.3 29’ M. 39. A few bright stars forming a coarse cluster.
237 M30 M30, NGC 7099 1 Globular Capricornus 21h40m22s -23°10’ 6.9 12’ M. 30. Globular cluster, bright, strongly condensed at centre, with rapidly falling off towards edge.
238 NGC7209 NGC 7209, Collinder 444 3 Open Lacerta 22h05m07s +46°29’ 7.8 14’ An open clustering of stars in a rich region.
239 IC1434 IC 1434, Collinder 445 3 Open Lacerta 22h10m30s +52°50’ 9 6’ A loose cluster of faint stars. Not in N.G.C. or Bailey.
240 NGC7243 NGC 7243, Collinder 448 3 Open Lacerta 22h15m08s +49°53’ 6.7 29’ A loose clustering in a rich region.
241 NGC7245 NGC 7245, Collinder 449 3 Open Lacerta 22h15m11s +54°20’ 9.2 5’ A small cluster. Not well shown on plate.
242 NGC7492 NGC 7492 1 Globular Aquarius 23h08m27s -15°36’ 11.2 4.2’ Globular cluster, very loose, almost Class II, well-defined outline.
243 M52 M52, NGC 7654 2 Open Cassiopeia 23h24m48s +61°35’ 8.2 15’ M. 52. Cluster in a rich region. There is a falling off in the star density to the north of the cluster.
244 NGC7762 NGC 7762, Collinder 457 3 Open Cepheus 23h50m01s +68°02’ —– 14’ A loose cluster of faint stars. Not well shown on plate.
245 NGC7789 NGC 7789 2 Open Cassiopeia 23h57m24s +56°42’ 7.5 25’ A fine open cluster of faint stars. Condensed towards centre.