On December evenings the most remarkable star cluster in the heavens, the Pleiades (often called the Seven Sisters), rises to prominence. "Even on the coldest winter nights, when time spent at the telescope is better measured in minutes than hours, it would be a very un-amateur act not to look in on the Pleiades," Scotty quipped. As far as he was concerned, the Pleiades were worth looking at every clear night, and for good reason. Seasoned amateur astronomers know that the state of Earth's atmosphere can change from night to night or minute to minute. And the clarity of our atmosphere makes the difference in seeing not only the fainter members of the star cluster with the naked eye — the exact number of which has long been disputed in amateur circles — but also any telescopic traces of the delicate nebulosity that swaddles the entire cluster, like jewels in a bed of vapors. "On an ordinary night," Scotty pointed out, "there are usually a few wisps of nebulosity seen around the Pleiad Merope. But on really exceptional nights (or more likely, half-hours), the glow swells out to encompass the entire cluster in a big cocoon."
December brings winter, and with it many cold but often clear nights. On such evenings, when the stars sparkle like diamonds, there is no sight as spectacular as M45, the Pleiades (Figure 12.1). Currently, this open star cluster rides high in the eastern sky at the end of astronomical twilight. It is delightful in any instrument, from the naked eye to the largest amateur telescope, although I find large binoculars give the most impressive view. Almost every culture, past and present, mentions in its folklore the dazzling stars of this nearby cluster. They have enhanced the imaginations of gifted poet and commoner alike as far as we can remember. They are the starry seven of Keats, the fireflies tangled in a silver hraid of Tennyson, the fire god’s flame of the old Hindus, and the ceremonial razor of old Japan. No other celestial configuration appears so often on the pages °f the poet.
Astronomers have studied the Pleiades in great detail. The 19th-century author Agnes Clerke wrote that the cluster is “the meeting-place in the sky of mythology and science.” Our present knowledge of stellar evolution suggests that the
Figure 12.1
The incomparable Pleiades and associated nebulosity. North is to the left.
Pleiades are only 20 million years old. Thus, mammals were well established on Earth when the Pleiades’ light first fell upon it. I am always taken by the fact the dinosaurs never saw the Pleiades, for even as the last of those beasts roamed the land 65 million years ago, it would be another 45 million years before the Pleiades would begin to shine.
M45 is a little less than 2° in diameter — too large for the Moon to occult all of its stars at once. Partial occultations of the cluster recur in an 18.6-year cycle, as the Moon’s nodes regress along its orbit.
Have you ever tried to count the Pleiades with the naked eye? Experiments show that light entering the eye from the side reduces sensitivity and contrast. Thus, I made a cardboard tube about a foot long and a foot in diameter that I painted flat black on the inside. Unfortunately it didn’t help me see more stars. In fact, so much light bounced off the sides of the tube that I saw fewer stars with it than without it. Do not consult a chart while you are trying to count Pleiads. Instead, make a careful drawing of what you see and compare it with a chart later.
Depending on light pollution and sky conditions, most persons can see between four and six naked-eye Pleiads. Traditionally, the average eye can sec six stars here, the exceptional eye seven, and 10 bear names or Flamsteed numbers. However, during the 1800s the noted British amateurs Richard Carrington and William Denning both counted 14 stars. The late dean of visual observers. Leslie peltier. told me he could always see 12 to 14 stars there on any good moonless njeht. Perhaps because it has been repeated so many times that the number of naked-eye Pleiads is six or seven, too many observers quit counting before really reaching their limit. Many observers can reach magnitude 7.5 with the naked eye. Were it not for the bright Pleiads, these observers should be able to count upward of 30 stars in the group.
In 1935 at Tucson, Arizona, I was able to make out 14 Pleiads with ease, despite my “class 2 eyes,” and as many as 18 under exceptional skies. Forty years later from the same location, deteriorating observing conditions had reduced this number to five. The reason was apparent even before the sky darkened, for heavy clouds of smog from copper smelters had settled into the natural bowl where Tucson is located. In the sooty skies of our populated areas, it is now not uncommon that no stars can be distinguished; the eye sees just a shimmering patch. So the number of Pleiades stars visible is really an index of the transparency of the atmosphere, and the cluster does not make a valid eyesight test. If you look at this cluster only infrequently, one glance will not tell you much about the sky conditions. But with practice you’ll know by the cluster’s appearance whether the night is a particularly good one.
A Nebula Challenge
The stars of the Pleiades were born so recently (by astronomical standards) that some of the lingering dust and gas of their birth still surrounds the stars*, especially Merope (Figure 12.2). As early as 1859, the German astronomer Wilhelm Tempel observed this nebulosity surrounding the Pleiad Merope with a 4-inch refractor in Italy. Others using larger instruments failed to see it, and some doubted its existence. Photography, however, proved that the nebulosity is real, and the quest was on to see as much of it as possible visually.
From Tucson my 4-inch showed it readily. In Connecticut, a 10-inch reflector failed, but in Vermont a 5-inch Moonwatch Apogee telescope succeeded. At the August convention of the Astronomical League in Tennessee, I was surprised to find several observers who had seen the Merope Nebula more than once. It was readily visible in a 6-inch reflector made by Fred Lossing of Ottawa. Once its position southwest of the star Merope was pointed out, others saw the dim glow too. In the 16-inch, the nebula seemed much more obvious, and averted vision was not required.
Recent research suggests that the Pleiades may simply be passing through unrelated nebulosity.
Figure 12.2 | |||
The most | |||
obvious part | |||
of the visual | |||
nebulosity |
*• | ||
surrounding |
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the Pleiades |
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lies near |
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Merope, the |
■ • ' • | ||
cluster's south | |||
ernmost bright | |||
member. | |||
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In addition to the well-known glowing “thumbprint” of material south of Merope, the cluster is surrounded by a faint cloud of nebulosity. As with seeing naked-eye Pleiads, its visibility is more a test of atmospheric transparency than observer skill. The 19th-century comet observer Heinrich d’Arrest wrote of the Pleiades, “Here are nebulae, invisible or barely seen in great telescopes, which can easily be seen in finders.” Most amateurs are content to glimpse the wisp near Alcyone. But I have seen nebulosity curdling and weaving well beyond the brightest stars of the cluster. My 6-inch f/4 Cave mirror in Connecticut occasionally gives fine views of this.
With low-power telescopes and the excellent dark skies of Arizona, California, and Kansas, I have easily seen the nebulosity as a bright cotton ball encompassing the cluster. But even the slightest traces of dew on the optics will give the same impression, and I constantly check for this by looking back at the nearby Hyades cluster. Today observers have little trouble seeing the entire Pleiades cluster immersed in nebulosity when observing conditions are right.
A number of amateurs claim to have observed this nebulosity with the naked eye, and I tend to believe them. You might investigate this by carefully comparing the appearances of the Pleiades and the Hyades, to see if there is any differ' ence in what might first be perceived as sky background brightness.
Another feature of the Pleiades is mentioned in a letter by skilled variablestar observer Stephen Knight of East Waterford, Maine. He writes, “There is a dimly visible dark ring that encircles the outer boundary of the diffuse nebula. H is irregular in width and darkness. One of the darker and more easily seen parts is just north of Asterope and between it and 18 Tauri. I first spotted the dark ring with my 6-inch reflector and low power, and I followed it all the way around the bright nebulosity. It appears as an area with an absence of faint background stars or glow from the outskirts of the nearby Milky Way. The most difficult part to see js south of Merope and Electra.” Later Knight reported seeing weakly luminous material outside the ring.
At the turn of the century Edward Emerson Barnard photographed this bright outer nebulosity, so its reality is not questioned. But how many people can see it visually? It is certainly more difficult than the California Nebula, and probably on a par with the Sculptor system. I suspect that this will be a test object that will be around for a while.
When December rolled around, Scotty said he often first turned his attention to the famous Double Cluster in Perseus, high overhead. Then, looking to the southeast, he paused for a long look at the brilliant V of the Hyades cluster — the face of Taurus the Bull. 'The 7° field of view in standard 7 x 50 binoculars," he said, "will hold the cluster comfortably along with 1 st-magnitude rose-tinted Aldebaran." The area of sky containing the head and horns of Taurus is a veritable playground for amateurs using binoculars and small, rich-field telescopes. Especially noteworthy are its bright open clusters, and of course, the famous supernova remnant of A.D. 1054, more commonly known as M1 or the Crab Nebula. Taurus also contains another object of historical significance: the planetary nebula NGC 1514. As Scotty explains here, Herschel's discovery of this object "marked a turning point in the thinking of this great astronomer."
The constellation Taurus is well placed in the evening sky this month. Situated along the western edge of the Milky Way, Taurus might be expected to contain the swarms of open star clusters that pepper the constellations of Cassiopeia, Perseus, and Auriga. But this is not the case, and observing guides rarely list more than half a dozen clusters in Taurus. Furthermore, despite being the 17th-largest constellation, it contains no galaxies and only one planetary nebula within the reach of amateur telescopes.
Yet,Taurus is still an observer’s paradise. Objects within its borders range from •he magnificent naked-eye Pleiades and Hyades star clusters to a giant 3° bubble °f glowing gas similar to the Veil Nebula in Cygnus (called S147).The Hyades star cluster is rather close to us, and its stars appear spread over quite a large area. Unlike the Pleiades, there is no nebulosity associated with the group. In fact, whenever I think I’ve sighted the wispy glow between the Pleiades, I quickly turn to the Hyades to check for a glow there, too. If I see any, then I know to blame a slight dewing of the optics, even if their surfaces look clear.
Another cluster is NGC 1807.1 estimate it to be about 15' in diameter with a total magnitude a little brighter than 8. However, the 30 or so stars that a 10-inch telescope shows here are so scattered that thc total magnitude has little bearing on thc cluster’s actual visibility. NGC 1807 is seen quite well in my 4-inch Clark refractor, and the view in 60-mm binoculars is also pleasing.
Just 0.4° to the northeast, and in the same field of a low-power eyepiece i« NGC 1817. This open cluster is about 20' across, and some astronomers suspect it may be physically associated with NGC 1807. English observer Kenneth (i|yn Jones reports that, with an 8-inch reflector at 40x, NGC 1817 looks like two clusters in contact with each other. While a 10-inch telescope may reveal 20 stars here, the number may more than double in a 12-inch. Amateurs with access to large-aperture telescopes should record their counts.
The open cluster NGC 1746 presents a classic problem for visual observers —-what is its apparent diameter? Modern catalogs often list its size as 45'. However estimates range from 25' to 1°, with the larger telescopes usually givim the smaller values.
Figure 12.3 Look for the planetary nebula NGC 1514 near the Perseus/Taurus border. Its central star easily outshines the surrounding nebula.
NGC 1514 is the sole planetary nebula that amateurs can find easily in Taurus (Figure 12.3). It was discovered by William Herschel in 1790, and it marked a turning point in the thinking of this great astronomer. Until then it was widely accepted that nebulae were just clusters of stars either too faint or too distant to be resolved. But Herschel saw NGC 1514 differently:
A most singular phenomenon! A star of about Sth magnitude with a faint luminous atmosphere, of circular form, and about 3 minutes in diameter The star is in the centre, and the atmosphere is so faint and delicate and equal throughout that there can be no surmise of its consisting of stars; nor can there be a doubt of the evident connection between the atmosphere and the star.
Thus, for the first time it occurred to Herschel that there existed a “shining fluid of a nature totally unknown to us." By the mid-19th century, spectroscopy proved beyond a doubt that glowing nebular gas was an astronomical reality, but when you look at NGC 1514 bear in mind that the concept began here.
To me NGC 1514 appears more like a nebulous star, for, unlike other planetaries where the central star is often a challenge, NGC 1514’s luminary almost dominates the view. Years ago in Kansas I saw the star (listed as 9th magnitude) in a 4-inch telescope stopped down to 2 inches. The surrounding nebula is slightly oval and about 2' in diameter. Some observers consider this object difficult for an 8-inch telescope.
NGC 1555, Hind’s Variable Nebula, deserves more attention from amateurs. It is associated with the variable star T Tauri, which fluctuates irregularly between about magnitude 9 and 13. There is no clear relationship between the star’s brightness and that of the nebula. Both objects were discovered in 1852 with a 7-inch refractor by the Englishman John Russell Hind.
He reported NGC 1555 to be 4" southwest of the star. By 1868 the nebula had faded from view. It was rediscovered by Barnard and Sherburne W. Burnham in 1890 with the 36-inch refractor at Lick Observatory. Five years later the nebula had again vanished, but it was recovered photographically in 1899 and has been followed ever since.
NGC 1555 has brightened significantly since the early ’30s. Not only has its brightness changed, but apparently so have its shape and position. Currently it is due west of T Tauri, and photographs suggest that NGC 1555 is part of a shell of material surrounding the star. My last observation of it was in 1977 with the 4-inch Clark at 150x. At lower magnifications it could have been easily overlooked.
Dissecting the Crab
It’s a short hop from the heart of the Hyades to Ml, the Crab Nebula (Figure 12,4). During the 20th century Ml was discovered to be a source of strong radio emission. In the 1950s, Cliff Simpson and I operated several radio telescopes at Manhattan, Kansas. Although they were built from odds and ends, they were carefully assembled and quite sensitive. The signal from Ml was among the half-dozen strongest on our list. Ml has been carefully studied by radio and X-ray astronomers. It is known to be the remains of a supernova which exploded in A.D. 1054, and the pulsar at its center is suspected to be a rotating neutron star. The supernova was visible even in the daytime, but it wasn’t until 1731 that the nebula was first seen, by the English amateur astronomer John Bevis. Messier independently discovered it 27 years later in 1758. Traditionally, it was this object that induced Messier to compile his famous catalog of nebulae and clusters, so these deep-sky features would not again be mistaken for comets in his small telescopes; it was also in the search region for the 1835 return of Halley's Comet.
In December 1852, the English telescope maker and observer William Lassell used a 24-inch speculum-metal reflector to view Ml from Malta. He noted, "With 160x it is a very bright nebula, with two or three stars in it, but with 565* . . . long filaments run out from all sides and there seems to be a number of minute and faint stars scattered over it.” On January 6th of the following year Lassell reobserved the Crab with 565x: “The brightest parts are about 2' jn length, while the outlying claws are only just circumscribed by the edge of the field of 6' in diameter.”
The Crab can be seen in 2-inch finders. Small telescopes reveal only a shape-less 8th-magnitude blur variously sketched as oval, rectangular, or more often something in between. The Crab Nebula usually shows in small telescopes as a featureless gray ghost. My 4-inch Clark refractor has revealed hints of the nebula's ragged edge that appears so prominently in photographs. These edge serrations are usually apparent in a 12-inch telescope and easy in a 17-inch. Increased magnification does not seem to change the appearance much. Telescopes of 12-inch aperture and larger often reveal delicate filamentary structure in the nebula.
My impression is that large amateur reflectors do not show much more of the Crab Nebula than a 6-inch does, though of course they show it better. Amateurs with access to a 16-inch or larger telescope, perhaps a club telescope, can perform some interesting experiments on how the appearance of Ml varies with different magnifications and telescope f/ratios. The latter can be changed by
Figure 12.4
M1, the Crab Nebula in Taurus, is a supernova remnant that is expanding at a rate of 600 miles per second.
making aperture masks of varying diameters. Mike Mattei of Littleton, Massachusetts, has suggested using a nebula filter in the “flicker” I mode. By rapid-I ly moving it in I and out of the * space between the eyepiece and your eye, it is easy to note the effect of the filter. I tried this technique using a 15 x 65 monocular at my home in East Haddam. The
Crab was easily detected with the flicker method, but I was unable to hold the nebula steadily when viewing either without the filter or with it fixed in place.
Light pollution does affect the visibility of Ml, and many amateurs, especially from the East Coast, report that they have despaired of seeing this nebula, even though it is 9th magnitude and about 4' in diameter. My mail is divided on how well nebula filters work on this object. What do you find?
The key to successful galaxy hunting is being able to read and interpret a star chart. Of course, such a skill is indispensable for finding virtually all deep-sky objects. There is no escaping that fundamental necessity. Fortunately, the sky has its celestial coincidences — such as a bright galaxy lying near a naked-eye star — which benefits beginners looking for a good place to practice their hunting skills. "The job of locating faint deep-sky objects is always made easier if there are nearby finder stars," Scotty once instructed his readers. The constellation Cetus is home to one of these celestial coincidences, for near the 4th-magnitude star Delta Ceti lies the bright Messier galaxy, M77, which is also one of the sky's weirdest. As Scotty explains, the galaxy not only perplexed early telescopic observers but also modern-day astronomers.
A s I gather my thoughts and begin writing this column, it is a musty, rain-soaked
/v August here in Connecticut. But I look at “December” typed at the top of the page and think to myself, “Ah, in December the rains will be long gone and the cold arctic air overhead will let the Milky Way erupt, trailing clouds of glory across the heavens. Then, with the help of a hefty snow shovel, those of us in the Northeast may occasionally dig out our telescopes enough to do some useful work.”
I can only hope that this will be the case, for 1990 has been a particularly poor year for clear skies in New England. Then again, treasured in my old-letter file is a 1930s missive from Leon Campbell, the first recorder for the American Association of Variable Star Observers. In it he complains that during the previous month the weather was so bad that the AAVSO received not a single observation from Massachusetts or Connecticut. So if the weather confounds your observing program, the remedy is simple: live long.
December is a fine month for viewing Cetus, the Whale. This constellation, which swims mostly just under the celestial equator, is presently near the meridian during evening hours. If you work with 8- to 12-inch telescopes, there are many fascinating galaxies in Cetus worth hunting down. In this part of the heavens our gaze is away from the plane of the Milky Way. Indeed, just over the Cetus border in Sculptor is the South Galactic Pole. Here we are looking into the depths of the universe, beyond our own galaxy’s veil.
Those who use 17-inch and larger telescopes will no doubt be able to find many more galaxies than shown on charts like Tirion’s Sky Atlas 2000.0. While many of them can be found in the New General Catalogue of Galaxies and Clusters of Stars (NGC), others will be listed only in specialized catalogs. Correctly identifying these galaxies can be a real challenge, even for the amateur who has a good reference library.
Learning to use a good atlas, preferably one showing 9th-magnitude stars, is another important project. Frequent glances back and forth between eyepiece and atlas, the latter illuminated by a dim red light, will soon tell you how much sky
appears in the eyepiece at one time. Recent psychological studies of pattern recognition have shown the importance of orienting the chart to match the visual field This is easy when a region near the meridian is viewed in a refractor, but some care may be needed with a reflector, or if the region is far from the meridian.
The job of locating faint deep-sky objects is always made easier if there are nearby finder stars. Since most telescopes have a field of view less than 1° jn diameter when used at lOOx (a good magnification for searching out many small objects), it would be nice to have charts with at least one star in each l°-diame-ter field. You can test your own charts by cutting the correct size circle in a piece of paper and moving it around the charts to see how often there are no stars showing in the 1° opening.
Figure 12.5 The energetic nucleus of the Seyfert galaxy M77 in Cetus is spewing out clouds of gas (each with the mass of about 10 million Suns) at speeds of nearly 400 miles per second.
The galaxy M77 in Cetus is a good practice object near a naked-eye star (Figure 12.5). Put on a low-power eyepiece and center Delta (8) Ceti in the field (perhaps after sighting along the side of the telescope tube). Then, by remembering how large the !4° Moon looks in the same ocular, slide the telescope an estimated 1 southeast. A small, steady glow seen in this region will probably be M77.
If this attempt fails, put Delta back in the center of thc field, then wait 3.2 minutes — the difference in right ascension between Delta and M77 — and scan along a north-south line. You should spot the galaxy south of where thc star had been by some 2T, the difference in their declinations.
M77 is an old friend from my days in Kansas. Even under 400x in my 10-inch reflector, I could never quite distinguish the starlike nucleus that some observers have reported. In viewing extended deep-sky objects, maximum image contrast is essential to discern small differences of tone. But any stray light in the optical system (from dirty or imperfect lenses), sky brightness, or artificial light will compress the scale of recognizable shades by eliminating black and lightening all grays. Light that does not go into the image goes elsewhere to brighten the field. The result is a washed-out image, and near the limit of visibility it may mean the difference between seeing or not seeing the subject.
This fact was emphasized one night when 1 was observing M77 with thc 4-inch Clark refractor. The night was good and the Milky Way especially vivid. Normally, M77 appears as a round patch of light 2' in diameter, fading irregularly near its edge. This night, however, the edge of the galaxy was sharply seen against the background. Also, for thc first time in so small an instrument, I could see mottling in its core. Thc excellent optics and the fine night changed this minor galaxy into a marvelous sight, rivaling much more popular objects.
The Skalnate Pleso Atlas Catalogue puts M77’s visual magnitude at 8.9 and photographic at 9.6. But the Revised New General Catalogue (RNGC) gives 10.5 photographic for it. Such discrepancies between catalogs are not at all unusual, emphasizing the fact that magnitudes assigned to nebular objects depend strongly on the size and type of instrument and the method of observing. Galaxies are roughly one magnitude fainter in blue light (photographic) than in yellow-green (visual). Also an estimate of a galaxy’s magnitude is apt to be brighter with a small telescope than a large one. This effect was noted long ago by comet observers. It is particularly marked for very extended objects of low surface brightness.
M77 inspired a remarkable set of seesaw descriptions by early observers. The galaxy was discovered in October 1780 by Pierre Mechain. Although Mechain initially described it as a nebula, that December Messier called it “a cluster of small stars which contains some nebulosity.” The observation that really surprised me, however, was William Herschel’s in the early 19th century. This skilled observer called M77 “a cluster of stars ... [with a] stellar appearance when it is viewed in a very good common telescope.” (Keep in mind that a common telescope in Herschel’s day was not very good when compared with the average equipment owned by amateurs today.) His son John called M77 “partly resolved.”
At this point one might rightly ask, what gives? Does M77 look like stars or nebulosity? The pioneering English astrophotographer Isaac Roberts indirectly offers a possible answer to the discordant visual descriptions. In the late 1800s his photographs revealed M77 to be a stellar nucleus surrounded by nebulosity “studded with strong condensations resembling stars.” Could others have seen these condensations as stars? I had one such view, but it was with a 36-inch reflector back in the 1930s, and other visual descriptions made with similar-size instruments make no mention of the “stars.” Thus, with proper reverence for Messier and his contemporaries, we must erase any idea that M77 can be resolved like a star cluster.
There’s no question, on the other hand, that the galaxy has a bright nucleus. M77 is in fact among the brightest examples of a Seyfert galaxy, one having a miniature quasar at its core.
lust as open clusters dominate our view of the starry band of the Milky Way, galaxies tend to be most numerous in those parts of the sky farthest from this region, where dense star clouds and obscuring dust can block our view of deep space. Such is true for the constellation Cetus, now in the evening sky. "It is a vast stellar desert," Scotty wrote, "but a rich area for galaxy hunters." Amateurs equipped with only a 3-inch or 4-inch telescope can pick out many galaxies, and a 12'Z>-inch will show many more of them. Here Scotty describes a series of galaxy chains in Cetus and a mysterious planetary nebula that should keep novices and seasoned observers busy during the long December nights.
For those who want to sweep the field around M77, several other galaxies are within the range of amateur telescopes. This is an especially good field for beginners, since the 4th-magnitude star Delta (8) Ceti provides an easy starting point just under 1° northwest of M77. The star and the moderately bright Messier object serve as landmarks to return to if you get lost while hunting for the other sights.
Some X° due north of Delta Ceti lies the faint galaxy NGC 1032. Sky Catalogue 2000.0 lists it as a spiral with photographic magnitude 13.2. A good rule of thumb is that such objects will appear a magnitude brighter visually. I’ve estimated NGC 1032’s brightness as 12.1 with the 4-inch Clark. Herschel called it “pretty bright.” This may seem strange in light of his description of nearby 10.5-magnitude NGC 1055 as “pretty faint,” but it may be due to NGC 1032's smaller size (about 3' x 1'), which increases the surface brightness of the galaxy.
This effect is also demonstrated by two other galaxies in the area. Both NGC 1073 and NGC 1087 are listed as magnitude 11.0 in Roger Sinnott’s NGC2000.0. Herschel, however, called the smaller galaxy (NGC 1087. 3.5') “pretty bright” and the larger one (NGC 1073,4.9') “very faint.” I have examined a photograph of the field, and at first glance it would seem that more than a magnitude separates these galaxies. Trying to convert from one system of brightness determinations to another can be an amateur’s nightmare.
Eight degrees south of Delta Ceti, the stars 80 and 77 Ceti mark another clump of galaxies. The three brightest are seen in my 4-inch Clark with averted vision, and once so found they can be glimpsed with only a 3-inch. First try NGC 1022, a barred spiral, l‘A° northeast of the two stars. From Louisiana, back in 1945, my 10-inch reflector showed traces of structure in this 1.4' x 1.8' oval: the night was superb but the dewing was so heavy that I had to use heaters on the main mirror to observe at all!
At my Joseph Meek Observatory, the galaxy was featureless in the 4-inch. I made its magnitude 10.8. while the RNGC gives its value as 12.5 photographically.
NGC 1052’s tiny 1' diameter bears magnification well. In a 10-inch with 200x at Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 1 once estimated it to be 11th magnitude; the RNGC makes it 12.0 in blue light. About equally dim is NGC 1084, a distinct oval 2' long.
Those equipped with large amateur instruments may want to fill out the grouping with a trio of very faint galaxies.
Even a 10-inch will pick up NGC 991 with little trouble. This is a roundish galaxy less than 2' across and 2A° north of 80 Ceti. According to the catalog, its photographic magnitude is 12.5.
NGC 1048 lies %° south of NGC 1052 and slightly west. Decidedly cigarshaped, it is 4' long and looks about 12th magnitude. The RNGC lists it as a close pair of galaxies, each of photographic magnitude 14.0.
Using lOOx or more, try your luck with NGC 1035, a sliver 2' long (between 80 Ceti and NGC 1052). Here, the photographic magnitude and my visual impression are both 13.
The last three are atmospheric test objects for us in the United States, and even more so for Canadians, where these galaxies culminate somewhat lower in the southern heavens.
Northeast of 4th-magnitude Theta (0) Ceti is a chain of four galaxies just right for 6- to 8-inch telescopes. The chain extends northwest to southeast. The northernmost galaxy is NGC 584, an elliptical whose slightly oval disk is a bit less than 2' across with a visual magnitude of 10.8. It has been seen with a 2‘Z-inch aperture and shows well in my 4-inch Clark refractor. If you are using a large instrument, try looking for 14th-magnitude NGC 586 just 5' to the southeast.
The next galaxy in the chain, 25' southeast of NGC 584, is NGC 596, which lies just west of a faint naked-eye star. The best view of this 11.5-magnitude elliptical will be had if the relatively bright star is kept out of the field. It may also help to rock the telescope gently, as slight motion sometimes improves the visibility of faint objects. I have found that the rocking technique works well when 1 am viewing extended objects like galaxies, but just the opposite is true for stars — the least field motion will wipe out faint stars.
About !6° southeast of NGC 596 is NGC 615. It is a spiral galaxy about 2' long with roughly the same brightness as NGC 596. NGC 615 has a distinctly bright nucleus that seems displaced from the center of the galaxy. This object was easy for my old 10-inch reflector in Kansas.
The last galaxy in the chain is NGC 636. It is about 1° from NGC 615 and displaced slightly to the east of a line connecting the other three. 1 estimate this faint elliptical to be magnitude 12.0 and just under 1' across. NGC 636 looks very much like a small planetary nebula. When I placed an ultrahigh-contrast (UHC) filter between the eyepiece and my eye, however, the object dimmed along with the stars, thus ending any thought that it was a nebula.
It was quite another story when the filter was used on the nearby large plan-
Figure 12.6
The planetary nebula NGC
246 (with four stars superimposed on it) appears bright and round in large telescopes.
etary NGC 246. Flipping the filter in and out of the view caused the stars to blink while the nebula remained conspicuous. In my opinion filter flipping is a much better way to locate small planetaries than the older method of using a prism or spectroscope.
NGC 246 was discovered by William Herschel, who called it large and very faint. I question his description of it as faint, since I can see it with the 4-inch Clark. Modern estimates placed the 4'-diameter planetary at magnitude 8.5. Ronald Morales saw NGC 246 “well” in a 6-inch reflector. With an 8-inch f/5 reflector, he reports that the nebula was “easily seen as a round, diffuse glow behind three stars of similar brightness. A fourth was glimpsed, but the central star was not seen.” Other reports suggest that the planetary is a complete ring in apertures larger than 10 inches, while smaller instruments show the ring as broken.
If you are interested in hunting out some of Cetus’s fainter galaxies, begin with NGC 309, located about 3° northeast of NGC 246. It is a 12.5-magnitude spiral about 2' in diameter. Objects like this show better in long-focus instruments since they tend to scatter less light in the field. My old 10-inch reflector was f/8.6, and it gave fine views of faint deep-sky objects. Some of my best deep-sky views have been with the Stellafane 12-inch Porter turret telescope, which is f/17.1 also suggest using a Barlow lens to obtain higher magnification. A low-power eyepiece and Barlow seem to scatter less light and produce a higher-contrast view than a high-power eyepiece alone.
Less than 1° northeast of NGC 246 is NGC 255, another spiral that is about the same magnitude and slightly larger than NGC 309.1 have glimpsed it with the 4-inch Clark, but a 10-inch would be a more practical instrument to fish it out.
Lastly, there are two faint galaxies about 3° southwest of NGC 246. The brighter is the spiral NGC 210. Its oval disk is about 4' long and catalogs list it as magnitude 11.8. While in Louisiana during World War II. I had a fine view of this object with the 10-inch reflector. Less than 1° to the southwest is NGC 178, which was also visible in the 10-inch. However, at 13th magnitude and about 1' in diameter it is a more challenging object.
Another Cetus galaxy, NGC 578, seems never to have been mentioned in this column before, nor is it plotted in Norton’s Star Atlas, but over the years I have seen it several times with apertures ranging from 13 inches down to 4. With averted vision, look a for a dim oval glow, about 4' by 2' in extent. It is best to prepare a finder chart by plotting this position on a map showing stars as faint as magnitude 9, for this object is very difficult to acquire by simply sweeping. If you don’t find NGC 578, you have the consolation that William Herschel missed it too. My estimate of the total magnitude is about 11.2, as seen in the 4-inch.
By the way, I would like to thank all the people at the 1990 Stellafane convention in Vermont who participated in the “Hello, Scotty!” greeting on Saturday evening. That shout may have made it all the way to Connecticut (I’ve learned of unusual happenings in the area that were glibly attributed to weather conditions), but at the time I was enjoying a meal of delicious mussels at a sidewalk cafe in Belgium following the AAVSO’s European meeting. It was the first Stellafane I’ve missed in many years.
"It is December again and the stars have an extra snap and sparkle. The humidity is down, objectives do not dew up, and the warmly dressed observer is as happy as on June nights." Or so Scotty thought when he wrote from Kansas in 1955. Nearly four decades later he noticed that the skies had steadily deteriorated and wondered what our skies would be like in the future. Despite this growing nemesis, which we now commonly refer to as light pollution, the night sky with all its splendors continues to inspire passionate souls. In this last installment, Scotty takes us on a visual romp to some of December's most astonishing sights, all of which have been covered in more detail throughout this book. Still, they are, as Scotty has called them, the old favorites of our youth. The romp ends with M42, the Orion Nebula. Thus the book comes full circle. In the end, when called upon to reflect on the importance of amateur astronomy, Scotty looked into his crystal ball and saw the promise of progress, mainly because in his heart he cherished a belief in the positive impact of the night sky on the affairs of humanity.
Fifty years ago, any kid in a big city like my old hometown of Milwaukee could set up a telescope in his or her backyard and enjoy really first-rate views of the night sky. This is far from the case today, and the problem facing most urban observers is to find a dark-sky site that can be reached quickly with a telescope that can be stuffed into the back of an automobile. Long-time author and telescope maker Robert E. Cox once noted that amateur telescopes in the 1930s
Figure 12.7
The open cluster M38 (top) and its smaller companion NGC 1907 (bottom) both lie in Auriga.
stayed collimated better than those of today. One reason may be that years ago we didn’t drag our equipment over so many back roads.
As many of us know, the telescope is a wondrous invention, and the heavens contain all manner of marvels that can still astound the imaginative mind, no matter what the smog density may be. Some of the better sights await us in the December evening sky. The Northern Cross is erect in the northwest: Albireo has already set. Pegasus is now a great diamond-shape sloping slowly to the west, as Orion mounts closer to the meridian. This is no time for routine or difficult objects: it is better that we sweep again the old favorites of our youth — the sights that enthralled us with our first homemade reflector.
The Pleiades must come first, that marvelous cluster which in opera glasses is more splendid than most galactic clusters in a 10-inch. But if we have a 10-inch the splendor may keep us at the eyepiece for long moments. Perhaps we can faintly see the Merope Nebula — it is not impossible. Next we pause for a brief glance at the Hyades, bright with piercing sparkle.
After this comes the great Double Cluster in Perseus. To the naked eye it shines with a steady glow between Cassiopeia and Perseus, and in the telescope this tremendous blaze of scintillating suns makes a commanding entrance into the eyepiece field. One can look for a long time at the many doubles, the colors, the winding patterns as the dense cores of the cluster thin out slowly to merge finally into the star-rich background of the galaxy itself.
Moving down the Milky Way we run into such variegated star fields and clusters in Auriga that it is almost impossible to know where to halt, but this might very well be at M38. Evenly compressed into a glowing ball two thirds the diameter of the full Moon are over 100 softly blazing stars (Figure 12.7). Nearby >s M36, a rich cluster of fainter stars, somewhat smaller but also impressive. It is well to trail the telescope slowly over the whole length of the Milky Way in Auriga, for objects unmentioned in these regions would be major sights in most other parts of thc sky.
Farther to the south, we pause for a moment at Ml. the famous Crab Nebula, although our telescopes will show little more than an oval glow, with little trace of wispy filaments. Less well-known, but still one of my favorites, is the diffuse nebula M78 in Orion, with a few stars apparently superimposed. It has a curious “ink-blob” symmetry.
Next in numerical order is M79 in Lepus, an 8th-magnitude globular cluster eight arcminutes in diameter. Finally, saving the most impressive for last, is the incomparable M42, the great Orion Nebula, about which words fail. No amount of intensive gazing ever encompasses all its vivid splendor.
What Is an Amateur Astronomer?
Fortunately most amateurs don’t bother with the semantics of their title. But it seems appropriate to consider what the name means. For starters 1 turned to the New English Dictionary. This scholarly work informed me that the word “amateur” is rather new to the English language, having appeared in print sometime after 1700. It is taken from a French word meaning “lover.” In thc 1700s, to be an amateur simply meant loving a subject. The word was used in bird-watching, lichen counting, painting, and all such sorts of human devotion. The connotations were always favorable.
Shortly after 1800 a derisive use began to appear. And in astronomy the modern division began to form between admiration for the stars and earning a living. The separation between amateur and professional astronomers became wide and deep. In the 1880s, when New York amateur astronomer and newspaper writer Garrett P. Serviss formed an organization called the American Astronomical Society, Simon Newcomb of the Nautical Almanac Office loudly protested that no amateur group should be allowed to carry so lofty a name.
Other professionals were less disapproving. Edward C. Pickering of Harvard recruited amateurs to monitor variable stars, and his efforts led to the formation of the American Association of Variable Star Observers. This and other organizations helped raise the status of amateurs.
Today the observations of amateurs can redirect efforts at professional observatories around the world. Australia’s Robert Evans, observing from his backyard, has alerted professionals to many supernovae, allowing them to gather data on some very unusual stars in a timely fashion.
In 1931 Harvard astronomer Harlow Shapley gave a talk to the Milwaukee Astronomical Society (all 18 members). Afterward, during a discussion that went into the wee small hours, we talked of the role amateur astronomers play. Shapley did not see amateurs as volunteers who only did chores for the professionals. He saw them as a vital link between professionals and the public, a link that must exist if observatories hope to survive.
Lewis Epstein had a slightly different assessment of amateurs, one that he outlined in a talk before the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. He sees amateurs as the ones who plant and cultivate the seeds for the next generation of professional physicists, mathematicians, and engineers, as well as astronomers. So it’s with a great sense of pride that we, as amateurs, go outside and enjoy the night sky.
Walter Scott Houston
1912 — 1993
Whether listening to lectures, participating in swap meets, sharing tips on telescopes, or showing off their equipment — as shown in these scenes from the July 1987 Stellafane convention in Springfield, Vermont — amateur astronomers spread their passion for astronomy. It all comes down to the love of the night sky, which Scotty helped to foster. In 1994, the year after Scotty died, Stellafaners showed their love and affection for him with a moment of silence by candlelight. It was a fitting tribute to a man whose words helped so many grow in their own love of the sky.
Name |
Type |
Const. |
R. A. h m |
Dec. o / |
Millennium Star Atlas |
Uranometria 2000.0 |
Sky Allas 2000.0 |
Crab Nebula, Ml, NGC 1952 |
BN |
Tou |
05 34.5 |
+22 01 |
158 |
135,136 |
5 |
Double Cluster, (east), NGC 884 |
OC |
Per |
02 22.4 |
+57 07 |
46, 47, 62 |
37 |
1 |
Double Cluster, (west), NGC 869 |
OC |
Per |
02 19.0 |
+57 09 |
46,62 |
37 |
1 |
Hind's Variable Nebula, NGC 1555 |
BN |
Tau |
04 21.8 |
+19 32 |
185 |
133 |
5,11 |
Hyades |
OC |
Tau |
04 27.1 |
+16 55 |
185,186, 209,210 |
133,134, 178,179 |
5,11 |
M36, NGC 1960 |
OC |
Aur |
05 36.1 |
+34 08 |
113 |
97, 98 |
5 |
M38, NGC 1912 |
OC |
Aur |
05 28.7 |
+35 50 |
113,114 |
97 |
5 |
M77, NGC 1068 |
Gx |
Cet |
02 42.7 |
-00 01 |
262 |
220 |
10 |
M78, NGC 2068 |
BN |
Ori |
05 46.7 |
+00 03 |
253 |
226 |
11, B2 |
M79, NGC 1904 |
GC |
Lep |
05 24.5 |
-24 33 |
350 |
315 |
19 |
NGC178 |
Gx |
Cel |
00 39.1 |
-14 10 |
316,317 |
261 |
— |
NGC210 |
Gx |
Cet |
00 40.6 |
-13 52 |
316,317 |
261 |
10 |
NGC246 |
PN |
Cet |
00 47.0 |
-11 53 |
316 |
261,262 |
10 |
NGC255 |
Gx |
Cet |
00 47.8 |
-11 28 |
316 |
261,262 |
10 |
NGC309 |
Gx |
Cet |
00 56.7 |
-09 55 |
316 |
262 |
10 |
NGC578 |
Gx |
Cet |
01 30.5 |
-22 40 |
362 |
308 |
18 |
NGC 584 |
Gx |
Cet |
01 31.3 |
-06 52 |
290 |
263 |
10 |
NGC 586 |
Gx |
Cet |
01 31.6 |
-06 54 |
290 |
263 |
— |
NGC 596 |
Gx |
Cet |
01 32.9 |
-07 02 |
290 |
263 |
10 |
NGC615 |
Gx |
Cet |
01 35.1 |
-07 20 |
290 |
263 |
10 |
NGC636 |
Gx |
Cet |
01 39.1 |
-07 31 |
290 |
263 |
10 |
NGC991 |
Gx |
Cet |
02 35.5 |
-07 09 |
287 |
265 |
10 |
NGC1022 |
Gx |
Cet |
02 38.5 |
-06 40 |
287 |
265 |
10 |
NGC1032 |
Gx |
Cet |
02 39.4 |
+01 06 |
262, 263 |
220 |
10 |
NGC 1035 |
Gx |
Cet |
02 39.5 |
-08 08 |
286, 287 |
265 |
10 |
NGC 1048 |
Gx |
Cet |
02 40.6 |
-08 33 |
286, 287 |
265 |
— |
NGC 1052 |
Gx |
Cet |
02 41.1 |
-08 15 |
286 |
265 |
10 |
NGC 1073 |
Gx |
Cet |
02 43.7 |
+01 23 |
262 |
220 |
10 |
Ast = Asterism; BN = Bright Nebulo; CGx = Cl OC = Open Ouster; PN = Planetary Nebulo; ♦ |
usfer of Galaxies; DN = Dark Nebula; GC = Globular Cluster; Gx = G = Star; * * = Double/Mulliple Star; Var = Variable Star |
alaxy; |
Nome |
Type |
Const. |
R. A. |
Dec. o / |
Millennium Star Atlas |
Uranometria 2000.0 |
Sky Atlas 2000.0 | |
h |
ml | |||||||
NGC1084 |
Gx |
Eri |
02 |
46.0 |
-07 35 |
286 |
265 |
10 |
NGC1087 |
Gx |
Cet |
02 |
46.4 |
-00 30 |
262 |
220 |
"hT |
NGC 1514 |
PN |
Tou |
04 |
09.2 |
+30 47 |
139 |
95 |
5 |
NGC1746 |
OC |
Tau |
05 |
03.6 |
+23 49 |
159 |
134,135 |
5 |
NGC1807 |
OC |
Tou |
05 |
10.7 |
+16 32 |
183 |
135,180 |
5,11 ' |
NGC1817 |
OC |
Tau |
05 |
12.1 |
+16 42 |
183 |
135,180 |
5,11 |
Orion Nebulo, M42, NGC 1976 |
BN |
Ori |
05 |
35.4 |
-05 27 |
278 |
225,226, 270, 271 |
11, B2 |
Pleiades, M45 |
OC |
Tau |
03 |
47.0 |
+24 07 |
163 |
132 |
4, A2 |
T Tauri |
Var |
Tau |
04 |
22.0 |
+19 32 |
185 |
133 |
5,11 |
Ast = Asterism; BN = Bright Nebula; CGx = Cluster of Galaxies; DN = Dark Nebulo; GC = Globular Cluster; Gx = Goloxy; OC = Open Cluster; PN = Planetary Nebulo; * = Sfor; * ♦ = Double/Mulliple Star; Var = Variable Star
Listed below by month and year of issue are the Deep-Sky Wonders columns from Sky & Telescope that were mined to create this book. Also listed are the sources who generously provided the images that accompany the text, and whose permission is gratefully acknowledged.
The Glory of a Thousand Stars in a Thousand Hues
January 1991.
The Nebulous Wonder of Orion
February 1950, January 1952, December 1955, February 1971. September 1980. January 1987. January 1991.
The Quest For Barnard's Loop and the Horsehead
Barnard’s Loop: February 1984, January
1987. January 1991.
Horsehead: January 1952, December 1957, January 1969. January 1970, January 1979.
January 1987. February 1990. January 1991.
The Great Triangulum Spiral
July 1949. January 1955. April 1955, October 1958. October 1959. January 1962. November 1962. December 1965.
January 1975.
The Mystery of Nonexistent Star Clusters December 1975, January 1976.
Jewel of the Night
December 1953, December 1955. December 1956, January 1962, December 1964,
November 1979, October 1980. December
1982. December 1983. November 1984, December 1985, December 1988.
November 1990.
Winter's Furnace
January 1957, December 1963, January
1972. December 1972. January 1986. December 1986, February 1992.
Images:,1.3,1.5,,1.11,1.12: Akira Fujii. 1.4: Chuck Vaughn., 1.9: Sky & Telescope. 1.13: NGS-POSS.* 1.14: DSS-S.**
Wonders in the Void
April 1954. March 1962, August 1963, February 1968. May 1968. December 1970, December 1973. December 1980. March 1985. October 1986, February 1991, November 1991. November 1993, February 1994.
Kemble's Cascade and Pazmino's Cluster
February 1968, December 1973, December 1980, March 1985, February 1991, November 1991, November 1993,
February 1994.
Going to California
December 1981, March 1982, December 1982, November 1983. November 1985, January 1987. October 1988, December
1988. September 1989. January 1993.
The Little Dumbbell
December 1947, November 1954, December 1963, May 1969, December 1976, January 1979. December 1981,
December 1982, January 1984, December 1988, November 1993.
Probing the Depths of Perseus
December 1947, November 1954, December 1956, November 1960, January 1964. December 1976. December 1982.
November 1983, December 1984, December 1988, January 1989.
Navigating the Celestial River
April 1954, February 1962, December 1966, November 1967, January 1971.
January 1972, January 1973, December
1978. January 1980. January 1984. December 1986, January 1992, March 1994.
Averted Vision and the Celestial Jellyfish March 1949, February 1962, April 1964, May 1966, November 1967, May 1979, January 1980. November 1981.
Images: 2.1: Preston Scott Justis. 2.2,2.7: Martin C. Germano. 2.3,2.9: NGS-POSS. 2.4,2.5: DSS-N.*** 2.6: George Greaney. 2.8: George R. Viscome. 2.10: Akira Fujii. 2.11: Mt. Wilson and Palomar Observatories, courtesy the California Institute of Technology. 2.12: Dennis di Cicco.
The Elusive Winter Wreath
March 1962. February 1974, November
1983, February 1987. January 1988, February 1990, January 1993.
The Gem of Gemini
April 1957, March 1960, March 1964. January 1966, March 1977, February 1980, March 1982, December 1983, February
1984, January 1985, December 1985, February 1986, March 1989, March 1992.
M35's "Comet" Companion
April 1957. March 1960. March 1964. March 1977, February 1980. March 1982, February 1984, January 1985, February 1986, March 1989.
The Domain of Castor
February 1961, February 1970, February 1971, February 1972, February 1980, March
1981, February 1983. February 1986. March 1989, March 1992. December 1993,
The Great Corridor of Open Clusters January 1947, February 1954. December 1955, February 1960, January 1961. January 1974, February 1975. March 1977, December 1979. December 1985. January 1990
The "Leader of the Host of Heaven" and Its Neglected Entourage
March 1947, February 1955, January' I960 February 1973, February 1978. February
1982, February 1988. February 1993, December 1993. January 1994.
Columba and the March Hare
January 1954, February 1956, February 1969, January 1973, January 1980.
Images: 3.1: Chuck Vaughn. 3.2, Akira Fujii. 3.3: Preston Scott Justis. 3.4: John Chumack. 3.5: Sky & Telescope. 3.6: NGS-POSS. 3.8: DSS-N. 3.10: DSS-S. 3.11: Martin C. Germano.
Intergalactic Wanderer and Extragalactic Wonders
March 1949. March 1956. March 1971, March 1975, April 1978, February 1980, February 1981. April 1984, April 1985, February 1989.
The Dynamic Duo
April 1947. March 1955, May 1987. June 1987, May 1988. May 1992.
Seeing Double, and a Mysterious Planetary in Lynx
February 1981.
The Beehive Challenge
March 1951, February 1959, April I960, March 1961, March 1963, March 1965.
March 1976. March 1981. February 1983. March 1984, February 1985, March 1988, April 1989, March 1990. January 1993.
Hydra Hysteria
March 1963, February 1967. March 1 1 ll-April 1971. March 1972, April 1972. March 1978, March 1981, May 1981, February
1983. March 1984. April 1984. May 1984. May 1991, May 1994.
The Ghost of Jupiter
May 1947. June 1947. May 1969. March 1970. April 1971. March 1978. March 1984. April 1984.
Images: 4.1: Preston Scott Justis. 4.2: NGS-POSS.,4.6: Akira Fujii. 4.4. 4.8: Martin C. Germano. 4.7: DSS-N.
The Grandeur of Omega Centauri
June 1956. June 1961, May 1965. May 1970. May 1973. June 1978. May 1979. May 1981, May 1984. May 1987. May 1988, February 1992. May 1994.
Galactic Visibility
May 1951. March 1962. April 1968, April 1969. March 1974. April 1976. March 1981.
April 1982. March 1983. April 1984. April
1985. March 1987, March 1988.
The Dwarfs that Dwell in Leo
March 1980. April 1990.
Hunting Galaxies in Leo
April 1948. March 1954. February 1958, April 1961. April 1963. March 1973. April 1977, March 1980, April 1982, March 1983. May 1983. April 1986, April 1987, April 1988, April 1989.
Lure of the Little Lion
May 1951. February 1952. March 1962.
April 1968. April 1969. March 1971. March
1974. April 1976. March 1981, April 1982.
March 1983. April 1984. April 1985, March
1987. March 1988.
Navigating Sextans
April 1964. April 1970. April 1971, March 1981. April 1982. April 1984. April 1985, March 1991.April 1992.
Images: 5.1a, 5.1 b. 5.2, Akira Fujii. 5.3,5.6: NGS-POSS. DSS-N. 5.7. 5.9: Chuck Vaughn. 5.11: Jeffrey Jones.
The Bowl of Night
April 1959, January 1963, May 1974. April
1980. May 1987, May 1992.
The Mystery of M102
February 1948. March 1952, February 1967. July 1980, July 1986. May 1991.
The Northern Deep-Sky Triangle
June 1977. May 1986. June 1986. April 1991.
The Wonder of M106
February 1948. April 1991.
Forgotten Corridors
May 1953, June 1964. May 1967. May 1972. June 1982. May 1985.
Cup and Crow
May 1948, April 1962, May 1966. April 1979, April 1981, May 1981. April 1983.
May 1985, May 1987. May 1988, June 1992. April 1994, June 1994.
Images: 6.1,6.2,6.3,6.4,6.5,6.6: Akira Fujii. 6.7: Kim Zussman. 6.8: National Maritime
Museum, London. 6.9,6.10: NGS-POSS.
6.11: DSS-N. 6.12: Harvey Freed. 6.13: Martin C. Germano. 6.14: George R. Viscome.
Peering into the Cat's Eye
August 1949, July 1967. May 1969, June 1969. June 1979, March 1982. July 1985. July 1986. May 1991.
The Crown Jewels
July 1988, July 1991. July 1993.
Dueling Globulars
MH: June 1958, June 1963, June 1976, September 1982. June 1983, January 1985, August 1986. June 1987, September 1989. July 1992, July 1993.
M5: June 1950. July 1958. June 1965, July
1973. July 1974, June 1980. June 1986.
The Orphans of Ophiuchus
August 1961.July 1979, July 1980. June
1981. August 1982. July 1983, June 1985, July 1985.
More Surprises in the Serpent Bearer
July 1967. August 1970. July 1971,September 1978, July 1980, June 1984. August 1984.
Naked-Eye Globular Clusters
July 1994.
Images: 7.1,7.7: Martin C. Germano. 7.2,7.4, 7.8: Akira Fujii. 7.3: Mt. Wilson and Palomar Observatories, courtesy the California Institute of Technology. 7.5: From The Scientific Papers of William Parsons, Third Earl of Rosse, 1800-1867. Collected and republished by the Hon. Sir Charles Parsons, K.C.B.. F. R. S., 1926. 7.6: Roger Sliva.
Scanning the August Pole and More Sights in Cepheus
September 1970, November 1972, December 1973, October 1974, November
1975, July 1985, December 1985. November 1986, November 1988, June 1992.
The Great Planetaries of Summer
August 1953, August 1962, August 1976. August 1980, July 1984, August 1987, July
1988. August 1989, August 1990.
The Dumbbell's Many Faces
September 1957, September 1963, August 1978, July 1984, July 1986, September 1986, September 1987, August 1990.
Houston's Uncertainty Principle
August 1989.
Telescopic Delights in Delphinus
October 1956, October 1961. August 1963, August 1967, October 1980, September 1991, August 1993.
Images: 8.1: NGS-POSS. 8.2: Robert Bickel. 8.3,8.10: Preston Scott Justis. 8.4,8.6: Martin C. Germano. 8.5,8.7,8.8: Akira Fujii. 8.9: DSS-N.
Wandering Through Lacerta, the Lizard October 1971, September 1972, January
1976, October 1977, October 1981, November 1982, August 1983, September
1989, November 1991. October 1992.
Cruising Through Cygnus
August 1948, September 1948. October 1948, September 1956, August 1965, September 1968. August 1972. September 1973. October 1973. August 1980, September 1980, October 1980, September 1981. September 1982. August 1983, October 1984. December 1985. September 1989. November 1991.
Unveiling the Veil
September 1966, December 1967. November 1969, September 1980, August 1983, July 1984. October 1984, September 1987. December 1987.
The Mystery of NGC 6811
September 1968, September 1973, October 1986. November 1988, December 1991.
Hunting Cosmic Pearls in Aquila September 1979, September 1982. September 1993.
Images: 9.1,9.2,9.5,9.7, 9.8: Martin C. Germano. 9.3: DSS-N. 9.4: Paul Lind. 9.6: Chuck Vaughn.
The Great Square of Pegasus
October 1961, October 1962. November 1977, October 1978, December 1978.
October 1983. November 1985, October 1988. January 1994.
Two Spectacular Autumn Globulars October 1952, October 1955, September 1962, November 1974, October 1978. October 1979, October 1980, July 1982, October 1982. October 1983. November 1985. December 1985, October 1988. November 1992.
Sweeping Through Sagitta
September. 1956, September 1958. August 1966. July 1979, September 1985. July 1986, September 1986.
Unraveling the Helix
October 1968. October 1969. October 1979, October 1984. December 1987.
November 1992.
A "Field Day" in the South
October 1985. October 1987.
Images: 10.1, 10.5: Akira Fujii. 10.2, 10.6, 10.10: Martin C. Germano. 10.3: Lee C.
Coombs. 10.4: DSS-S. 10.7: Mt. Wilson and Palomar Observatories, courtesy the California Institute of Technology. 10.8: NGS-POSS. 10.9: George R. Visconte.
The Cassiopeia Milky Way
January 1948, October 1953, October 1954. September 1967, December 1968, December 1969, November 1976, November 1981, September 1982, October 1983.
The Great Andromeda Galaxy
November 1946, November 1955, October 1958, January 1962, December 1976, December 1977, September 1980, November 1980, September 1981, November 1981, December 1981, November 1985, January 1986.
Sizing Up the Fish
November 1954, September 1959, December 1959, November 1973, November 1977.
The Splendors of Sculptor
October 1963, November 1970. August 1971, November 1972, October 1976, November 1988. December 1991.
The Naked-Eye Milky Way
November 1990.
Images: 11.1: Gerald Manley.,
11.7: Martin C. Germano. 11.3,11.4, 11.10a, 11.10b: Akira Fujii. 11.6: Preston Scott Justis. 11.8: Andrew Peters. 11.9: Royal Observatory, Edinburgh.
The Challenge of the Seven Sisters October 1950, January 1967, December 1971, October 1972, January 1975, December 1976, December 1977, December
1979. November 1980. December 1980, December 1982. November 1983. December 1983, December 1984, January 1985, December 1985. January 1988, November 1990, January 1994.
Taurus: The Observer's Paradise January 1979. December 1979. January 1981, December 1983, October 1992.
Targeting the Cetus Seyfert
January 1966. November 1974, December 1974, December 1984, December 1990.
Galaxy Chains in Cetus
November 1971, December 1974, December 1984, December 1990.
A Romp in the December Wonderland
December 1955, December 1983, November 1988.
Images: 12.1, Chuck Vaughn. 12.5: Dale E. Mais. 12.6: Martin C. Germano. 12.7: Preston Scott Justis. 12.8a-h: Dennis di Cicco.
* From the National Geographic Society-Palomar Observatory Sky Survey, courtesy the California Institute of Technology.
** From the Digitized Sky Survey, Southern Hemisphere, courtesy U. K. Schmidt Telescope Unit and NASA/AURA/STScI.
*** From the Digitized Sky Survey. Northern Hemisphere, courtesy the Palomar Observatory and NASA/AURA/STScI.
This bibliography lists the books, atlases, journals, and other published materials cited in the text. If a work is currently available in a new edition, the most recent bibliographical information is given.
Allen, R. H., Star Names: Their Lore and Meaning, New York, 1963: Dover Publications.
Alfonsine Tables. A set of astronomical tables widely used during the Middle Ages. Named after Alfonso X. King of Castille and Leon (1252-1284).
Archinal, B. 77ie “Non-Existent” Star
Clusters of the RNGC, Typeset and printed in Great Britain by Don Miles, Portsmouth: The Webb Society, 1993.
Aristotle, Meteorologica. In Greek, with English translation by H. D. P. Lee, Cambridge, 1952: Cambridge University Press.
Barns, C. E„ 1001 Celestial Wonders, as observed with home-built instruments, Morgan Hill, CA. 1927: Science Service Press; released in 1929 by Pacific Science Press.
Be^var, A., Atlas Coeli 11 Katalog 1950.0 (Atlas of the Heavens Catalogue 1950.0), Prague, 1960: Ceskoslovenske Academie.
Becvar. A., Skalnate Pleso Atlas of the Heavens, Cambridge. MA. 1964: Sky Publishing Corporation.
Bonner Durchmusterung Catalog. Bonn. Germany, 1855: Universitats-Sternwarte zu Bonn.
Brocchi. D. F., AAVSO Star Atlas, Cambridge, MA. 1936: American Association of Variable Star Observers.
Burnham, R., Jr., Burnham’s Celestial Handbook, (3 vols.) New York, 1978: Dover Publications.
Burritt, E. H.. Geography of the Heavens, New York. 1873: Sheldon and Company. (First published in 1833.)
Chambers, G. F., Descriptive Astronomy, Oxford. 1867: Clarendon Press.
Cragin. M., J. Lucyk, and B. Rappaport, The Deep-Sky Field Guide to Uranometria 2000.0, Richmond. VA. 1993: Willmann-Bell.
The Deep-Sky Observer, Journal of the Webb Society. Typeset and printed in Southsea, Hampshire. Great Britain for The Webb Society.
Dreyer, J. L. E., New General Catalogue of Nebulae and Clusters of Stars (1888). Index Catalogue (1895), Second Index Catalogue (1908), London, 1962: Royal Astronomical Society.
Encke. J. F., cd.. Astronomisches Jahrbuch fur 1834, Berlin, 1832: Druckerei der Konigl, Akademie der Wissenschaften.
Galilei, G„ The Sidereal Messenger (Sidereus nuncius). Translated, with introduction, conclusion, and notes by
Albert van Helden. Chicago, IL. 1989: University of Chicago Press.
Harrington, P.. Touring the Universe Through Binoculars. New York. 1990: John Wiley & Sons.
Hartung, E. J.. Astronomical Objects for Southern Telescopes. Cambridge, England, 1968: Cambridge University Press. (Republished in 1995 as Hartung’s Astronomical Objects for Southern Telescopes, 2nd ed., rev. and illus. by David Malin and David J. Frew.)
Hirshfeld. A.. R.W. Sinnott, and
F. Ochsenbein, eds.. Sky Catalogue 2000.0, Volume I: Stars to Magnitude 8.0, 2nd ed., Cambridge, MA. 1991: Sky Publishing Corporation and Cambridge University Press.
Hirshfeld. A., and R. W. Sinnott, eds..
Sky Catalogue 2000.0, Volume 2: Double Stars, Variable Stars, and Nonstellar Objects, Cambridge, MA, 1985: Sky Publishing Corporation and Cambridge University Press.
Hogg, H. S., Bibliography of Individual Globular Clusters, Publications of the David Dunlap Observatory, Vol. 1. No. 4. (1939), Vol. 11, No. 2 (1955). Vol. HI. No. 6 (1973),Toronto, Canada: University of Toronto Press.
Jones, K. G., Messier’s Nebulae and Star Clusters, Cambridge, England, 1991: Cambridge University Press.
Jones, K. G., ed., Webb Society Deep-Sky Observer's Handbook, Vol. 1. Double Stars, Short Hills, NJ, 1979: Enslow Publishers.
Jones, K. G., ed.. Webb Society Deep-Sky Observer’s Handbook, Vol. 2, Planetary and Gaseous Nebulae, Hillside, NJ, 1979: Enslow Publishers,
Jones, K. G., ed.. Webb Society Deep-Sky Observer’s Handbook, Vol. 3, Open and Globular Clusters, Hillside, NJ, 1980: Enslow Publishers.
Jones. K. G., ed., Webb Society Deep-Sky Observer's Handbook, Vol. 4, Galaxies, Hillside. NJ, 1981: Enslow Publishers.
Jones, K. G.. ed., Webb Society Deep-Skv Observer’s Handbook, Vol. 5, Clusters of Galaxies, Hillside, NJ, 1982: Enslow Publishers.
Jones. K. G., ed., Webb Society Deep-Skv Observer’s Handbook. Vols. 6-8, Anonymous Galaxies, Hillside. NJ, 1975: Enslow Publishers
Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada. Richmond Hill. Ontario: David Dunlap Observatory.
Kukarkin, B. V.. General Catalog of Variable Stars, Leiden.The Netherlands, 1949: Sternberg Astronomical Institute and International Astronomical Union.
Luginbuhl, C. B. and B. A. Skiff, Observing Handbook and Catalogue of Deep-Sky Objects, 2nd ed., Cambridge, England 1998: Cambridge University Press.
Mallas, J. H., and E. Kreimer, The Messier Album, Cambridge, MA, 1978: Sky Publishing Corporation.
McKready, K., A Beginner’s Star-Book, New York. 1923: G. P. Putnam’s Sons.
Mitchell, L., Mitchell’s Anonymous Catalog, self-published.
National Geographic Society, National Geographic Society-Palomar Observatory Sky Survey, Pasadena. CA. 1954,1958: California Institute of Technology.
Olcott, W.T.. Field Book of the Stars. New York. 1907: G. P. Putnam's Sons.
Perek, L., and L. Kohoutek, Catalogue of Galactic Planetary Nebulae, Prague. 1967: Academia Publishing House of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences.
Ridpath, I. A. Norton’s Star Atlas and Reference Handbook, 19th ed., Essex. England. 1998: Addison Wesley Longman. (First edition published in 1910.)
Ross, F. E.. and M. R. Calvert. Atlas of the Northern Milky Way, Chicago. 1934: University of Chicago Press.
Sagot. R.. and J. Texereau. Revue des constellations, Paris. 1964: Society astronomique de France.
Scovil, C. A.. AAVSO Star Atlas, Cambridge. MA, 1990: American Association of Variable Star Observers.
Serviss. G. P., Astronomy with the Naked Eye, New York. 1908: Harper and Brothers.
Serviss, G. P., Astronomy with an Opera-Glass, New York. 1888: D. Appleton and Company.
Serviss, G. P.. Pleasures of the Telescope, New York, 1901: D. Appleton and Company.
Shapley, H., Galaxies, Harvard Books on Astronomy, revised ed.. Cambridge, MA. 1961: Harvard University Press.
Shapley, H. and A. Ames, A Survey of the External Galaxies Brighter than the 13th Magnitude, Annals of the Astronomical Observatory of Harvard College. Vol. 88. No. 2.. Cambridge. MA.1932: Harvard College. (Note: this was revised in 1981. See Sandage. A., and G. A. Tammann, A Revised Shapley-Ames Catalog of Bright Galaxies, Washington. DC, 1981: Carnegie Institution, and again in 1987.)
Sinnott. R. W._ ed., NGC 2000.0: The Complete New General Catalogue and Index Catalogues of Nebulae and Star Clusters by J. L. E. Dreyer, Cambridge. MA. 1988: Sky Publishing Corporation and Cambridge University Press.
Sinnott, R. W., and M. A. C. Perryman, Millennium Star Atlas, Cambridge. MA, and Noordwijk.The Netherlands, 1997: Sky Publishing Corporation and European Space Agency.
Smyth, W. H.. The Bedford Catalogue, from A Cycle of Celestial Objects,
Vol. 2.. Richmond, VA. 1986: Willmann-Bell.
Smyth. W. H.. A Cycle of Celestial Objects, Vol. 1. London. 1844: J. L. Parker: Oxford. 1881. Clarendon Press.
Star Atlas (Workbook of the Heavens), Middletown, CT, 1968: American Education Publications.
Sulentic. J. W.. and W. G. Tifft. The Revised New General Catalogue of Nonstellar Astronomical Objects, Tucson. AZ, 1980: University of Arizona Press.
Tirion. W.. and R. W. Sinnott, Sky Atlas 2000.0, 2nd ed., Cambridge. MA. 1998: Sky Publishing Corporation and Cambridge University Press.
Tirion, W., B. Rappaport, and G. Lovi, Uranometria 2000.0, 2 vols., Richmond, VA, 1987: Willmann-Bell.
Vehrenberg, H., Atlas of Deep-Sky Splendors, 4th ed., Cambridge, MA, 1983: Sky Publishing Corporation and Cambridge University Press.
Webb, T. W.. Celestial Objects for Common Telescopes, Vol. 2. New York, 1962: Dover Publications.
Scotty loved to set challenges for observers, so it is appropriate that this distillation of his Sky & Telescope columns proved something of a challenge to index.
Scotty peppered his writing with references to past observers; how such deep-sky greats as Charles Messier; William, John and Caroline Herschel; Lord Rosse; William H. Smyth; and Thomas W. Webb described this or that object was an essential ingredient of his mix. To record every mention of the names that appear so often would have generated an unwieldy batch of index entries, so for these only a representative selection has been chosen. (The most frequently quoted of Scotty’s own correspondents have not been trimmed in this way.)
Included in this index are the use of various accessories (indexed individually) and important general tips and techniques (collected under “observing tips and techniques”). Telescope types are not indexed. Many specific instruments that Scotty and others used are indexed under the names of the observatories where they are located. Not included are Scotty’s own telescopes — he mentions his trusty 4-inch Clark refractor far too often.
In a sense, every Deep-Sky Wonders column threw out tests to its readers. A selection of these have been indexed under “challenges," along with a variety of targets historically regarded by amateur astronomers as tests of either their observing skills or equipment. (Many of these objects have been rendered less daunting over the years by advances in amateur telescope technology.) The “challenges” entry, along with some others that contain a dozen or more page references, has not been divided into subentries.
Every deep-sky object Scotty describes in the book is indexed here under its most familiar label. Thus, for example, the main entry for the Orion Nebula is under that name, rather than M42 or NGC 1976; such catalog numbers will also be found as cross-references. Stars mentioned in the text simply as guideposts are not indexed. There are no generic entries for types of deep-sky objects, such as spiral galaxies or dark nebulae. Again, this would have made for a number of unwieldy entries.
Object designations such as Theta (9) Orionis, FI Hydrae, and 19 Lyncis, which contain the genitive form of a constellation name, are indexed under thc constellation, in these cases under Orion. Hydra, and Lynx. Each constellation entry starts with the numbers of pages on which these and differently designated objects in that constellation are described.
Page numbers in boldface refer to photographs or illustrations and their captions. Numbers in italics refer to the tables of objects at the end of each chapter. The suffix n indicates a footnote.
"4-H cluster” see NGC 1664
AAVSO see American Association of
Variable Star Observers
Abbey, Leonard B„ Jr., 57
Abell, George, 113
Abell 426 see Perseus Cluster
Abell 1367,113,72/
Abell 2065 see Corona Borealis cluster of galaxies
Acamar (Theta Eridani) see Eridanus Achcrnar (Alpha Eridani) see Eridanus
Adams, R., 11
Alfonsine Tables, 16m
Allen. Richard H.,60,85,188 al-SUfl, 204,246
Altair (Alpha Aquilae) see Aquila Alvan Clark & Sons, 6n amateur astronomy, 277-8 development of, 39-40,49,50-52, 105-7,114,155-6,211,219
Ambrosi, Dave, 11
American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO), 27,45,269, 277
American Astronomical Society, 277 Ames, Adelaide, 81m
Amici prism, 237
Andromeda, 95, 245-8
Andromeda Galaxy (M31), 45,204,
Antares (Alpha Scorpii) see Scorpius Antennae see Ring-tail Galaxy Antlia, 92
Aquarius, 224-6, 230-33,235
Aquila, 210-13,227
Altair (Alpha [otj Aquilae), 185.
Aratus, 85,118
Archinal, Brent, 12
Aristotle, 63
Arizona, University of, 36-inch reflector, 131
Aselli, 85n
Ashbrook, Joseph, 82
Astrofest (convention), 210 Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 278
astrophotography, 6-7, 111, 226 photographs vs. visual appearance, 3,5-6,8,38,43,110, 111,125,134,142,153,158, 160,163,180-81,209,227. 246,263
atmosphere, quality of see sky conditions
atmospheric absorption, 75,79,101
Auriga, 64-8.65
averted vision, 44-6
Baade, Walter, 247
Barker, Ed, 167,229-30
Barlow lens, 69,88,126,153-4,176, 183,223,274
Barnard, E. E., 5,7.34,60,165,182.
Barnard’s Loop (Sh2-276), 5-6,6,25
Barnard 33 see Horsehead Nebula
Barnard 64,164,77/
Barnard 168,203,214
Barnard 201,19,25
Barnard 259, 165,77/
Barnhart, Stephen, 7
Barns, Charles E., 16,124,206
Bartek, Mr., 11
Bartels. John F., 6,51,207,219
Bayer. Johann, 85, 100
Bc^var, Antonin, 12n
Beehive (Praesepc, M44), 84-7, 85. 87.
Belt of Orion. 8
Beowulf, 84—5
Berkeley 10.32.32,47
Berlin Observatory, 81
Bevis, John, 267
Big Dipper, 108,123.123-7
"Big Four" of Perseus (NGC 869 and
884. M34. M76, NGC 1499), 36
Bigourdan, Guillaume, 105
Birr Castle Observatory (of Lord
36-inch reflector, 4
72-inch reflector (“Leviathan of
Parsonstown”), 37n, 180
Boardman, L. J„ 45
Bochart de Saron, Jean-Baptiste-
Gaspard, 134
Bode. Johann, 38,81.195
Bond, George P., 246
Bortle, John, 8,35,159
“Box Nebula" see NGC 6309
Bradley, James, 59
Branchett, Brenda, 116. 117
Branchett, D., 164
Brashear. John, 142
Brennan. Pat, 11-15,31,165,199,229
Brocchi, Dalmiro F., 27.76
Brocchi’s cluster, 229
Brooks. William R.,28
Brown, Douglas, 29
Brown, James P., 195
Buffham, W„ 224
Burnham. Robert, Jr., 19,28,176
Burnham, Sherburne W., 61,77,83,
Burnham 576, 82, 96
Burritt, Elijah H., 75
Burton, Tom, 231
Buta, Nancy, 83
Buta. Ronald, 81, 83
Caelum, 69
Cain, Lee, 207
California Nebula (NGC 1499), 33-6,
Camelopardalis, 14,27-33,177
SZ Camelopardalis, 31
Campbell, Leon, 269
Cancer, 84-9
Canes Vcnatici, 125,131-5,179
Cor Coroli (Alpha [ex] Canum Venaticorum), 132; see also “Deep-Sky Triangle”
Canis Major, 61-5
Sirius (Alpha [a] Canis Majoris), 61-4,62. 73,83,257
Cannon 3-1,167,171
Capricornus, 234-5
Carpenter, Dr., 11
Carrington. Richard, 263
Cassiopeia, 16.17,241-5
Castor (Alpha Geminorum) see Gemini
catalogs, descriptions in vs. visual appearance, 12-15,29,36,55-6, 80,103,116-17,173,174.229,246, 251,266,271,272
cataracts see under visual acuity
Cat's Eye Nebula (NGC 6543), 151-4, 152.777
Centaurus, 93,99-102
Alpha (a) Centauri, 62 Omega (to) Cen (NGC 5139), 99-102,100,101. 722
Cepheus, 87,173-9
Cetus, 46,269-75
challenges, 5-11.23. 33-6,49,51-2.
57-60,102-5,131-2,180-81,198, 204-8,209-10,213.229,255, 263-5
Chambers, George F.. 160
Chapin, Bruce, 95
Chaple, Glen, Jr., 163
Cheseaux, Phillippc de, 52
Christensen, Tommy, 208-9 circumpolar, 79
Clark, Alvan G.. 6n. 61
Clark, Jeannie, 37
Clark, Tom, 37,99
Clerke, Agnes, 261
Cochran. Harry, 231
Cocoon Nebula (IC 5146), 202-3,274
Coe, Steve, 226,253,256
Colfax Observatory, 8
Collindcr 256, 136,147
Columba, 68-70
Coma Berenices, 136-7
Coma-Virgo cluster of galaxies, 136
Combs, Christine, 151 common proper motion, 177 constellations
(changes to) boundaries, 75,82, 160,175,226
history, 114-15,117-18,195 as signposts, 218
Cooke, S. R. B., 11
Copeland, Leland S., 77
Cor Coroli (Alpha Canum
Venaticorum) see Canes Venatici
Corn, James. 11,29.46,103,204
Corona Borealis cluster of galaxies (Abell 2065), 156.156,171
Corona Borealis, 154-6
R Coronae Borealis, 154-5,155, 172
T CrB, 127,155,155,772
Corvus, 140, 142-5
Cox, Robert E., 275
Crab Nebula (Ml), 267-8.268,277.
Crater, 142-5
craters, terrestrial, 105
Cuffey, J., 66
Curtis, Heber D., 218.229
Cygnus, 175,200-210
52 Cygni, 206,207,214
Deneb (Alpha [a] Cyg), 185
SS Cyg, 127
Cyrus. Charles, 82
Cysat, Johann, 3
Darquier, Antoine. 179 d'Arrest. Heinrich, 29.40,88,224, 264
Davey, William, 55
Dawes. William, 177
Dawes limit, 82
De Chesaux's comet, 222
Dearborn Observatory, 61 deep-sky filters see nebula filters “Deep-Sky Triangle” (Eta [r|] Ursae Majoris. Alpha [oc] Canum Venaticorum, Gamma [y] Bootis), 129.130
Delphinus (Job's Coffin), 186-91, 187
Alpha (a) Delphini, 189. 792 Beta (P) Del, 82,96,188-9, 792 Gamma (y) Del. 188,792 Theta (6) Del. 191,193
Delporte, Eugene, 175
Deneb (Alpha Cygni) see Cygnus Denning, William, 29,263 di Cicco, Dennis, 18, 159
Dorpat Observatory, 31m
Double Cluster (h and Chi [%j Persei, NGC 869 and 884), 15-19,16,17,25,276,287
Double Double (Epsilon [e] Lyrae) see Lyra
Draco, 151—4
Draper, Henry, 4
Dreyer, J. L. E., 11,234
Dumbbell Nebula (M27), 182-4,183. 792,204-5
Dunlop, James, 23
ecliptic, 151-2
Epstein, Lewis, 278
Eratosthenes, 226
Eridanus, 41-6
Acamar (Theta [0] Eridani), 42 Achernar (Alpha [a] Eri), 41-2,
ESO 351-G30 see Sculptor Dwarf Galaxy
ESO 356-4 see Fornax System
Espin. Thomas E., 202
Evans. Robert. 167.277
Everhart. Edgar, 202,207 extinction see atmospheric absorption
eyepieces see also Barlow lens
Erfle, 67,207
Konig, 131
monocular, 35
Nagler, 113,224 occulting bar in, 114 orthoscopic, 35 Plossl, 54,153,207 wide-field, 19,54
eyesight see visual acuity
Farrar, Leonard P., 8,231
Feijth. Hank, 247
filters see nebula filters
Finkelstein. Jan, 232
Flammarion, Camille, 88,92,146
Flamsteed, John. 63
Flynn, E. D„ 101
Fornax Group of galaxies, 20-23,21
Fornax System (ESO 356-4), 22-3.25
Fornax, 20-24,20
Alpha (a) Fornacis, 21,25
Frederici Honores, 195
Galbraith. William. 103
Galileo Galilei, 3,16,85
Gardner, Michael, 153
Gauthier. G., 242,243
gegenschein, 52
Gemini, 52-61
Castor (Alpha [a] Geminorum),
57-61.58,59, 72
Pollux (Beta [p] Gem). 57
YY Gem, 60;
Ghost of Jupiter (NGC 3242), 93,94.
Gingerich. Owen, 90. 111-12,125
Gleason, Geoffrey, 59
Gottlieb. Steve, 232
Grabenhorst, Fred, 103
Grunwald. Mark, 7, 231,232
Grus. 237-8
Hahn. Friedrich von, 180
Halbach, Ed. 40
Hale Telescope see Palomar Mountain
Halley, Edmond, 100,132,157
Halley’s Comet, 53,185,233,267
Hansen, Todd, 23,229
Harrington, Philip, 119. 191,233
Hartung. Ernst J., 23,166
Harvard Observatory, 15-inch refractor, 4,246
Hastings, Charles. 142
HB 12,247
HB 64. 247
HB 90. 248
HB 254,247
H-beta (HP) filters see nebula filters
Heartwell, Bryce, 207
Heidelberg Observatory, 16-inch refractor, 114
Heintz, Wulff D„ 177
Helix Nebula (NGC 7293), 230-33,
Henzl filters, 207
Hercules, 157-60
Herring, Alika, 231
Herschel, Caroline, 90,243,244,253
Herschel. John. 4,15.22,23,58.70-71,
83-4.94,100, 133,161, 173, 176,
179, 253,271
Herschel. William, 3-4, 15, 49, 50, 52, 58,67,76,83-4,92,111,137,137, 205-6,266-7,271
Hevelius, Johann. 75. 114,118
Hind, John Russell, 164,267
Hind’s Variable Nebula (NGC 1555),
Hipparchus, 16.85
Hogg, Helen Sawyer, 129,134
Holden. Edward S„ 181,234
Holden. William, 92
Holetschck, Johann, 111-12, 113
Horsehead Nebula (B33), 5,6-9,7.25,
“Houston’s Uncertainty Principle,” 186
Hubble, Edwin, 11,247
Hubble’s Variable Nebula (NGC 2261), 25
Huggins, William, 4,46,152
Hurst, Guy. 66,67,198
Huygens, Christiaan, 3
Hyades (Melotte 25), 265,276,281 Hydra, 89-95: FI Hydrae, 92,96 “Hydra Hysteria," 89-93
IAU see International Astronomical Union
IC 342,29,47
IC410.66, 72
IC418.71, 72
IC 434,7.7,25
IC 591,107,727
IC 1296,182, 792
IC 1318,202,214
IC 1434,198,274
IC 1459,237,259
IC 1470. 178,792
IC 2156.57. 72
IC2157,57, 72
IC 2196,61, 72
IC 3568,29.47
IC 4665.163,171 ■
1C4756, 163.171
IC 4997,229,259
IC 5070 see Pelican Nebula
IC 5146 see Cocoon Nebula
IC5217, 199,199,274
IC 5269,237,259
IC 5271,236,259
IC 5273,237,259
Ilile, Abraham, 170
International Astronomical Union (IAU), and constellation boundaries, 75,82
IRAS-Araki-Alcock, Comet, 184
James, Thomas, 86
Job’s Coffin see Delphinus
Johnson. Gus E„ 168
Johnson, Richard, 6
Jonckheere. Robert, 246
Jones, Kenneth Glyn, 57,90,161. 226,266
Kaier, James B„ 23
Karnes, Stephan, 232
Kemble. Lucian J„ 30,33.35
Kemble's Cascade, 30-32.31,47
Keystone of Hercules, 158
Kinney, William, 247
Kirch, Gottfried. 160,168
Klein, Fred, 23
Knight, Stephen, 264
Kobayashi-Berger-Milon, Comet, 225
Koken, Harry, 101
Komorowski.Ted, 7,231
Konecny, Marton, 210
Konst, Joanne. 208,232
Krumenaker, Larry, 7
Lacaillc, Nicolas-Louis de, 92
Lacerta, 15,195-9
8 Lacertae, 196.274
Lassell, William,,267
Le Gentil, Jean-Baptiste, 202
Leo, 105-14
Regulus (Alpha |cx] Leonis).
Leo 1.105, 106, 107,121
Leo II, 107,107-8,72/
Leo Minor, 78.102-5,114-17
Leonard, Arthur, 19,54,87
Lepus, 68,70-71
“Leviathan of Parsonstown" (72-inch reflector) see Birr Castle Observatory
Lick Observatory, 36-inch refractor, 267
Liddell, J. P„ 18
light-pollution reduction filters see nebula filters
Lima, Ray, 231
Ling, Alister, 35,201
Little Dumbbell (M76), 36-8,37,47
Local Group of galaxies, 29,107
Lossing, Fred, 51,232,263
Lovi, George, 75
low surface brightness (LSB), 34-5, 249,271
LSB see low surface brightness
Luginbuhl, Christian, 146
Lumicon filters, 6,8,49,51,95,169, 199,208.213,224
Lundmark, Knut, 10
Lynx, 75-9,82-4
19 Lyncis, 82,96 Alpha (a) Lyn, 78
Lyra, 179-82,186
Delta (8) Lyrae, 186,792 Double Double (Epsilon [e] Lyr), 186,792
Vega (Alpha [a] Lyr), 185,186, 193
Zeta (Q Lyr, 186.193
Ml see Crab Nebula
M2, 170,777,224-6,225,239
M4, 157, 169. 169. 777,258
M5, 139. 139.147,160-61.161. 168. 77/
M9, 162,164,164,171
M14. 157
M27 see Dumbbell Nebula
M31 see Andromeda Galaxy
M33 see Triangulum Spiral
M35,52-5,53,57, 72
M36,64,66. 72,277,287
M37,64,65.65-6, 72
M38,64,66, 72,276,271,281
M41.62.62-3.64, 72
M42 see Orion Nebula
M44 see Beehive
M45 see Pleiades
M51 see Whirlpool Galaxy
M53,136, 747
M57 see Ring Nebula
M63 see Sunflower Galaxy
M65,111-12,112, 727
M74.249. 249,250,259
M76 see Little Dumbbell
M77. 270-72, 272,281
M79, 70-71,70, 72,211,281
M81.79,80, 80,81,82,96
M82,79,80, 80,81,96,125
M92, 157,170,777
M95,108-9,109, 727
M96,108-9,109, 727
M97 see Owl Nebula
M100. 168
Ml 03,79
M104 see Sombrero Galaxy
M106.125,134-5,135, 747
M108,124,124, 125,747
M110, 245, 248.259
Machholz, Don, 89,126 magnitudes of deep-sky objects, reasons for differences in, 271
Mallas, John, 5,92,93,112,131,146,
160,165. 183,224,226,228
Maraldi, Jean-Dominique, 222,225
Marseilles Observatory, 31-inch reflector, 182
Marth, Albert, 49-50,182,222
Mattei, Mike, 95
McDonald, Lee, 105,107
McDonald Observatory, 30-inch telescope, 81
McMahon, James H., 231
Mechain, Pierre, 70,92, 108,109-10, 111,128-9,227,249-50,271
Meek, Joseph, 27,127
Meier, Rolf, 51
Meketa, Jim, 232
Melotte 25 see Hyades
Melotte 1 1 1 see Collinder 256
Meropc (23 Tauri) see Taurus
Merope Nebula (NGC 1435), 263-5, 264, 276
Messier catalog
additions to, 125,127-9, 145-6 origin of. 267
Messier marathon, 235
Messier, Charles, 16,38, 52,90,92-3,
108, 111, 127-8,134-5,225,227, 267,271
micrometer, 59-60
Milky Way, 36,44-5.65.66, 139.185.
217.241,247.257.277 boundaries, 184-5.186 in Eastern legend, 258 individual stars, visibility of, 86 as naked-eye object, 256
Milton. Russell, 102
Milwaukee Astronomical Society,
13-inch reflector. 39.40,55,235 "missing” objects see “nonexistent” objects
Mitchell, Larry. 38
Monnig. Oscar, 127
Monoceros, 12,49-51
12 Monocerotis, 50 Morales, Ronald, 44,78,91,95, 111, 115,116,131,135,143,145. 156-7,166,167,191,245,252, 253,274
Moseley, Robert, 213
Mount Wilson Observatory, 5,127
60-inch reflector, 153
100-inch reflector, 224
Nakamoto, Tokuo, 95,111,115,237, 248
naked eye, faint objects visible to, 10-11,49,52-3,63,80,84-5,86, 139,161,181.218-19,223,224-5, 256,264
nebula filters (light-pollution reduction filters), 34,38,49,52,84,
230,232,268 deep-sky, 169
H-beta (HP). 8-9
O 111,6,34,84,199.213,224 ultrahigh-contrast (UHC), 6,49, 51-2,95,201,207.208.232, 273
nebulium, 153
Newcomb, Simon, 18,277
NGC 1,221,239
NGC 2,221,239
NGC 16,219,239
NGC 40,178.178,192
NGC 55,254-5,254.259
NGC 128,250,259
NGC 129,244,259
NGC 133,244,259
NGC 134,253,259
NGC 146,243,259
NGC 147,248,259
NGC 178,275,287
NGC 185,248.259
NGC 188,87,175-6,792
NGC 205 see Ml 10
NGC 210,274.28/
NGC 221 see M32
NGC 224 see Andromeda Galaxy
NGC 225,244,259
NGC 246,46,47,274,287
NGC 253,252,252.259
NGC 255,274,237
NGC 288,252,252.259
NGC 300,253,253,259
NGC 309,274,287
NGC 362,224
NGC 436,242.259
NGC 457,242, 242,259
NGC 470.250-51,259
NGC 474,250,259
NGC 524,250,259
NGC 578,275,237
NGC 584.273,281
NGC 586,273,281
NGC 596.273,237
NGC 598 see Triangulum Spiral
NGC 604. 11.25
NGC 615,273,23/
NGC 628 see M74
NGC 636,273,287
NGC 650-51 see Little Dumbbell
NGC 782,42,47
NGC 869 see Double Cluster
NGC 884 see Double Cluster
NGC 991,273,237
NGC 1022,272,28/
NGC 1032,272,281
NGC 1035,273,237
NGC 1039 see M34
NGC 1048,273,287
NGC 1049,22,23,25
NGC 1052,273,237
NGC 1068 see M77
NGC 1073,272,237
NGC 1084,273,232
NGC 1087,272,232
NGC 1129,40.47
NGC 1130,40,47
NGC 1131,40,47
NGC 1232,43-4,47
NGC 1275,40-41,41,47
NGC 1297.43.47
NGC 1300,43.43,47
NGC 1316,22,25
NGC 1317,22,25
NGC 1318,22,25
NGC 1325,44
NGC 1325A, 44,47
NGC 1332.44.47
NGC 1360,23-4,25
NGC 1365,21,22,25
NGC 1435 see Merope Nebula
NGC 1440,44,47
NGC 1499 see California Nebula
NGC 1501 see Oyster Nebula
NGC 1502.30-31,31.47
NGC 1514, 266. 266,252
NGC 1531.43,47
NGC 1532.43,47
NGC 1535,45-6. 46,47
NGC 1555 see Hind’s Variable Nebula
NGC 1569,29,47
NGC 1637.44.47
NGC 1662,12,25
NGC 1664 (“4-H cluster"), 67-8, 72
NGC 1708,14-15,14,25
NGC 1746,266,252
NGC 1792.69,69. 72
NGC 1807,265-6,282
NGC 1808,69,69, 72
NGC 1817.266.282
NGC 1851,69, 72
NGC 1857,67, 72
NGC 1883,68, 72
NGC 1893.66, 72
NGC 1904 see M79
NGC 1907.68. 72,276
NGC 1912 see M38
NGC 1931,66, 72
NGC 1952 see Crab Nebula
NGC 1960 see M36
NGC 1976 see Orion Nebula
NGC 2024,7,25
NGC 2063,14,25
NGC 2068 see M78
NGC 2090,69. 72
NGC 2099 see M37
NGC 2126,68, 72
NGC 2158.53.54,55-7,56. 72
NGC 2168 see M35
NGC 2169,12.25
NGC 2180,13.14,25
NGC 2184.13-14,13,25
NGC 2237-39 see Rosette Nebula
NGC 2244,49-51.50. 72
NGC 2251,12,25
NGC 2261 see Hubble’s Variable
NGC 2276,173-4.192
NGC 2281,68. 72
NGC 2287 see M41
NGC 2292,64,64. 72
NGC 2293,64.64. 72
NGC 2295, 64.64. 72
NGC 2300,173-4.192
NGC 2403, 27-9, 28.47
NGC 2410,61, 72
NGC 2419.76,76-7,96
NGC 2469, 84, 96
NGC 2474,83,96
NGC 2475,83,96
NGC 2500,78, 96
NGC 2537,78,96
NGC 2541,78,96
NGC 2548 see M48
NGC 2549,78,96
NGC 2552,79,96
NGC 2610.90,91,96
NGC 2632 see Beehive
NGC 2642,90,96
NGC 2667A, 88,96
NGC 2667B. 89,96
NGC 2672.88,88.96
NGC 2673,88,88.96
NGC 2677,89.97
NGC 2682 see M67
NGC 2683,77,97
NGC 2713,90,97
NGC 2749,88,97
NGC 2763,91,97
NGC 2764,88,97
NGC 2781,91,97
NGC 2782,79,97
NGC 2787,81,97
NGC 2793,78,78.97
NGC 2811,91. 97
NGC 2831,77-8,97
NGC 2832, 77. 78. 97
NGC 2844, 79. 97
NGC 2848.91,97
NGC 2851,91.97
NGC 2855,91.97
NGC 2859, 78, 78. 97, 116,121
NGC 2889. 91,97
NGC 2903, 110. 110-11,72/
NGC 2905.110-11,121
NGC 2962.90, 97
NGC 2967, 90. 97
NGC 2976,81,97
NGC 2985,81.97
NGC 2992.91,97
NGC 2993,91,97
NGC 2997,92.97
NGC 3003,116-17.72/
NGC 3021,116-17,121
NGC 3031 see M81
NGC 3034 see M82
NGC 3077,81,97
NGC 3109,91,97
NGC 3115 see Spindle Galaxy
NGC 3130,113-14,121
NGC 3145,91,98
NGC 3158,105. 727
NGC 3162,113,121
NGC 3163,105,727
NGC 3172 see Polarissima
NGC 3177,113, 727
NGC 3184,115,727
NGC 3185,113, 727
NGC 3190,113,121
NGC 3193,113,121
NGC 3200,92,98
NGC 3242 see Ghost of Jupiter
NGC 3245,116, 727
NGC 3294,117,727
NGC 3344,115,115-16, 72/
NGC 3351 see M95
NGC 3368 see M96
NGC 3379 see M105
NGC 3389,110,121
NGC 3395,117, 727
NGC 3396,117, 72/
NGC 3414,103,104. 722
NGC 3486,103,104. 722
NGC 3504. 103, 104, 722
NGC 3556 see Ml08
NGC 3587 see Owl Nebula
NGC 3588, 113, 722
NGC 3593. 112. 722
NGC 3610.126,147
NGC 3613, 126,147
NGC 3619,126.147
NGC 3623 see M65
NGC 3627 see M66
NGC 3634.142,147
NGC 3635.142,747
NGC 3637,142,147
NGC 3642,126,147
NGC 3672,142,147
NGC 3683,126,147
NGC 3690,126,147
NGC 3732,142,147
NGC 3738,126,147
NGC 3756,126, 747
NGC 3842,113,722
NGC 3865,142,147
NGC 3887,141,141, 747
NGC 3894,126,147
NGC 3898,126,147
NGC 3945,126,147
NGC 3982,126.147
NGC 3992 see Ml09
NGC 4027,145,148
NGC 4036,126.148
NGC 4038-39 see Ring-tail Galaxy
NGC 4041,126,748
NGC 4147,137,748
NGC 4153,137,748
NGC 4217,125,748
NGC4258see Ml06
NGC 4321 see Ml00
NGC 4361,142-4,143, 748
NGC 4590 see M68
NGC 4594 see Sombrero Galaxy
NGC 4605.126.748
NGC 4782.145,748
NGC 4783, 145.148
NGC 4792. 145. 748
NGC 4794, 145.148
NGC 4814. 126,148
NGC 4868.132, 748
NGC 4914, 132,148
NGC 5005,132,148
NGC 5024 see M53
NGC 5033,132,148
NGC 5053,136,148
NGC 5055 see Sunflower Galaxy
NGC 5085.92,98
NGC 5101,92,98
NGC 5139 see Omega (w) Centauri
NGC 5150,92,98
NGC 5194 see Whirlpool Galaxy
NGC 5195.130.148
NGC 5198,132,148
NGC 5236 see M83
NGC 5253,93,98,253
NGC 5272 see M3
NGC 5296,179
NGC 5350,133,148
NGC 5353,133,148
NGC 5354,133,148
NGC 5371,133, 748
NGC 5390,133
NGC 5457 see M101
NGC 5694,93,98
NGC 5740, 138,148
NGC 5746,138.138.748
NGC 5846,139.748
NGC 5850.139, 748
NGC 5866,128-9,748
NGC 5904 see M5
NGC 6093 see M80
NGC 6121 see M4
NGC 6144,169.777
NGC 6205 see M13
NGC 6217, 174, 792
NGC 6218 see M12
NGC 6254 see M10
NGC 6266 see M62
NGC 6273 see M19
NGC 6284. 165.77/
NGC 6293. 165.77/
NGC 6309.167,/7/
NGC 6333 see M9
NGC 6341 see M92
NGC 6342,165,/7/
NGC 6356,165,171
NGC 6366,164,/72
NGC 6369,166,/72
NGC 6371 see Ml07
NGC 6402 see M14
NGC 6517,163,/72
NGC 6535,163-4,/72
NGC 6539,163,/72
NGC 6543 see Cat’s Eye Nebula
NGC 6572,167,/72
NGC 6633,167,172
NGC 6656 see M22
NGC 6681 see M70
NGC 6700,182,192
NGC 6713,182,792
NGC 6720 see Ring Nebula
NGC 6802,229,239
NGC 6803,213,274
NGC 6804.212,212-13,2/4
NGC 6811,208-210,209.2/4
NGC 6819.203,2/4
NGC 6822,107,122
NGC 6826,204,2/4
NGC 6838 see M71
NGC 6853 see Dumbbell Nebula
NGC 6866.203,2/4
NGC 6871,201,274
NGC 6879,229,289
NGC 6886,229,289
NGC 6891,191,792
NGC 6894,204,2/4
NGC 6902,233,289
NGC 6905,190.792
NGC 6910,201,2/4
NGC 6912.234,289
NGC 6913 see M29
NGC 6928. 191.792
NGC 6934. 190.190. 792
NGC 6939.174. 792
NGC 6946. 175. 792, 204.214
NGC 6956. 191,792
NGC 6960 see Veil Nebula
NGC 6979 see Veil Nebula
NGC 6981 see M72
NGC 6992-5 see Veil Nebula
NGC 6994 see M73
NGC 6997,201,214
NGC 7000 see North America Nebula
NGC 7006,189,189-90, 792
NGC 7009 see Saturn Nebula
NGC 7023,177.178,792
NGC 7078 see M15
NGC 7089 see M2
NGC 7092 see M39
NGC 7099 see M30
NGC 7129,179,192
NGC 7142,176,792
NGC 7172,233,234,239
NGC 7173,233,234,239
NGC 7174,233,234,239
NGC 7176,233.234,239
NGC 7209,196,197,197-8,214
NGC 7243.196.196-7,274
NGC 7245,198,274
NGC 7293 see Helix Nebula
NGC 7296,198,274
NGC 7317 see Stephan's Quintet
NGC 7318A see Stephan's Quintet
NGC 7318B see Stephan’s Quintet
NGC 7319 see Stephan's Quintet
NGC 7320 see Stephan's Quintet NGC 7331,199.274
NGC 7380.175.175, 792
NGC 7410.237,239
NGC 7418,237,239
NGC 7421.237
NGC 7424,237,239
NGC 7448, 220.239
NGC 7454,220.239
NGC 7456.237,240
NGC 7462,237.240
NGC 7469,220.240
NGC 7479.219-20. 220.240
NGC 7510,176,792
NGC 7534,251,259
NGC 7541,250,259
NGC 7552,237-8,240
NGC 7582,238,240
NGC 7590,238,240
NGC 7599.238.240
NGC 7619,221,240.251,259
NGC 7626.221,240.251,259
NGC 7635,244-5.259
NGC 7654 see M52
NGC 7662,95,98
NGC 7678,221,240
NGC 7772,221,240
NGC 7789,243.243.260
NGC 7819,221,240
NGC 7839,221,240
NGC 7840,221
•'nonexistent” objects
Messier objects, 90,127-9,235 NGC objects. 11-15,133,221, 226-7
North America Nebula (NGC 7000).
Northern Cross see Cygnus Nutley, Anthony, 8
O III filters see nebula filters
O'Brian, William, 231 observing tips and techniques
aperture mask. 83
for beginners, 45,129 binocular vision, 208
charts and their limiting magnitude, 140,211,269-70
clusters, drawing. 33 defocusing, 56
double stars. 83, 189
faint and diffuse objects, locating, 45
filter "flicking” or “flipping,” 51, 95,213,268,274
image contrast, maximizing, 271 iris diaphragm, 8
low-surface brightness objects,
occulting mask, 67
planetary nebulae, 153—4,166 rocking telescope to see faint objects, 29,246
scattered or stray light, reducing, 86,146,219,250
spectroscopic, 166-7 star-hopping, 118-19
strip method, 137-9
sweeping, 35 suboptimal skies, locating objects in, 17
telescopes, choice of, 242 see also averted vision occulting bar see under eyepieces Olcott, William Tyler, 114,140 O'Meara, Donna Donovan, 186 O'Meara, Stephen J., 86 Omega Centauri, 99.100,101,102,122 Ophiuchus, 162-7
70 Ophiuchi. 166, 777
BF Oph, 165,777
Orion, 1-9,2,12,13-14,257
Betelgeuse (Alpha [a] Orionis), pronunciation, 188
T Ori, 4,26
Theta (0) Ori see Trapezium
Zeta (0 Ori. 7,8
Orion Nebula (M42), 2-5,3.26,277,282 Orion’s Belt, 8
Orion's Sword, 3,8
Otto Struve 44 (OZ 44). 39,48
Owl Nebula, 124,124,148 Oyster Nebula (NGC 1501), 29,30,47 Palomar Mountain Observatory
48-inch Schmidt telescope, 12n.
77,105, 107, 133
200-inch Hale Telescope, 134 Pannekoek. Antonie, 185
Paris Observatory, 12-inch refractor 105
Parsons, William see Rosse, 3rd Earl of
Pasterfield, Dunstan, 167,176
Pazmino, John, 32
Pazmino's Cluster (Stock 23), 32-3,
Pease 1,224,240
Pegasus, 199-200,217-24
Peiresc, Nicolas, 3
Pelican Nebula (IC 5070), 201,201.
Peltier, Leslie C„ 7,28,127,225,263
Pennington, Harvard, 89
Perkins, Billy, 232
Perseus. 15-19,33-41
h and Chi (%) Persei see Double Cluster
Xi (£) Per, 35
Perseus A, 41
Perseus Cluster (Abell 426), 41.41.
Peterson, A. D„ 11
Peterson, Harold, 10 photography see astrophotography Pickering. Edward C„ 277 Pickering, William H., 5
Pisces, 248-51
Piscis Austrinus, 233,236
PK 38+12.1 see Cannon 3-1
PK 45-2.2,213,275
PK 52-2.2,213,275
PK 52-4.1,213,275
PK 164+31.1.83,83.98
PK 171-25.1,46,48
Pleiades (Seven Sisters. M45). 1. !"•
Pleinis, Michael, 231
Polaris (Alpha Ursae Minoris) see
Ursa Minor
Polarissima (NGC 3172), 173, 174, 193
Pollux (Beta Geminorum) see Gemini
Porter turret telescope see Stellafane
Praesepe see Beehive
precession, 2,152 prisms, 166,229,274
Amici prism, 237
Proctor, Richard A„ 185
Ptolemy, 16,16n, 100,118
Pulkovo Observatory, 31>!
Rachal. Darian, 8
radio observations, amateur, 40-41,267
Rattley, Gerry, 105,107,126
Regulus (Alpha Leonis) see Leo
Reiland, Tom, 178
Riddle, David, 232
Ring Nebula (M57), 179,189.193
Ring-tail Galaxy (Antennae, NGC
4038-39), 140,144. 144-5,149
Roberts, Isaac, 271
Rolwicz, Frank, 145
Romer. Jan. 159-60
Rosette Nebula (NGC 2237-39),
49-51,50. 73
Rosse, 3rd Earl of (Lord Rosse), 4,
37-8,37n, 76,83^1,105,124,131,
Royer, Augustin, 195
SI 47,205
Sagitta, 226-30,227
S Sagittae, 230,240
Theta (0) Sge, 230,240
Zeta (0 Sge, 230,240
Sagittarius. 233
Sagot, Robert, 23,54,95,174,197,243
Saturn Nebula (NGC 7009), 235-6,
Schlyter, Paul, 86
Schmidt. Joseph, 117
Schmidt. Robert, 77
Antares (Alpha [a] Scorpii), 83. 169,171.258
Scotten. George, 37
Sculptor Dwarf Galaxy (ESO 351-G30), 255,255.260
Sculptor group of galaxies, 254 Sculptor, 251-6
seeing see sky conditions
Serpens, 160-61,163
Serviss, Garrett P., 4,18,52,136,160.
Sextans. 117-20
Alpha (a) Sextantis, 117
Sh2-276 see Barnard's Loop Shapley. Harlow, 81n. 277
Simmons, Harold, 8
Simpson, Cliff, 40,267
Sirius (Alpha Canis Majoris) see Canis Major
Skalnate Pleso Observatory, 12/z Skiff, Brian, 17,51.52.56,63^1.67,88,
sky conditions, 17,35,82,84,185-6 measures of, 19.38,53,84-5,174, 218,236,246,261,263,273 see also atmospheric absorption
Smyth, William H„ 3,18,54,65,88.90, 94,110, 111, 128,153,158,160-61, 200,206,222,243
Snow, Margaret, 8,9,51
Sombrero Galaxy (Ml04), 145-6,146.
South Galactic Pole, 251
southern objects visible to northern observers, 19-24,41-4,68-71,93, 99-102,233-8,251-6
of meteors, 127
of NGC 1535,46
of Orion Nebula 4
of planetary nebulae, 152-3, 166, 213
spectroscope, direct-vision see prisms Spindle Galaxy (NGC 3115), 118-20,
119.120, 722
Square of Pegasus, 217-221,218 star-hopping, 118-19
Stebbins, Joel, 246
Stein. Mark K., 56.160
Stellafane (convention), 11,19,37,133,
Porter turret telescope, 12-inch, 19,117,125,159,181,183, 203,219-20,226,274,243 Stephan. Edouard, 182,186 Stephan's Quintet (NGC 7317,7318A,
7318B, 7319,7320), 199-200 Steward Observatory, 36-inch reflector, 4, 11,224
Stock 23 see Pazmino’s Cluster
Stockton, Edward, 232
Stoney, Bindon, 4.158-9
Stony Ridge Observatory, 30-inch reflector, 95,248
Struve, Otto, 31n
Struve, Wilhelm, 31n, 167,177,188 Struve 484 and 485 (E484 and £485),
Struve 1694(11694), 177,193
Struve 2894 (Z2894), 196,2/5
Struve 2923 (£2923), 177,193
Struve 2924 (Z2924), 177,193
Sulentic, Jack W., 11,14
Summer Triangle. 185,210.211.257 Sunflower Galaxy (M63), 132.132.147 Swift. Lewis, 23,50.91,113
Sword of Orion, 3,8
Taurus. 46.205,261-8
Merope (23 Tauri), 263-8.264
T Tau, 267,282
Taurus Poniatovii, 166
Taylor, N.. 231
Telescopium Herschelii, 76
Tempel, Wilhelm. 263
Tempest, Buddy, 231
Tennyson. Alfred. Lord, In test objects see challenges tests see sky conditions, visual acuity Texas Star Party, 34,151, 170.208.
Texereau, Jean, 9,23,54.95,174,197,
Thomson. Malcolm J.. 179
Thoreau, Henry David, 30
Tifft, William, 11
Tirion, Wil, 162
Tombaugh, Clyde, 63
Tombaugh 1.63-4, 73
Tombaugh 2.64, 73
Trapezium (Theta [0] Orionis). 3,26 Triangulum. 9-11,9
Triangulum Spiral (M33), 9-11,9.10.
Trouvelot. Leopold, 4
Tycho’s star. 244
U. S. Naval Observatory, 26-inch refractor, 181
U. S. Naval Research Laboratory, 45 ultrahigh-contrast (UHC) filters see nebula filters
universe, age of, 175n
Ursa Major. 79-82.115,123-7,173
10 Ursae Majoris, 82,96
Ursa Minor, 173-4
Polaris (Alpha [a] Ursae Minoris), 173,177,193
Van Vleck Observatory see
Wesleyan University
Vanderbilt University, 6-inch refractor, 34
Vega (Alpha Lyrae) see Lyra
Vehrenberg, Hans, 164,232
Veil Nebula (NGC 6960. 6979. 6992-5). 204-8. 205,2/5
Vince, Samuel, 225
Virgo, 137-9,145-6 visual acuity, 10,45,52,63,206 binocular vision, 232 effect of cataract surgery, 94-5,
143,153 tests for, 34 variation in, 223
Vulpecula, 182^1
Wallcnquist, Ake, 39
Warner Observatory, 16-inch refractor, 91
Washburn Observatory, 234,246 6-inch refractor. 77.188 15/2-inch refractor, 92
Webb. Thomas W., 18,38,39,55.59, 63,159.169,183,191,200,222, 224
Welch. Doug, 247
Wesleyan University (Van Vleck Observatory), 20-inch refractor, 91,111,116,142,161,164.169, 181.225,228.242
Whirlpool Galaxy (M51). 130.131-2.
Wilds, Richard, 206
Wilson, Barbara, 190,254
Wilson, Thomas W„ 248
Winnecke, August, 23
Winter Star Party, 37.42,99,169
Wolf, Max, 114
Wolfe. Agnes, 204
Wooten, Wayne, 8
zodiacal band/light. 52,211
Walter Scott Houston was an amateur's amateur, a man who could grind a mirror as well as he could estimate the magnitude of a cataclysmic variable or explain how to see dim details in a galactic nebula. Scotty, as he was known to everyone, was a groundbreaker and a ground shaker — generally the first to announce an observing trend and predict its promise or demise. He filled his Deep-Sky Wonders columns with observational magic and fueled the imaginations of countless skywatchers.
From the introduction by Stephen James O'Meara
ISBN 0-933346-93-X
Scotty was referring to the poem Locksley Hall by Alfred, Lord Tennyson. One stanza in particular is a favorite of stargazers:
"Many a night I saw the Pleiads, rising through the mellow shade,
Glitter like a swarm of fireflies tangled in a silver braid."
From Serviss's 1901 book Pleasures of the Telescope. Serviss was a well-known science popularizer and early science-fiction writer.
Renowned optical firm Alvan Clark & Sons of Cambridge, Massachusetts, supplied finely crafted telescopes to both amateur and professional astronomers from 1850 to 1958.
The National Geographic Society-Palomar Observatory Sky Survey is an atlas of 1,830 photographs taken with the 48-inch Schmidt telescope on Palomar Mountain.
Now out of print, this atlas, compiled by Antonin Begvar and his colleagues at the Skalnate Pleso Observatory (in the former Czechoslovakia), was first published in 1948 under the Latin name Atlas Coeli 1950.0. Sky Publishing released it with an English title in 1962. Its successor is Sky Atlas 2000.0 (now in its second edition) by Wil Tirion and Roger W. Sinnott.
The Alfonsine Tables comprise some of the earliest-known lists of planetary positions for various dates, based on Ptolemy's models of planetary motions. They were named after the 13th-century King Alfonso X of Leon and Castile, a devoted patron of astronomy.
The closest point of approach of two stars during their orbit around their center of mass.
mentioned earlier. The planetary is slightly oval and about 8" long (Figure 9.3). Although it should be visible in a 6-inch telescope, larger apertures will make the lask of locating this object easier. Il will show as a disk at magnifications of lOOx Or more. There is a central star of magnitude 14.6, but 1 know of no amateur sight-ln8s of it. With a Lunticon O III filter I have seen IC 5217 with the 4-inch Clark.
There are no bright Lacerta galaxies, but NGC 7331 lies just over the line in egasus. It is a lOth-magnitude spindle about 10' x 2' in extent. A 2-inch finder ^veals it with effort, but it shows well in my 5-inch Japanese binoculars. NGC
I is of current astronomical interest because of a possible link with Stephan’s