+A3526 3-76(Centaurus Galaxy Cluster)

+Boomerang Nebula 旋镖星云/半人马座双极星云 3-73(Cen)


12/11/‘ Scopes-150x: The Boomerang Nebula is an extremely faint, small T haze elongated N-S appear­ ing like two out-of-focus stars touching each other. It is generally even in brightness except for a small broken center.

30” Scope-120x: At 120x the nebula is obvious as small fuzzy spot. At 240x it is a relatively bright elongated glow with a slight bend and a star near center. 480x shows it slightly brighter and thicker on the south­ ern side, somewhat fan-shaped away from the star.

12/11/‘Scopes-150x: 旋镖星云是一个非常微弱的小T薄雾,被拉长的N-S看起来就像两颗失焦的恒星彼此接触。它的亮度一般是均匀的,除了一个小的破碎的中心。


+PN G293.6+10.9 3-71(Cen)

16/18 Scopes-200x: PNG293.64-10.9, nestled next to an 11.0 magnitude star at its SE edge, is a fairly bright planetary nebula with a large 75” diameter disk. It responds well to the O-III filter which shows an uneven surface brightness slightly brighter on the SE edge. The central star is much too faint for amateur telescopes. A 10.2 magnitude star lies 3.5’ north and a little west.



+PN G299.0+18.4 3-71(Cen)

16/18 Scopes-200x: PN G299.0+18.4 has a fine, bright 65” diameter disk without a visible central star. At higher powers the disk is slightly dappled. A bright 10” pair of 10th magnitude stars aligned N-S of each other lies 4’ ESE.



+Barnard 228 2-270(Lup)


4/6Scopes-25. T: Barnard 228 is a thin 4 long NW SE dust lane running from north to SE of Psi-one (ab)=3 and Psi-two (12)=4 Lupi, and parallel to the line joining the two stars. It appears as a narrow dark channel in the star field and is best observed in such wide-field, low-power instruments as giant binoculars and richest-field telescopes which heighten the contrast between dust clouds like B228 and the surrounding Milky Way glow. To spot it in telescopes slowly sweep north, NE, or SE from Psi-1 and Psi-2 Lupi: each sweep will cross one section of the dark nebula

4/6范围-25。T: 巴纳德228是一条狭长的西北-东南方向的细尘埃带,从PSIone(ab)=3和PSI2(12)=4Lupi的东南方向运行,与连接两颗恒星的线平行。它在恒星场中呈现为一条狭窄的暗通道,在大视场、低功率仪器(如巨型双筒望远镜和最丰富的视场望远镜)中观测效果最好,这些仪器增强了B228等尘埃云与周围银河系辉光之间的对比度。为了在望远镜中发现它,从Psi-1和Psi-2lupi缓慢地向北、东北或东南方向扫描:每次扫描都会穿过暗星云的一个部分


+Ant Nebula 3-257(Nor/9.2)

++PN G331.7-01.0 3-257, 3-259(Nor/9.2)

16/18”S copes-300x: Lying 3.5’ ESE of a 9.5 magnitude star, the Ant Nebula has a faint, small, nearly rectangular 25” disk visible at 200x. 320x gives the disk a slight hourglass-shaped impression. A 16th magnitude star lies near its northern edge. Filters do not seem to help.



+PK333+01.1 3-257(Nor/13.5)

16/18” Scopes-250x: PN G333.4+1.1 is stellar at low power. Look for its dim, tiny 10” disk lying between two 11 th magnitude stars 1’ NNE and 35” SW. O-III or UHC filters help only slightly. A 2.25’x 1.25’ isosceles triangle composed of two 9.3 magnitude stars and a 10.6 magnitude star points to it from the WSW. An 8.6 magnitude star lies 4.75’ ESE.



++PN G329.0+01.9 3-254(Nor/12.6)

16/18”S copes-200x: Shapley 1, lying 6’ NNW of a 7.7 magnitude bluish star, has a very faint 70” diameter disk visible without filters. At times the central star may be glimpsed. Adding an O-III filter brings out a ring structure that seems brighter along the western edge. 10th magnitude stars lie 4’ NNE and 5’ NE.



++PN G329.3-02.8(Nor/11.6)

16/18”Scopes-250x: Lying 21’ SSE of 5.2 magnitude yellow star Kappa ( k ) Normae, PNG329.3—2.8 has small 23” disk at 150x. With an O-III filter at 250x there is a vague ring structure that seems slightly brighter at its east and west ends. The central star is not visible. A 10.1 magnitude star lies 2.75’ NNW and a 10.9 magnitude star lying 2’ south has a wide, faint companion to its north.



+RCW 103 3-257(Nor)

12/If”S c o p e s -10Ox: Located 1 degree SSW of Gamma- 1 ( 7 1) and Gamma -2 (y2) and 103 is an extremely faint crescent just visible with averted vision. Filters do not seem to help. The SE end is the most visible while the NW end is just perceptible on the very best of nights.

位于伽马-1(7 1)和伽马-2(y2)的西南偏南方1度,103是一个非常微弱的新月形物,只在视线转向时可见。过滤器似乎没有帮助。东南端是最显眼的,而西北端则是在最好的夜晚才看得见的。


++Grus Quartet 3-145