Homunculus Nebula




一个半世纪以来,Eta Carinae一直是银河系南部最明亮,也是最神秘的恒星之一。

它的一部分性质在1847年被发现,当时它以一次巨大的喷发喷出了名为Homunculus(“侏儒”)的星云。这次事件使Eta Carinae成为仅次于Sirius的天空中第二明亮的恒星,即使在宽广的日光下也可以看见,并且(以后)可以轻易地与其他恒星区分,类似称为Luminous Blue Variables的不稳定恒星的星云并不如此清晰可见。

除了使Eta Carinae成为夜空中最美丽且经常被拍照的物体之一外,巨型Homunculus还包含有关其母星的信息,包括其膨胀的能量,其双极流出的能量和化学成分。


最近的一项研究表明,Eta Carinae自身亮度的增加会混淆Homunculus。实际上,它的增长是如此之快,以至于在2036年,该恒星的亮度将比其星云高10倍,这最终将使其与其他LBV难以区分。



由巴西天文学家奥古斯托·丹米利(Augusto Damineli)领导的17名研究人员,在蒙特利尔大学的安东尼·莫法特(Anthony Moffatt)的大力支持下,相信Eta Carinae亮度的增加并非恒星本身固有的,这是众所周知的。实际上,这很可能是由于从地球上看到的恰好位于尘埃云前面的尘埃云的散布引起的。



这将为深入研究Eta Carinae本身提供一个机会,甚至表明它不是一颗星,而是实际上是两颗星。


Skywatcher 180(2700mm f / 15 Mak-Cass)

昨晚,我以165倍,206倍和275倍的14“ dob观察了Homunculus。较高的放大倍数显示了气叶中更多的特征,即明亮和黑暗的区域,但从美学角度看,165x是最美丽的视图。昨晚看球不是最好的。较宽的视场也允许附近的开放星团也被挤压。这是一个星云和恒星形成区域,奖励近距离观察。


I had the opportunity to observe the Homunculus Nebula for the first time this week. Given its small size, I used my Skywatcher 180 (2700mm f/15 Mak-Cass). I started with my 18mm ortho, and as I thumbed through the focus on Eta Carinae, I at first confused the bright side of the nebula with coma. I could only make out the bright half of the nebula, but at 25mm I could make out the whole thing. The cloud features were very evident, and the nebula was quite orange. I could also make out the Keyhole Nebula in the field—in contrast to the Homunculus, it appeared a deep navy blue. It’s the most color contrast I’ve seen at the eyepiece—and through a 7-in aperture at that!

Interesting. I only see the bright half at lower power, like 109x, but at 435 I can see the whole thing, and show it to newbies.

Last night I observed the Homunculus in a 14” dob at 165x, 206x and 275x. The higher magnification showed more of the features in the gas lobes as brighter and darker areas but aesthetically 165x was the most beautiful view.

NGC 3372 = Eta Carina Nebula = ESO 128-EN013 = Gum 33 = 109a = RCW 53 = Keyhole Nebula
10 45 09 -59 52 00
V = 4.8; Size 120’x120’

24” (4/11/08 - Magellan Observatory, Australia): this observation of the Homunculus was made at 350x in good seeing with the 24”. Eta Carinae appeared an iridescent electric-orange color surrounded by the bipolar blowouts of the Homunculus. The brighter and larger lobe, which is expanding in our direction, extends to the southeast and was pretty circular (a bit flattened on the end), but punctured by a small, elongated hole that splits the lobe near Eta, creating a small 6” loop (connected on the SE end). The NW blowout is fainter and smaller with an unusual “fountain” or “fan” appearance (also referred to as the “paddle” in schematics of the Homunculus), tapering in and dimming to an extremely narrow bridge at Eta and then spreading out to the NW. The NW edge of this lobe is rounder, creating a “fan” appearance. The two lobes create empty notches near Eta and extending into the NE notch between the two lobes is a very thin, short spike (referred to as equatorial debris or “skirt) that was not difficult to view but the SW “spike” was only intermittently visible. Just west of Eta is the fairly prominent, dark “Keyhole Nebula”.

18” (7/4/05 - Magellan Observatory, Australia): spectacular detail within the Homunculus nebula at 293x. The bright 6” lobe to the SE of Eta is split by a dark lane (forming the two “legs” of the Homunculus). This lane actually consists of two darker “holes” with the outer dark hole more prominent. In moments of good seeing the outer periphery of the lobe has a slightly tattered or scalloped structure and it is flattened on the SE end. Jutting out a few arcseconds to the NE is a small, thin spike that was visible continuously with averted vision. On the opposite SW side, only a small, brighter extension or oval nodule bulges out slightly from the SE lobe. The fainter NW lobe has a more translucent appearance with a pinched “key” or “bust” outline as the nebulosity is very weak or absent in the middle of the sides (this lobe forms the “head” of the Homunculus). At the center of this remarkable sight is the bright, quasi-stellar, reddish-orange Eta Carinae.

Bochum 10 is located 40’ NW of Eta Carinae and just north of the huge wedge of nebulosity that extends north of Eta. About two dozen stars, including 7 of 9th magnitude, were resolved in the main group, which extends ~5’x2’. The cluster is fairly scattered and distributed in the two subgroups oriented NW and SE, with the SE group containing most of the stars. Visually it was much smaller than the listed diameter of 20’. Situated just 5’ NW of mag 5.4 HD 92964 and just south of the southern arc of the HD 92809 Wolf-Rayet ring, which may be associated with Bochum 10.

This huge Wolf-Rayet bubble was surprisingly easy at 76x with an H-beta filter, although without prior knowledge I would have assumed it was an outer extension of the Eta Car nebula. A huge, 35’ semicircular annulus of nebulosity was easily traced. The south side of the rim is bright, well defined and oriented roughly E-W as it passes north of Bochum 10. With careful viewing, very faint nebulosity continues to spread out from the east end. On the west side of this E-W strip, there is a short break and then it continues as a large, fairly prominent arc that curves northward. This arc is sharply defined on both the interior and exterior edge and widens and fades at the north end, although a small locally brighter patch is at the NW tip. The nebulosity curves back east on the north side but this section is quite faint and simply appears as low surface brightness haze. A relatively prominent 4’x3’ oval patch of nebulosity is isolated on the SE side, just within the interior. Very faint haze also spreads out within the interior but the eastern half of the rim is completely missing. The OIII filter significantly dims the curving NW quadrant of the loop.

13.1” (2/20/04 - Costa Rica): I spent quite a bit of time on the Eta Carina complex, particularly examining the remarkable Homunculus Nebula. This is easily the largest bright emission nebula in the sky and a very prominent naked-eye object within the amazingly rich Carina Milky Way. Dark lanes or rift separate bright islands of billowing nebulosity and the entire complex overfilled the 105x field at the eyepiece.

The surface brightness of the various sections is fairly uniform and pretty high, though it lowers in the outskirts. No section is comparable in intensity to the central heart of the Orion Nebula, but the large wedge that contains Eta Car is quite prominent. A UHC filter enhances the nebulosity without significantly dimming the stars. Just west of Eta (within the central wedge) is the fairly prominent, dark “Keyhole Nebula” that extends ~5’ length, elongated N-S (not as contrasty as when John Herschel named it in the 1830’s). Eta Carina’s orange color and the small bipolar blowouts are quite stunning at high power. Several clusters are involved with the nebula. The most prominent is Tr 16, situated just south of Eta Car.

Tr 14 is a rich group of ~30 stars mag 7 and fainter stars including the double star h4356 (7.2/8.9 at 2.8”, with brighter component HD 93129A) within a 4’ diameter. There are several additional mag 8/9 stars and a swarm of mag 12 stars! Tr 14 is situated just 12’ NW of Eta Carinae within the bright, huge triangular section of nebulosity to the NW of Eta. The cluster is the second most massive in the Carina nebula and contains ten O-type stars. HD 93129Aa (the brighter spectroscopic component of HD 93129A) is one of the most luminous and massive known stars with ~80-100 solar masses and ~2,500,000 times the sun’s luminosity. The “Mystic Mountain” region, a remarkable star-forming pillar of gas and dust captured by the HST, is at the north edge of the cluster.

Tr 16 is the most massive cluster in the Carina nebula complex and contains the majority of the O-type stars. Visually, Tr 16 is a rich group of stars trailing immediately south of Eta Carinae itself and close southeast of the dark Keyhole Nebula, all within the same bright triangular wedge. At 166x, about three dozen stars mag 9-13 were resolved within 4’. A number of the stars are arranged in chains and groups. Eta Car itself is considered part of the cluster. Mag 8.8 WR 25 = HD 93162 is about 7’ W of center of the cluster. The primary is considered the most luminous known star in our galaxy.

Tr 15 consists of roughly 15 stars (a half-dozen members are O-type supergiants) crammed into a 2’ group including a neat triple h4364 (mag 8/9/11 at 8” and 9” in a string with brightest member HD 93249) on the north side. Situated within a streamer of nebulosity just 20’ NNW of Eta Carina itself.

At 200x, the Homunculus Nebula surrounding Eta Carina was remarkable in excellent seeing on the last evening of observing. Both Eta and the nebula were a uniquely vivid color - an amazing fluorescent orange-tangerine. Extending to the SE of Eta is the brighter lobe, perhaps 6” in diameter with a sharp outline that was flattened along the southern edge in a mushroom shape. There appeared to be a partial darker lane in the interior. Extending to the NW was a smaller (4”-5”) and much fainter lobe that faded with increased magnification. A tiny spike of nebulosity jutted out along to the NE between the two lobes. A couple of very close and faint companions lie just NE of Eta. This bi-polar reflection nebula resulted from the most recent outburst of supermassive Eta Car in 1841.

20” (7/8/02 - Magellan Observatory, Australia): Using a 20 Nagler (127x) and UHC filter, the field of Eta Carina was a breathtaking sight. The outer wings and streamers extended well outside the 39’ field. The turbulent nebulosity had a curdled, electric appearance with a strong 3-dimensional effect as brighter streaks, wings, fainter masses and dark lanes were mixed together throughout the field.

The best overall view of the nebula in the 20” was at 80x (32 mm) using a UHC filter. Even at this low power, the Eta Carina nebula still overfilled the field with contrasty dark lanes and amazingly structured islands of nebulosity. I stared into the eyepiece quietly, somewhat stunned by its beauty. With this aperture at 282x, the 12”x8” bipolar Homunculus nebula was an astounding sight. The orange central star appeared quasi-stellar with the unequal blowouts fairly prominent. They had an eerie, translucent appearance with the western lobe somewhat smaller, fainter and more pinched with the eastern lobe more circular. A possible dark lane is near the center and punctures the lobes.

Tr 14 is a rich group of stars mag 7 and fainter stars in a 5’ region, situated ~12’ NW of Eta within one of the sections of nebulosity. Contains the binary h4356 (7.2/8.9 at 2.8”). The brighter spectroscopic member of the mag 7.2 star (HD 93129Aa) is one of the most massive stars known and rivals Eta Car in mass and luminosity. A triple system h4360 just 2’ SE includes a 2” pair. Cr 232 is a small, scattered group of ~20 stars in a 4’ region just following Tr 14. The brightest star is mag 7.7 HD 93250, a 04-type supergiant. Tr 16, the most massive cluster in the Carina complex, is a triangular group of stars just south of Eta and includes a chain of a half-dozen brighter stars. Tr 15 is a fairly small group of a couple dozen stars mag 8.5 and fainter, less than 30’ N of Eta Car. A half-dozen members are O-type supergiants.

Cr 228 is a large, scattered cluster ~25’ SSW of Eta Carina in the southern part of the complex. It includes two mag 6.5 stars with brightest member 6.2-6.5 QZ Carinae and the Wolf-Rayet star HD 93131. Includes a number of mag 8-9 stars spread over a 15’x10’ field. The group is elongated SW-NE.

Bochum 10 is a group of two dozen stars in a ~5’x2’ region. It includes 7 mag 9 stars that dominate the group. Fairly scattered and distributed in the two subgroups NW and SE with the SE group containing most of the stars. Located just 5’ NW of mag 5.4 HD 92964 and just south of the southern arc of the HD 92809 Wolf-Rayet ring. Situated just north of the huge wedge that extends north of Eta, ~40’ NW of the star. Visually the cluster appears much smaller than the listed diameter of 20’.

At 282x, the 12”x8” bipolar Homunculus nebula surrounding Eta Carina was an astounding sight. The orange central star appeared quasi-stellar with the unequal blowouts fairly prominent. They had an eerie, translucent appearance with the NW lobe somewhat smaller, fainter and more pinched with the SE lobe more circular. A possible dark lane is near the center and punctures the lobes.

12” (6/29/02 - Bargo, Australia): My first views of the Eta Carina nebula through Les Dalrymple’s 12.5” and Gary’s 20” were truly breathtaking and dwarfed the Orion Nebula in size and detail. The nebula is broken into 4 or 5 main separate masses of varying sizes, shapes and surface brightness by three wide, dark obscuring dust lanes. The mottled nebulosity has an amazing 3-dimensional curdled appearance and is riddled with dark bays and rifts. Outer loops and brighter streaks complete an amazing vista.

The brightest section forms a triangular wedge isolated by prominent dark lane that cuts at a striking right angle. This wedge contains the centerpiece Eta Carina which has an amazing orange color. Extending from Eta are the two small lobes (one is brighter), referred to as the “Homunculus nebula” and appearing as an explosive event from the early 19th century in a HST image. Just preceding Eta is an elongated N-S, curving dark lane nicknamed the “Keyhole Nebula” by John Herschel, as well as the open cluster Tr 16 just south of Eta.

Nicolas-Louis de Lacaille discovered NGC 3372 = Lac III-6 = D 309 = h3295 in 1751-1752 with a 1/2-inch telescope at 8x during his expedition to the Cape of Good Hope. He recorded a “Large group of a great number of small stars, little compressed, and filling out the space of a kind of a semi-circle of 15 to 20 minutes in diameter; with a slight nebulosity spreading in that space.” Of course, the nebula and embedded clusters is a prominent naked-eye object, so was certainly known by southern sky watchers.

James Dunlop observed it at least 13 times and recorded “(Eta Roboris Caroli, Bode) is a bright star of the 3rd magnitude, surrounded by a multitude of small stars, and pretty strong nebulosity; very similar in its nature to that in Orion, but not so bright … I can count twelve or fourteen extremely minute stars surrounding Eta in the space of about 1’; several of them appear close to the disk: there is a pretty bright small star about the 10th magnitude N.f. the Eta, and distant about 1’. The nebulosity is pretty strongly marked; that on the south side is very unequal in brightness, and the different portions of the nebulosity are completely detached, as represented in the figure [plate III]. There is much nebulosity in this place, and very much extensive nebulosity throughout the Robur Caroli, which is also very rich in small stars.”

John Herschel commented “It is not easy for language to convey a full impression of the beauty and sublimity of the spectacle which this nebula offers, as it enters the field of the telescope fixed in R. A., by the diurnal motion, ushered in as it is by so glorious and innumerable a procession of stars, to which it forms a sort of climax, and in a part of the heavens otherwise full of interest.”

During a 5-year period in the 1840’s and ‘50s Eta Car brightened from 1.5 to -1 (chronicled by John Herschel) and was temporarily the second brightest star in the sky, nearly rivaling Sirius. This outburst later created the double-lobed Homunculus Nebula, discovered in 1944. According to Wolfgang Steinicke, in 1863, Francis Abbott, an amateur in Tasmania, claimed a decrease in the size and brightness of the main nebula and displacement relative to Eta Car using a 4-inch refractor, but a number of critical replies followed by Lt. John Herschel (son of JH), Airy and Lassell. Interestingly, the dark “Keyhole Nebula” does appear to have lost contrast based on JH’s sketches and descriptions.

As far as the origin of the nickname “Keyhole Nebula” it’s generally assumed that JH coined the phrase and his sketch of the elongated dark patch near Eta certainly appears like a perfect classic “keyhole”. But a search through his Cape Observations and articles about the brightening of Eta Car and possible variability of the nebula reveals he used the term “lemniscate” to describe the shape (must have been his early mathematical training).

In an 1873 issue of Appletons’ Journal, Emma Converse, who reported on astronomical topics for the popular press, summarizes the dispute about changes in the nebula in an article titled “Eta Argus”. She mentions “In the middle of the brightest part of the nebulous light there was a dark vacancy, of a form resembling a keyhole, or the geometrical figure called a lemniscate, around which the light of the nebula was not uniform.” Later she mentions “The southern loop of Herschel’s lemniscate, or keyhole-shaped cavity had bulged out into the vacuity, forming an isthmus that trended north-south.” Agnes Mary Clerke refers to the “Key-Hole Nebula” in her “The System of the Stars” (second edition, 1905), plate XVII taken with the Bruce 24-inch at Arequipa in 1896.





1873年,当科学杂志作者艾玛·康弗斯(Emma Converse)撰写的一篇文章出现在当时的一本流行杂志《阿普尔顿日记》上时,这种编队的昵称是“钥匙孔星云”。匡威(Converse)在文章中将地层形容为像钥匙孔一样,名称被卡住。


有时,Keyhole Nebula的昵称被错误地用来指代整个Carina星云,因为这种结构已广为人知。

附近的一颗超大恒星叫做Eta Carinae,这是大Carina星云中另一个非常著名的结构,已经使Keyhole星云在几个世纪中发生了变化。这颗恒星简直是巨大的,其质量估计是太阳的1.5亿倍,而光度(亮度)是太阳的4亿倍。这颗恒星发出大量辐射,并影响所有周围的结构,包括匙孔星云。






–钥匙孔星云是19世纪英国天文学家约翰·赫歇尔(John Herschel)首次发现的。现在,它在新通用目录NGC 3324中拥有自己的名称,但在过去与Carina Nebula共用一个名称。

– Carina星云本身是在1751年更早时由法国天文学家Nicolas Louis de Lacaille在南非好望角海角观测所发现的。拉卡耶也没发现匙孔星云的原因是因为他没有足够强大的设备来探测这么微弱的图像。

–锁孔星云的气态云实际上包含大量结构。与超热巨星Eta Carinae的背景不同,Keyhole星云主要包含冷分子和气体。可能至少有九个独立的气团彼此独立运行。它们的相互作用很可能受到Eta Carinae和周围气体产生的恒星风的刺激。






称为匙孔星云的Carina星云特征被命名为NGC 3324,最早由英国天文学家John Herschel观察和分类。它的名字来自其形状,看起来像一个钥匙孔。


整个天空中最好的小型双极流出星云。如果Eta Car爆炸了,它肯定会被一个相对快速变化的明亮多彩的星云所取代,因为高能光子,冲击波和带电粒子依次撞击到Carina 星云的各层。


The Homunculus is small - only a few arc seconds….

40x magnification in a 10” dob


16英寸Dobs 橙色



Skywatcher 180(2700mm f / 15 Mak-Cass)+25mm=108x or 18mm:Homunculus、钥匙孔星云(深海军蓝色):看到的最大的色彩对比




APM120 90o binocular scope

32” f3.3:”V brt, bi-lobed, smaller than I thought, sharply defined edges, pinched center, several dark spots, lit from within” Notes from the 2nd night: “unique face-like shape, V brt, yellow-white color, ~sm, “ears”, CS = Eta Carinae, interconnected V dark spots, V cool”

13.1” (2/20/04): at 200x, the Homunculus Nebula was remarkable in excellent seeing on the last evening of observing. Both Eta and the nebula were a uniquely vivid color - an amazing fluorescent orange-tangerine. Extending to the SE of Eta is the brighter lobe, perhaps 6” in diameter with a sharp outline that was flattened along the southern edge in a mushroom shape. There appeared to be a partial darker lane in the interior. Extending to the NW was a smaller (4”-5”) and much fainter lobe that faded with increased magnification. A tiny spike of nebulosity jutted out along to the NE between the two lobes. A couple of very close and faint companions lie just NE of Eta.

dobson 8”:Homunculus 星云,的确很小,但是我认为它仍然应该在您的范围之内。


The Homunculus is a fantastic object, not sure if it can be classified as a PN. It has a high surface brightness and is little affected by light pollution. Seeing is everything when observing this object. At 300 x with an 12”, under good seeing conditions, it shows an amazing level of details. FWIW, I attach a Hubble´s image that I once used to describe what it can be seen: layers, dark zones, protrusions, a “depression” on the side. On an 8”, it´s still a fantastic target , and all the mentioned details can be seen at around 240 x under very good seeing.(一个梦幻般的物体,不知道这是否可以被归类为一个PN。它具有较高的表面亮度,几乎不受光污染的影响。观察该物体时,眼见为实。在300 x x 12英寸的情况下,在良好的观看条件下,它显示出令人惊叹的细节水平。FWIW,我附加了哈勃望远镜的图像,我曾经用它来描述可以看到的图像:层,暗区,突起,侧面的“凹陷”。在8英寸处,它仍然是一个不错的目标,所有提到的细节都可以在240倍左右的高清晰下看到。https://www.cloudynights.com/topic/715001-whats-happening-down-south/)

The Homunculus is one of my favourite DSO, even at urban skies. After observing it for years through an 8”, I was amazed of how more detailed it looked when I observed it through a 12”.

12 inch f/15 Cave classical Cassegrain at 360X with no filter.

The Homunculus Nebula is easy to see in small scopes

I have quite nice views of the homunculus surrounding Carina from the city with an 8” dob.

A friend of mine was using for the first time his AP 167 f7 apo. We observed for a while with his scope and 8 and 17 Ethos. Then we used the 5 mm DeLite for the Homunculus, he absolutely loved the eyepiece.

在f / 10 Celestron Evolution 8“ Lodestar X2 Mono和ASI290mc上使用C8

Celestron Omni 150 f5 “钥匙孔”非常清晰可见,从100倍的角度来看,我还能辨认出 Eta周围“单胞 ” 的双瓣形状。

10” f/4.5 Dobson, + Delite 5mm > V 228x

the Homunculus in Carina at 300 x in almost perfect seeing.

Eta周围的Homunculus星云很容易被高倍可见,并显示出确定的颜色。以160倍清晰可见,以340倍惊人。而且是橙色。非常非常橙色 列表中少数未完成的项目之一是试图用我的行星成像仪对Homunculus成像,但我被这一尝试蒙上了一层阴影。(https://www.cloudynights.com/articles/cat/articles/six-months-observing-upside-down-r3113)

Celestron 150R XLT 6英寸F5:Eta Carina 的Homunculus显示了相当的结构,甚至是微红色:比我的12“反射镜更引人注目。事实上,自从我拿到它以来,我很少使用我的12”。

我之前提到过Homunculus Nebula 的观点,我曾在60mm至810mm的范围内看到它,尽管即使在我的210mm和450mm范围内也能给人留下深刻的印象,但与从好的站点在810mm范围内看到相比,无可比拟。它更像是哈勃图像。

“猫眼”和“ 侏儒” 都相对较小,非常明亮,并提供大量细节。对于欣赏所有精细细节而言,出色的视觉效果比镜子尺寸更重要

10英寸:24mm和5x powermate(有效的4.8mm目镜)的Homunculus星云,效果很好。

Now I observe with an 8” f6,12,5 plössl + 2x barlow in the Homunculus in Carina

The Homunculus nebula is not easily seen with a RFT, and seems to require a lot of magnification (>160x), but is reportedly easy to see with 8”+ dobs.

Name: The Great Nebula in Carina, NGC 3372

Sketch with a 4” F4 newtonian/RFT from an excellent dark sky in Namibia: link

Sketch with a 12” dob: from an excellent dark sky in Hawaii:: link


  • The nebula is huge (3º), you need a RFT to fit the whole nebula in the FOV.
  • The nebula contains 6 open clusters and some smaller nebula inside.
  • The keyhole nebula inside is easy to observe. It’s rather prominent to the eye.
  • The Homunculus nebula is not easily seen with a RFT, and seems to require a lot of magnification (>160x), but is reportedly easy to see with 8”+ dobs.
  • The “Mystic Mountain” is for Hubble’s narrowband to observe. For visual you’ll see irregularities in Carina but I couldn’t find the fountain.
  • I know the dark lanes in Carina can be easily seen with direct vision from bortle 3 skies with just 80mm aperture (from the equator and no filters), but I can’t see the bright parts from bortle 6+ skies with small apertures.
  • It’s nice to observe with a zoom eyepiece, because of all the open clusters, irregularities and smaller nebula contained within.




  • 包括对象的名称和/或代码(Messier,NGC,IC或类似名称),无需RA / DEC坐标。
  • 重要:包括两个草图(或指向两个草图的链接)。
  • 一幅素描应以小孔径(5英寸或更小)观察到的对象为特征。
  • 另一个草图应以定型孔径为8“,10”或12“的观察对象为特征(请不要更大,不要沉迷)
  • 如果您没有自己的草图,则可以从Internet链接草图,请确保它们确实符合您自己的个人观察经验。
  • 每个草图都应提及所使用的光圈,并在理想情况下说明光污染(“出色的,农村,郊区,城市”或“无尘”水平)。如果不是您自己的草图,则可以搜索天空地图中提到的位置以进行查找。



  • 光圈曲线:“要看到梯形(M42)中的第六颗星,您至少需要5英寸的光圈”
  • 轻度污染:“要看到将Lagoon M8的两个区域分开的暗带,需要使用Bortle X或更好的天空”
  • 过滤器:“需要OIII / UHC / XXX过滤器才能观察星云的XXX特征”
  • 其他限制条件:“由于要占据整个Eta Carinae的视场,它需要3º才能使用Rich Field望远镜”

您不需要知道绝对的事实就可以做出贡献:至少,请提及您对这些功能的可观察性的了解,例如:“我知道通过Botle 3的直接视觉可以轻松看到Carina中的暗雾状星云3孔径只有80mm的天空”。即使只是“我无法从XX纬度解析Omega Centauri,我认为一个人需要向南走”之类的东西,它也会很有用。


名称:卡里纳大星云,NGC 3372

在纳米比亚出色的黑暗天空中使用4英寸F4牛顿/ RFT进行素描链接

用12英寸的多布勾画草图:来自夏威夷极好的黑暗天空:: 链接


  • 星云很大(3º),您需要一个RFT才能将整个星云放入FOV中。
  • 星云包含6个疏散星团和一些较小的星云。
  • 内部的锁孔星云很容易观察到。它在眼睛上相当突出。
  • 小矮人星云不容易看到了RFT,好像需要大量的放大倍率(> 160倍),但据报道不难看出,8” + DOBS。
  • “神秘山”供哈勃的窄带观察。视觉上,您会看到Carina的不规则之处,但我找不到喷泉。
  • 我知道在Carina 3的仅有80mm孔径的赤道天空(从赤道,没有滤镜)的直视下,可以轻松看到Carina的黑暗车道,但我看不到小孔径的6或更高的Bortle 6的天空的明亮部分。
  • 使用变焦目镜观察非常好,因为其中包含所有开放的星团,不规则性和较小的星云。





第二阶:触须、蓝行星状星云、八发、Running Chicken nebula、自由女神、天鹤四重、大棒旋、南十字星系、镊子、DU Cru in NGC4755(橙色)、DY Cru(2’20”)、5189





SH2-308, a Wolf-Rayet shell

Sh 2-308

SH2-80,Merrill’s Star and Minkowski 1-67 nebula

WR 134

Mel Bartels 精选


The Moon

Launar crater Birt
Lunar eclipse, Jan 2018
Lunar eclipse, Oct 2014

The planets

Saturn, 25 inch, Aug 2018
Mars, 1980’s
Mars’ moons: Phobos and Deimos
Conjunction of Mars and Saturn

Reflection nebulae

The Blue Horsehead
The Witch head nebula
Rho Ophiuchi region 6 inch
Rho Ophiuchi region 25 inch

Emission nebulae

North American Nebula
SE of North American Nebula
Pelican Nebula
The California Nebula
The Elephant’s Trunk
The Lagoon to Trifid bridge
Iris Nebula
Cederblad214, NGC7822
Finger pointing to M42
Raspberry and Bigfoot nebulae
Lower’s Nebula

HII nebulae

Cone Nebula
The seagull nebula
M43 to Horsehead

H-alpha nebulae

The Flying Bat and Giant Squid

Planetary nebulae

M57, 25 inch
extended M57
M57, 24 inch
Abell 12
NGC 6894
NGC 6210
Kohoutek 3-82

Dark nebulae

[Sketches of dark nebulae](https://bbastrodesigns.com/dneb/Astronomical Sketches of Dark Nebulae.html)
Extended Horsehead 25”
Extended Horsehead 13”
Betelguese’s Ring
Orion’s belt - dark area
The dark river

Wolf-Rayet Shells

Merill’s Star
WR 134 (V1769)


Orion’s Belt
The Garnet Star

Globular clusters

Perseus Double Cluster

Open clusters and associations

Pleiades Bubble
Pleiades Merope
Melotte 111


Orion’s Belt

Supernova remnants

Veil Nebula, 25”, Witch’s Broom N
Veil Nebula, 25”, Witch’s Broom S
Veil Nebula, 25”, Pickering’s Triangle
Veil Nebula, 25”, eastern arc
Veil Nebula, 25”, partially combined sketches
Veil Nebula, complete, 25”
Veil Nebula, complete, 6”
Orion Eridanus SuperBubble
IC 443
Barnard’s Loop west of M42
M78 and Barnard’s Loop
82.2+5.3 W63

InterStellar Medium/Galactic Cirrus

Albireo Swosh

Gravitational lenses

Andromeda’s Parachute

Black holes

M87’s jet
Cygnus X-1 shockwave

Interacting galaxies

Arp 80
Arp 81


Andromeda nebula with the 6 inch
Andromeda nebula with the 25 inch
Andromeda nebula western side
M51, the Whirlpool galaxy
Draco dwarf
Leo I dwarf
Fireworks’ galaxy
Leo Triplet
Hoag’s Object
Leo’s Triplet + 1
Markarian’s chain
Sombrero galaxy
M81, M82 area
M95, M96, M105
Fireworks Galaxy
NGC 6951
Barnard’s galaxy
Donatiello 1, Mirachs Ghost


comet Lovejoy
comet Hergenrother

Zodiacal, Gegenschein


Mel Bartels

Pelican Nebula


Cygnus X-1 shockwave along with the Tulip Nebula, Sh2-101

Donatiello 1, Mirachs Ghost and IFN

Necklace Nebula

Sh2-216, the largest planetary nebula in the sky at nearly 2 degrees
Planetary nebula Sh2-174
Merrill’s Star Nebula
WR 134 (V1769)
IC443, the Jellyfish Nebula
The HorseHead Nebula area (IC434) with my 25” f2.6
The HorseHead Nebula area (IC434) with my 13” f3.0
SH2-240, the Spaghetti Nebula (Simeis 147). My impression through my 10.5 inch [27cm] F2/7 2.5 degree field telescope is first, one of many bright stars with faint broad nebulosity that upon closer inspection shows brighter knots and upon lengthy investigation reveals filaments, particularly the double filament on the SE side. Also visible are several dark splotches.
Lunar eclipse of January 31, 2018. Thrilling to watch the Beehive Cluster gradually emerge next to the Moon as the sky darkened.
Abell 12, a faint planetary almost touching Mu Orionis
The ‘Ring’ of Betelgeuse is broken into clumpy dark nebulae with B36 the dominant feature on the western side as a long diagonal streak. There are offshoots to the northwest, one leading to B35. The arced bell to the north of Betelgeuse is clumpy and splotchy. The long curved section to the south of Betelgeuse is beautiful - subtle, mottled, striated.
The Flying Bat and Giant Squid. The Flying Bat is the huge arc to the left of the field and the Giant Squid is the bipolar nebula in the middle of the field. They are known as SH2-129 and OU4. The red carbon star is V419 Cephei.
A sketch of the newly identified H-alpha bubble, WD-1, and some thoughts on sketching and imaging.
The Draco Dwarf Galaxy proved very difficult and fairly confusing: difficult because it was so faint and confusing because of the brighter nearby IFN! In the end though a rewarding view. The galaxy, comprised of old stars, is thought to be one of the most dark matter dominated known.
The Blue horsehead nebula, IC4592 and IC 4601.
Fireworks Galaxy (NGC 6946) sports a complex of bright Integrated Flux Nebula. Combined with the bright open cluster, NGC 6939, it’s a wonderful view in a wide field larger aperture telescope
Leo Triplet (M65, M66, NGC 3628) with IFN. This is a simply beautiful view, the large galaxies with their dusky gray to nearly white hues with the IFN encircling the galaxy trio. For decades I’ve enjoyed the trio, yet simply failed to notice subtle changes in the foreground glow. I also managed to glimpse portions of NGC 3628’s tidal extension that reaches to the IFN. A Skyglow filter helped with the IFN, but dimmed the galaxies.
North of Albireo is the supernova remnant S-91 or G65.3 5.7
Because the field of view is spread over 100 degrees of apparent angle, detail is enhanced. Albireo is especially pretty with pinpoint star images from center to edge. A swoosh of nebulosity lies at the bottom of the field of view.
The ‘Dark River’ leading pouring from the North American Nebula
Hoag’s Object, a ring galaxy, 20 inch, I could see the ring about 20% of the time with an eyepiece yielding a 4mm exit pupil.
The Elephant’s Trunk, 20 inch at 4mm exit pupil with OIII filter.
Rho Ophiuchi region 6 inch.
Rho Ophiuchi region 25 inch.
The Garnet Star
With my 10.5 inch [27cm] f2.7 Richest Field Telescope, placing the Lagoon Nebula, M8 and the Trifid Nebula, M20, in the same 2.5 degree field of view reveals a curved bridge between the two.
Lower’s Nebula Sh2-261 LBN 863
The Perseus Double Cluster has a wall of nebulosity to one side with a patch of nebulosity to the west side.
There’s a dust belt to the west side of M42, the Orion Nebula with Barnard’s Loop curving to the east and below.
M78 and nearby Barnard’s Loop.
Though well known, it’s rare to see this much detail in the Veil Nebula in a single field of view.
Orion-Eridanus Super Bubble, SH2-245, SH2-264 and the southern arc of Barnard’s Loop.
G82.2 5.3 W63 SN remnant.
And the California Nebula is framed nicely in the 4+ degree field of view.
Very faint nebulae in Orion’s Belt
SH2-264 (Lambda Orionis)
SH2-245, the Fish Hook
The Witchhead nebula with my 6 inch F2.8
The Seagull Nebula
M32 to Horsehead HBeta nebulae
Comet Hergenrother Oct 7, 2012, Cottage Grove Lake, 13 inch [34cm] f3.0
The Gegenschein to the northeast (left) of Capricornus with the Milky Way to the northwest (right)





Abell 12
B72 (the Snake Nebula)
B86 (the Ink Spot Nebula)
B142/3 (Barnard’s E)
The Coalsack Nebula
Collinder 65
Collinder 69
Collinder 70
G1 (one of M31’s globular clusters)
Hickson 44 (NGC 3190 group)
Hickson 61 (NGC 4169 group)
Hickson 68 (NGC 5353 group)
The Homunculus Nebula (surrounding Eta Carinae)
IC 1295
IC 1396
IC 2602 (the Southern Pleiades)
IC 5070 and IC 5067 (the Pelican Nebula)
IRAS 09371+1212 (the Frosty Leo Nebula)
Jonckheere 320
Jonckheere 900
Jones 1
King 10
King 12
The Large Magellanic Cloud
LDN 1773 (the Pipe Nebula)
Le Gentil 3
Markarian’s Chain
Melotte 111 (the Coma Star Cluster)

NGC 40 (the Bow Tie Nebula)
NGC 104 (47 Tucanae)
NGC 147
NGC 185
NGC 225
NGC 288
NGC 604 (within M33)
NGC 752
NGC 772
NGC 925
NGC 1023
NGC 1097
NGC 1501
NGC 1514 (the Crystal Ball Nebula)
NGC 1528
NGC 1569
NGC 1778
NGC 1961
NGC 1973/5/7 (the Running Man Nebula)
NGC 1981
NGC 2070 and the Tarantula Nebula (30 Doradus) (within the LMC)
NGC 2301
NGC 2360
NGC 2371/2 (the Peanut Nebula)
NGC 2419 (the Intergalactic Wanderer/Tramp)
NGC 2440
NGC 2477
NGC 2683 (the UFO Galaxy)
NGC 2841
NGC 2903
NGC 3115 (the Spindle Galaxy)
NGC 3184
NGC 3372 (the Eta Carinae Nebula)
NGC 3532 (the Wishing Well Cluster)
NGC 4038/9 (the Antennae)
NGC 4214
NGC 4244
NGC 4485
NGC 4490 (the Cocoon Galaxy)
NGC 4676 (the Mice)
NGC 4755 (the Jewel Box Cluster)
NGC 4762
NGC 4945
NGC 5189 (the Spiral Planetary Nebula)
NGC 5746
NGC 5907 (the Splinter Galaxy)
NGC 6208
NGC 6210 (the Turtle Nebula)
NGC 6369 (the Little Ghost Nebula)
NGC 6397
NGC 6712
NGC 6752
NGC 6822 (Barnard’s Galaxy)
NGC 6826 (the Blinking Nebula)
NGC 6905 (the Blue Flash Nebula)
NGC 6939
NGC 6946 (the Fireworks Galaxy)
NGC 7008 (the Fetus Nebula)
NGC 7027
NGC 7209
NGC 7243
NGC 7332
NGC 7339
NGC 7479
NGC 7814
The Small Magellanic Cloud
Stephan’s Quintet (NGC 7320 group)
Stephenson 1
Trumpler 1



-Population III planetary nebula in Ursa Major (TS 01)

-Hen 3-1357, the youngest known planetary nebula

10” 可见

-CRL 618, or the Westbrook Nebula-


-Einstein’s Cross and Lens


-Cosmic Catterpillar

-IRAS 19024+0044

-M27 without optical aid-

-Ejecta shell around R Sculptoris


-NGC 253 without optical aid

-Cross in the nucleus of M51

-M83 and Centaurus A without optical aid

-Andromeda satellite galaxies

-Fornax Dwarf and NGC 1049

-Central star of M57

-Pease 1 in M15

-Me 2-1 planetary nebula

-Fractal structure in IC 418

-Proxima Centauri-

-Accretion disk of NGC 4261

-Massive planetary nebula N66 in LMC

-NGC 602 in wing of SMC

-The Cygnus “Ear” Nebula

-Hen 2-111, the largest known PN


-Trapezium in NGC 1931

-Double planetary nebula KjPn 8

-An aurora as intense as the one back in 1958

-HH 24 “lightsaber” jet

-Abell 74 planetary nebula

-Dust lane of NGC 2683

-Resolving stars of M54-

-M31 G1

-M31 G2

-GJCC1 planetary nebula in M22

-Palomar 12

-Discovering a new supernova

-Antlia Supernova Remnant

-Discovering another dwarf galaxy near NGC 253

-Homunculus Nebula

-Discovering a planetary nebula in M13

-A sunspot group bigger than the historical AR2192

-Remnant of SN 1006

-Another supernova in NGC 5253

-A supernova in the SMC

-Remnant of SN 1987A

-A supernova in M33

-RCW 86

-Another 1843-type outburst from Eta Carinae

-A supernova from Sher 25

-Betelgeuse’s future “crab nebula”

-Sirius casting shadows

-MyCn18 planetary nebula

-Another V838 Monocerotis with light echo

-RS Puppis nebula

-WR 124 ejection nebula

-N63A supernova remnant in LMC

-N49 supernova remnant in LMC

-Remnant of SN 1604


Shapley-Ames 星系


PN G 329.0+1.9

RCW 103

Ara星座中的黄貂鱼 星云(Henize 1357),六个弧秒。在350x时,它看起来像一个很小的盘